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Development of Problem Solving-Based Business and Energy E-Modules to Improve Students Higher Order Thinking Skills
Rini Lestari Dalimunthe(a*), Derlina (b), Rita Juliani (b)

a,b) State University of Medan, Medan, Indonesia
* rinidalimunthe16[at]


The problem faced so that research was made is that Problem Solving-based teaching materials have never been used in the learning process. This study aims to develop problem solving-based business and energy e-modules, as well as determine the level of validity of the developed business and energy e-modules. This type of research is an educational development research using a 4-D model. This model consists of four stages, namely define (definition), design (design), develope (development), and desseminate (dissemination). The instruments used are observation sheets, questionnaires, and learning outcomes tests. The e-module was tested on teachers and 30 students at SMA N 11 Medan. The results of the validity of the e-module were analyzed using a Likert scale. The results of the validity of the media expert obtained an average value of 88.3% and the validity of the e-module material expert obtained an average value of 90.5% with the category having high validity. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the problem solving-based business and energy e-module to improve student HOTS developed was valid.

Keywords: e-module- Problem Solving- 4-D Development Model

Topic: Curriculum, Research and Development

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Rini Lestari Dalimunthe)

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