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Types of Metaphorical Expression of Markobar in Mandailing Natal
1. Muhammad Ardillah Nasution 2. Sumarsih 3. Rahmad Husein

Universitas Negeri Medan


This research dealt with the Metaphorical Expression of Markobar in Mandailing Natal. The objectives of this study were: 1) to investigate types of metaphorical expressions in wedding ceremony of Mandailing Natal . The data were obtained from metaphorical expressions are found in wedding ceremony. This research applied qualitative research design. The data were collected through observation by taking video recording. The findings of this study showed that: 1) there are three types of metaphorical expressions, they are conceptual metaphor, poetic metaphor, and conventional metaphor. Conceptual metaphor was found 27.02 %, and poetic metaphor was found 40.54%, also conventional metaphor was found 32.43%. In this case showed that Mandailing Natal culture has its roles and procedures.

Keywords: Metaphorical Expressions- Types of Metaphorical Expressions - Mandailing Natal Wedding Ceremony

Topic: Social, Language and Cultural Education

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Muhammad Ardillah Nasution)

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