Development of Teaching Materials for Fantasy Story Text Based on Local Wisdom of Pakpak to Seventh Graders of Salak State Junior High Scool Pakpak Bharat Regency
Juliati Boang Manalu, S.Pd.

Universitas Negeri Medan


Teaching materials are all forms of tools used to assist teachers in carrying out teaching and learning activities. Teaching materials used by teachers will affect student achievement in achieving learning objectives. The use of teaching materials for fantasy story texts in learning Indonesian at the State Junior High School 1 Salak, Pakpak Bharat Regency still relies on teaching materials produced from the Ministry of Education and Culture and is not based on Pakpak local wisdom.
An important aspect that is inseparable from culture is local wisdom. Alternative teaching materials can also be used by utilizing the existing conditions in the environment around students. The introduction of local wisdom in the form of oral traditions such as Pakpak folklore packaged in the form of digital comics in addition to supporting student learning outcomes will also provide awareness for students about their culture and region. This is evidenced in the test of the effectiveness of the fantasy story text material based on Pakpak local wisdom in seventh grade students of the State Junior High School I Salak, Pakpak Bharat Regency, who obtained an average student pre-test score of 69.87. with the lowest score of 56 and the highest score of 85. While the average post-test score of students was 90.06 with the lowest score of 77 and the highest score of 98. Based on these data, it can be concluded that the fantasy story text material is based on Pakpak local wisdom using comics teaching materials. effective digital and can improve student learning outcomes, especially in fantasy story text material.

Keywords: Keywords: Fantasy Stories, Pakpak Local Wisdom, Digital Comics

Topic: Social, Language and Cultural Education

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