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Derivational and Inflectional Morphemes in English and Javanese Short Stories on Lost Sons and Genuine Love
Ihsani Diah Anjariah1^* Anni Holila Pulungan2^* Rahmad Husein Napitupulu3

English Applied Linguistics, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia


This study is about the realization of derivational and inflectional morphemes in English and Javanese. The objectives of this study are to investigate the kinds of derivational and inflectional in English and Javanese short stories, how the English and Javanese words formed by derivational and inflectional, and to explain the realization of derivational and inflectional morphemes in English and Javanese. This study is designed in descriptive-qualitative research. The source of data is English and Javanese short stories namely 1) Oedipus Rex and Sangkuriang, 2) Beauty and the beast and Lutung Kasarung. The data of the study is the words of English and Javanese. The kinds of derivational and inflectional proposed by Fromkin (2014). The findings of the study showed that It was found that some kinds of derivational and inflectional occurred in English and Javanese short stories. In English derivational, there were two types found namely prefix and suffix. The kinds of prefix which found in English short stories were 9 words. It is dominated by dis-, which comprised 4 of 9 words. The kinds of suffix found in the data analysis were 54 words. The most frequently found was -ly, which comprised 21 of 54 words. While, in Javanese, the kinds of prefix which found in Javanese short stories were 24 words which dominated by n- and ng-. The kinds of suffix found in the data analysis were 34 words. The most frequently found was -ne, which comprised 13 of 34 words. In English inflectional, there were six kinds found in English language. The kinds of inflectional which found in English short stories were 92 words which dominated by -s singular third person, which comprised 42 of 92 words.

Keywords: Keywords: Derivational, Inflectional, English short stories, Javanese short stories

Topic: Social, Language and Cultural Education

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