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Correlation of Epifauna and Vegetation Diversity in Rice Field Ecosystem, Sumbersari Malang City
Suhadi 1,a), Azizah Nur R 1,b), M. Shofi Amrilah 1,c), Setya Dwi. R 1,d), Lintang Guritno. C. W 1,e), Izzati Nurul. I 1,f) , Eka Rizky 1,g) and Gayuh Purba W 1,h)

1Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia


The components that make up the ecosystem include flora and fauna. The presence of flora affects the diversity of communities within the epifauna that form interactions with each other. Its role is very important concerning human activities to increase productivity according to their needs. Flora, especially vegetation affects the composition, structure, and growth patterns in the community. Epifauna helps in determining the cycle of soil material so that the decomposing process runs faster. The rice field samples used were in Sumbersari sub-district, Lowokwaru district, Malang city, which has residential areas around it. Dry and quadratic sampling methods were used to take the sample of vegetation and epifauna. The results of identification found 25 types of plants and 21 types of epifauna with a level of diversity: 3.23254. The value of equity: 1.06175 and the value of species richness: 4.33358. The results of INP analysis showed that the score of Oryza sativa L is 0.87741 while Mikania micrantha (L.) Kunth ex H.B.K, is 0.01502. In conclusion, the diversity of epifauna and plants in the rice field ecosystem showed a negative relationship

Keywords: epifauna, vegetation, rice field

Topic: Bioconservation

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