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Gender Humor Discourse in Friends Comedy Series
Lailan Syafrina Dewi (a*), Anni Holila Pulungan (b), Widya Andayani (c)

a) Postgraduate Program, State University of Medan, Jalan Williem Iskandar Pasar V Medan Estate, Medan 20221, North Sumatera, Indonesia
b) State University of Medan, Jalan Williem Iskandar Pasar V Medan Estate, Medan 20221, North Sumatera, Indonesia
c) State University of Medan, Jalan Williem Iskandar Pasar V Medan Estate, Medan 20221, North Sumatera, Indonesia


This study deals with Gender Humor Discourse in Friends Comedy Series. The objectives of this study are 1) to verify the type of gender humors used in Friends comedy series, 2) to describe how gender humors realized in Friends comedy series, and 3) to explain the reason of realizing gender humors in Friends comedy series as the way they are. This study applied critical discourse analysis approach to conduct a qualitative descriptive method. The data of this study is drawn from scripts consisted clauses of gender humor discourse in Friends comedy series. The techniques for collecting data are observing the plot of the comedy series and selecting episodes which the one that contained the most humor in friendship then download the episodes selected to be observed, after that make documentations by trimming the scenes for making the transcript of dialogues from cut scenes and finding expressions appeared of all players in the comedy series to be observe. The results of study found that there were twenty-six clauses consisted humor types found in this study namely: Affiliate types were six (23%), Self-enhancing types were five (19%), Aggressive types were seven (27%) and Self-defeating types were eight (31%). It can be concluded that self-defeating types is the most dominant types occur in Friends comedy series. From one forty-four clauses in Friends comedy series, there were ten realizations of humor in ^Friends^ comedy series found namely: Pun, Riddle, Joke, Satire, Parody, Anecdote, Farce, Irony, Sarcasm and Wit. From ten forms of verbal humors farce is the most dominant kind of verbal humors occur in Friends comedy series. The last there were three reason of realizing humors discourse namely: Universal joke, Cultural Joke and Linguistic joke.

Keywords: Gender- Humor- Discourse- Comedy Series

Topic: Social, Language and Cultural Education

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