Exploration of Personal Pedagogical Content Knowledge (pPCK) through Narrative Inquiry: pPCK Profile of Experienced Teachers (Guru Penggerak) in Physics Subject
Arifa Ni^matul Fitri (a*), Endang Purwaningsih (a), and Edi Supriana (a)

a) Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Semarang Street No.5, Malang, 65145, Indonesia


This study aims to reveal the unique and personal PCK of experienced teachers in physics, known as Personal Pedagogical Content Knowledge (pPCK). Aspects of the teacher^s pPCK were collected through teachers^ experience stories in planning and teaching parabolic motion. The research method used is a narrative inquiry approach. The narrative inquiry approach allows researchers to explore the entire experiences of the teacher regarding their teaching and learning and the knowledge used to teach a particular material. Experienced teachers are also a new term in Indonesia, so there is still a lack of research that focuses on exploring the knowledge of these teachers. Data were collected through mixed questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, and analysis of lesson plans. This research is important because, by explaining pPCK in a narrative form, it can reveal clearly the PCK components possessed by experienced teachers. The PCK component is a sign that experienced teachers are professional teachers so that the teaching experience and learning planning of experienced teachers can be adapted by teachers or pre-service teachers for learning in their classrooms. The study revealed that experienced teachers were professional teachers. The teacher^s experience in planning and teaching parabolic motion is in accordance with the five PCK components proposed by Magnusson. The PCK component is formed from the pPCK components owned by the teacher. This research can add to the literature on experienced teachers^ pPCK by providing examples of the documented pPCK of experienced teachers^ physics subjects.

Keywords: Pedagogical Content Knowledge- pPCK- experienced teachers- narrative inquiry

Topic: Physics Education

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