Pre-service Mathematics Teachers^ Engagement in Model Eliciting Activities (MEA): A Case Study in Synchronous Online Classroom
Diesty Hayuhantika,1, Cholis Sa^dijah*,1, Susiswo,1, Tjang Daniel Chandra,1, Abdul Halim Abdullah2

1) Department of Mathematics, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang 5 Malang, Indonesia

2) Department of Science, Mathematics, and Creative Multimedia Education, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia

*Corresponding author: cholis.sadijah.fmipa[at]


This paper reports a finding that focused on pre-service mathematics teachers^ engagement when solving Model Eliciting Activities (MEA) Task in small group setting. Learning is carried out synchronously online through Zoom Cloud Meetings Platform. Data were obtained based on observations of interactions during learning that were recorded on a recording zoom and supported by the results of interviews and filling out engagement questionnaires. A group consisting of 2 students who engaged actively and 2 students who were passive were studied in depth for their involvement with reference to Goldin^s Engagement Structure framework. The results indicated that when faced with the MEA Task, the group members showed various Engagement Structures that led them to succeed in completing the MEA task. This study also found a new Engagement Structure, namely ^Together we can^ which triggers the activation of the Engagement Structure in passive students so that they become active in class discussion sessions. The results of this study provide an overview of collaborative learning activities mediated by technology to solve mathematical problems that foster productive engagement.

Keywords: Engagement, Model Eliciting Activities, Synchronous

Topic: Mathematics Education

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