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Designing Digital Math Trail Environment Assisted by Augmented Reality Using Mathematical Modeling Learning Approach
Muhammad Ghozian Kafi Ahsan, Adi Nur Cahyono, and Iqbal Kharisudin

Postgraduate Program Universitas Negeri Semarang.
Mathematics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang


21st century learning requires skills in producing students who master 21st century skills. One of the skills that must be possessed by students in learning mathematics in this century is the skill to solve mathematical problems in the real world. One approach to solving problems in the real world is to use mathematical models or better known as mathematical modeling abilities. The need to create a good environment in learning mathematical modeling so that students can hone their mathematical modeling skills. Therefore, by creating a digital learning environment assisted by Augmented Reality technology can make learning mathematical modeling more meaningful. The purpose of this research is to create a digital mathematics learning media with a math trail approach assisted by an Augmented Reality application. This study uses a design research approach with 1 complete cycle from the preliminary design stage, experimental design, and retrospective analysis. In the preliminary design stage, a prototype of a website-based learning media has been created with the page address mathinmaps.net. Furthermore, the media is validated by experts and gets a very good rating. The next stage, the media was tested on several teachers and students to find out how to use the media. Teachers and students gave positive responses and inputs to improve the quality of the media created. The last stage is to analyze qualitatively the results of the preliminary design and experimental design stages. At the retrospective analysis stage, it was found that the media would be better if there were more real problems that students had to solve. In the future, this media will be able to be tested in large classes to test how the learning trajectory of math trail-based learning with augmented reality is to improve mathematical modeling abilities.

Keywords: Math Trails, Augmented Reality, Mathematical Modedlling

Topic: Mathematics Education

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