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Identification of Tree Health at the Biology Campus, FSAD, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Surabaya (ITS)
Kristanti Indah Purwani, Dini Ermavitalini, Nafisatul Livia

Departmen of Biology , Faculty of Sains and Analitical Data, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Surabaya (ITS)


The campus of the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya has since 2011 implemented a commitment to carry out the ITS eco campus which has now turned into an ITS smart eco campus, making the campus area an environmentally friendly area and a place for plant conservation. Plants are said to be healthy if the plants can carry out their functions. physiological function. The increasing presence of air pollution, human activities, biological factors and the age of trees in the Department of Biology, FSAD, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) can result in a decline in tree health. The decline in tree health can be seen from the level of damage. Assessment of tree damage can be done by observing tree morphological structures. This study was conducted to identify the number and distribution of tree health levels around the Biology Department Building. The research was conducted descriptively using an inventory with the roaming method. The health status of trees in the ITS Biology Department which was studied found that the most common type of tree damage was leaf damage, namely there were 4 points found or reached 50% on the research plot, and the second type of damage, namely leaves changing color (not green) there were 4 points. reaching 40%, and the type of damage to liver rot, fruiting bodies (fruit bodies), and indicators of advanced weathering, namely there is 1 point of finding or 10%. This shows that tree damage in the ITS Biology Department is quite large and requires further handling.
Keywords-identification, inventory, tree health,

Keywords: identification, inventory, tree health,

Topic: Bioconservation

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