The Potential of Pegagan as a Natural Antivirus through a Bioinformatics Approach
Eko Susetyarini 1, a), Endrik Nurrohman 1, b), and Ahmad Fauzi1, c)

1 Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (Jl. Raya Tlogomas 246 Malang 65144)


During the pandemic era, the presence of natural compounds as antivirals is getting more and more attention. The purpose of this study was to examine the potential of natural compounds from pegagan as candidates for antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and their relation to immunity using a bioinformatics approach. Way2Drug PASS webserver was used to predict the potency of several active compounds from pegagan, i.e. madecassic acid, isothankunic acid, madecassoside, centellasponin B, centellasponin C, centellasponin D, asiaticoside, asiaticoside B, and asiatic acid. The results of the analysis show that gotu kola has potential as an antiviral. These results are supported by the potential of pegagan as an anti-inflammatory, immunostimulant, and NFKappa B inhibitor. Centellasaponin D (0.684) and Madecassoside (0.649) are the most potent compounds as antiviral.

Keywords: bioinformatics approach, drug candidates, in silico analysis, natural antivirals, natural compounds

Topic: Bioinformatics

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