Development of Ecology-Based Exposition Text Teaching Materials in the New Normal Era for Grade VIII Students of Kalam Kudus Christian Junior High School Pematangsiantar
Meilicien Rajagukguk, Mara Untung Ritonga, Abdurahman Adisaputera

Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Program Pascasarjana UNIMED


Teaching materials are all forms of tools used to assist teachers in carrying out teaching and learning activities. The teaching materials used by teachers will affect the achievement of students in achieving learning objectives. This study aims to develop teaching materials for ecology-based exposition texts in the new normal era for grade VIII students of SMP Kristen Kalam Kudus Pematangsiantar. Data analysis through questionnaires shows that students still depend on books produced by the Ministry of Education and Culture with material content that has not been adapted to the local area of students and the teaching materials used are less innovative, creative and contemporary. Teaching materials in the form of fable ecology-based exposition text modules were developed as an interesting learning support medium in writing exposition story texts. The use of this ecology-based module can also help rationalize abstract material in an interesting way This is evidenced by the effectiveness test using the Gain Test on the ecology-based exposition text module in the new normal era in class VIII students of SMP Kristen Kalam Kudus Pematangsiantar with an average pretest score of 60.94 students with the lowest score of 55 and the highest score of 70. While the average posttest score of students was 83.44 with the lowest score of 75 and the highest score of 98. Based on these data, it can be concluded that the ecology-based exposition text module is feasible and effective to be used in learning to improve student learning outcomes, especially in exposion text materials.

Keywords: Module, Exposition text, Ecology.

Topic: Social, Language and Cultural Education

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