Development of PISA-Based Questions For Electricity in SMA
Wahyuni Teresia(a*), Sahyar(b) and Karya Sinulingga(b)

a,b)Departement of Physics Education, Postgraduate State University of Medan, Medan, Indonesia.


The research need for improvement of test instruments in learning because usually only the form of Lowder Thinking questions is available so that students are less trained in discussing and understanding the Electicity material in Science Standards. This study aims to develop PISA-based test instruments with objective type questions for Electricity material in high school in accordance with good test qualification standards reviewed from validity, reliability, different power, difficulty level, and effectiveness of the distractor. This research uses research and development using ADDIE design with analysis, design, development, and evaluation. The research sample was one of class X MIA SMA Negeri 1 Beringin wich was selected by simple random sampling. The analysis stage obtained the results of the lack of variation in assessment and students still lack pisa-based physics problems, especially electricity material. The physics material developed includes static and dynamic electricity. On the design stage obtained the results of 50 questions based on PISA science literacy competencies classified into three competency standards, namely: explaining scientific phenomena, evaluating and designing scientific research, interpret scientific data and evidence. The validator of this research are two lecturers and two teachers. Realibity using Cronbach^s alpha formula, and qualitative studies are carried out by asking for expert considerations, icluding studies material, construction, and language aspects.

Keywords: PISA, Electricity

Topic: Curriculum, Research and Development

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