The Exploration of Students^ Numerical Literacy Ability Based on Cognitive Style in Solving High Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) Problems
Sugianto(1,a), Edy Setiyo Utomo(1,b)

Departemen of Mathematic Education, STKIP PGRI Jombang


This study aimed to explore the numerical literacy ability of junior high school student based on their cognitive style in solving HOTS problem. Numerical literacy referred to any aspects of estimating, calculating, comparing, and defining patterns, kinds of reasoning, and interpreting information. It was a qualitative research with an exploratory approach. The subject consisted of two 8th junior high school student selected based on cognitive style. It applied GEFT (Group Embeded Figures Test) test, Numerical Literacy Test and interview guidelines as the supporting instrument. Time triangulation was used for data validity. Data analysis techiques involved data reduction, exposure, interpretation and conclusion. The results showed that the field independent subject was able to identify detailed information, diagnose problems by data information, present and estimate calculations in a sequential and systematic ways, perform data comparisons by bar charts, define the correlation of each variable, interpret data presentation statically, and evaluate the results with causality by data information. Meanwhile, the field dependent subject identified problems globally, presented the comparison forms of calculations separately with no specific information on each variable. She presented the data using a line diagram with neither detailed calculations nor the pattern of data information. Moreover, she did not evaluate the answer. This research was useful as reference for teachers to develop their students^ literacy skills that are integrated with STEM, critical and creative thinking, in addition to the development of mathematics education curriculum.

Keywords: Numerical Literacy-Cognitive Style- HOTS Problems

Topic: Mathematics Education

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