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Preventing of Tsunami by Using Oral Tradition Smong as a Means of Children Literature in Elementary School
Fauziah Husna

Postgraduate of Education, Language, and Literature, University of Medan


Simeulue oral traditions called Smong are the result of a tsunami natural disaster in 1907 that taught how to protect oneself from the tsunami. Nevertheless, the current generation rarely sings Smong and story. Children on other islands must also know their history, in addition to being required for school students in Simeulue to know their history because it is useful as a science in coping with natural disasters. Smong oral tradition and its use as literary reading material in elementary schools were investigated. Using qualitative data collection methods such as observation and document review, the research writing method employs quantitative data collection methods. Smong can be used as literary reading material in elementary schools, according to this report, by translating the original form of Smong, which is a chant in Acehnese, into children stories that use more practical terms and use appropriate illustrations.

Keywords: Simeulue- Smong- Children Literature

Topic: Social, Language and Cultural Education

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