The Content Validity of Huma Betang Character Measurement Instrument on Physics Learning for High School Students in Central Borneo
Pri Ariadi Cahya Dinata (a*), Yoan Theasy (a), Desy Kumala Sari (b), Supardi (c), Supahar (c), Adam Amir Kirana (a), Agita Damasti Nurullita (a)

a) Physics Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Palangka Raya, Palangka Raya 73111, Indonesia
b) Physics Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Musamus, Merauke 99611, Indonesia
c) Physics Education Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia


The huma betang is a life philosophy of the Dayak tribe in Borneo, which contains the values of togetherness, unity, cooperation, diversity, and mutual respect. Those values are integrated into learning in schools, including physics learning. However, instruments that can be used to measure the character of huma betang have never been constructed until now. Therefore, this study aims to produce an instrument that is feasible to measure the huma betang character of students in physics learning. The type of research used is the Oriondo-Antonio model of research and development. In this article, the discussion focuses on the content validity of the huma betang character instrument obtained through expert judgment. The instrument developed contains the four pillars of huma betang, which are hapahari (kinship), handep (mutual help), belom bahadat (civilized living), and hapakat kula (deliberation). These four pillars are translated into 40 statements assessed by seven validators through validation sheets. Validation data were analyzed using formula of Aiken to determine the validity level of each item. With a validity standard of 0.93, it was obtained 37 valid items and three invalid items. Furthermore, the valid items need to be tested on students to determine their measurement of empirical validity and reliability.

Keywords: content validity, huma betang, character measurement instrument, physics learning

Topic: Physics Education

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