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The Effect of The ADI Model with STEM Approach and Formative Assessment (ADI-STEM-FA) For Increasing Students^ Concept Acquisition on Heat Material
Nadya Dewi Arofah Mochsif (a), Parno (a*), Lia Yuliati (a)

a) Faculty of Physiscs, Universitas Negeri Malang
Jl. Semarang No.5, Sumbersari, Kec. Lowokwaru, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65145


Heat material closely related to everyday life and it is one of the main materials of physics learning in class XI. However, students still do not understand it optimally. Meanwhile, the use of the ADI-STEM-FA model to improve concept acquisition in heat materials is still rarely done. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to increase students^ concept acquisition in heat material through ADI-STEM-FA learning. This study uses a mixed-method with embedded experimental design. The research was conducted in Malang with 54 students in class XI senior high school, which were distributed to 27 students in the experimental class and 27 students in the control class. The experimental class was taught through ADI-STEM-FA learning, which emphasizing practical activities, doing group arguments, and making prototypes of simple stove technology. When the control class was taught through everyday conventional learning. Students^ concept acquisition was measured by 8 multiple choices reasoned of concept acquisition with a reliability of 0.665. The results of the Independent Sample T-Test showed that the ADI-STEM-FA model had an effect on increasing students^ concept acquisition. This result supported by the N-Gain value in the experimental class which is higher than the control class. The experimental class has an N-gain of 0.54 (medium category) with 12% of students had misconception, while the control class has N-gain 0.38 (medium category) with 13% of students had misconception. The effect size results show a score of 0.78 which is included in the medium category. In future research, it will recommend adding an ^Art^ and a ^Religious^ aspect to the STEM approach in order to obtain a better increase in concept acquisition.

Keywords: Physics education- Argument Driven Inquiry- STEM- Formative Assessment- Concept Mastery

Topic: Physics Education

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