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Nurul Audhifa Utami, Cholis Sa^dijah*, Tjang Daniel Chandra

*Corresponding author: cholis.sadijah.fmipa[at]um.ac.id
Universitas Negeri Malang


Mathematical representation is one of the fundamental ability that used in mathematics to build the connection between abstract idea with logical thinking to understand and solve mathematics problems. The level of student representation ability will affect the way students convey the idea of solving mathematics problem. This is shows how important this ability in mathematics. But in fact, the ability of mathematical representation is felt to be less comprehensively mastered. It is indicated by the large number of students having difficulty to convey their idea in solving mathematics problems. This paper describe students^ abilities in mathematical representation to solve math problems. The indicators for mathematical representation ability in this research classifies namely verbal representation (written text)- visual representation (picture, diagram, graph, or table)- and symbolize representation (mathematical statement, numerical/algebra symbol, mathematical notation). Subject of this research is students at MTsN 2 Bukittinggi grade VIII. The results showed that 22 out of 34 students have difficulty in conveying their ideas to solve math problems while the rest feel quite good on it

Keywords: Mathematical Representation, Problem Solving, Creative Representation

Topic: Mathematics Education

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