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Development of Curved Three-Dimensional Shape Learning Media Ethnomathematics Based Using Augmented Reality
Ira Ika Damayanti1, a), Annisa Ayu1, b), Umi Indah Sariah1, c), Mustaqfiroh1, d), Intan Ayu Oktaviani1, e), and Farida Nursyahidah1, f)*

1Mathematics Education Department, Universitas PGRI Semarang, Indonesia

f) Corresponding author: faridanursyahidah[at]upgris.ac.id


Geometry is crucial to be learned in Mathematics, one of which is in the material of curved three-dimensional shapes. However, many students are still found to have difficulty in learning the material, which affects their creative thinking skills which are still not optimal. Therefore we need an innovative media development using the right context, one of which is using Augmented Reality Ethnomathematics based. This study aims to develop ethnomathematical-based media using Augmented Reality which is oriented to creative thinking skills. This research is a type of development research with the ADDIE model. This article will discuss the results at the analysis, design, and development stages. The subjects in this study were ninth-grade students in one of the junior high schools in Semarang. Data collection in this study used a questionnaire method by analyzing the Augmented Reality learning media based on Ethnomathematics. The data from the validation results from the experts were analyzed using the mean formula to be able to find out the average media validity score. The analysis results show that the average score of Ethnomathematics-based media validation using Augmented Reality oriented to creative thinking skills is 4.65 with very good qualifications and material validation is 4.57 with very good qualifications. So, ethnomathematics-based media using Augmented Reality which is oriented towards creative thinking skills can be declared valid and have very good qualifications. The development of this media can then be implemented in the classroom to determine the potential effect on students^ creative thinking skills and is expected to inspire educators to develop media by involving cultural exploration.

Keywords: ethnomathematics, learning media, three-dimensional shape, augmented reality

Topic: Mathematics Education

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