Development of 3D Animation-Based Learning Media With a Scientific on the Sub-theme of Colonial National Events in Class V of SD Negeri 085115 Sibolga.
Rukmini Elysa Simanungkalit(1*), Samsidar Tanjung(2), Wildansyah Lubis(3)

Postgraduate Basic Education Study Program
Medan State University


Rukmini Elysa Simanungkalit, NIM. 8186182017. Development of 3D Animation-Based Learning Media With a Scientific on the Sub-theme of Colonial National Events in Class V of SD Negeri 085115 Sibolga. Thesis of the Postgraduate Basic Education Study Program. Medan State University. 2022.

This research aims to: (1) determine the feasibility of 3D animation video-based learning media with a scientific on the sub-theme of the colonial era national event at SD Negeri 085115 Sibolga. and (2) Knowing the effectiveness of learning media based on 3D animation video with a scientific on the sub-theme of the national events of the colonial era effectively at SD Negeri 085115 Sibolga. This type of research is Research & Development (R&D). The development model used is a 4-D development model. The research method consists of two stages, namely the first stage to develop learning multimedia and the second stage to test the effectiveness of the product. The results of the study indicate that the developed teaching media products are very feasible by going through several stages of revision/improvement. The percentage of scores obtained include: (1) The material expert^s assessment is in the very appropriate criteria with an average score of 4.50, (2) the media expert^s assessment is in the very appropriate criteria with an average score of 4.76, (3) The design expert^s assessment is in the very feasible criteria with an average score of 4.73. The effectiveness of the learning device was concluded based on the results of the post-test students in the second trial the percentage of classical completeness was 88.89% with 25 students or 88.89% declared complete, and 2 students or 11.11% declared incomplete. 3) The practicality of student learning media is concluded based on the teacher^s response- the teacher^s response to the learning media in the second trial reached 89.28% which was included in the very practical category. Assessment of student learning outcomes based on

Keywords: Research Development, 3D Animation Video Media and Scientific

Topic: Curriculum, Research and Development

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