Statistical Literacy of Mathematics College Students in Solving Problems Relating to Graphics
Marinda Rosita Sari, Cholis Sa^dijah*, Sukoriyanto

*Corresponding author: cholis.sadijah.fmipa[at]
Universitas Negeri Malang


Statistical literacy is an important ability that every individual must possess to face challenges in the 21st century and be a good citizen. Statistical literacy is the capacity to understand, interpret, and communicate data in the form of tables and graphs. This study is a qualitative descriptive study that tries to describe college students^ statistical literacy when solving graphics-related problems. The research participants were divided into groups depending on their initial statistical abilities: high, moderate, and low. Three students were chosen from each category to have their work results examined based on statistical literacy features such as understanding, interpreting, and communicating data. The results showed that students with high initial statistical abilities could understand, interpret, and communicate data well, provide logical reasons, and evaluate data critically. Students with moderate initial statistical abilities can understand the data well but still have difficulty interpreting and communicating data and providing logical reasons. Meanwhile, students with low initial statistical abilities have not correctly understood, interpreted, and communicated data. There are many errors in answering, and they have not been able to provide arguments that can support their answers.

Keywords: Statistical Literacy, Problem solving, Graphics

Topic: Mathematics Education

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