Analysis of Mathematical Communication Difficulties and Student Mathematics Problem Solving in the Application of Realistic Mathematics Education Approach in 10th Grade of Sultan Iskandar Muda Senior High School
Gomgom Sibarani, Mangaratua M. Simanjorang, Mukhtar

State University of Medan


This study aims to describe: (1) student mathematical communication skills in the application of RME, (2) student mathematical problem solving abilities in the application of RME, (3) student difficulties in mathematical communication and mathematical problem solving in mathematical problems with RME. This research is a qualitative research with a descriptive approach. Based on the research data, it was obtained that: (1) The level of student mathematical communication skills in the trigonometric comparison in right triangle, student who had the ability of the medium category had the highest proportion, while for the ability of the low and high categories had the same proportion, ( 2) The level of student mathematical problem solving ability on trigonometric comparison in right triangle, student who have the ability in the low category have the highest proportion followed by the proportion in the medium category, and the ability in the high category has the lowest proportion, (3) Difficulty in mathematical communication and student mathematical problem solving of trigonometric comparison on right triangle in the application of RME are the difficulties of fact, concept, operation, and princip.

Keywords: Mathematical Communication Skill, Mathematical Problem Solving Skill, Realistic Mathematics Education

Topic: Mathematics,Science and Nursing Education

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