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The Impact of Climate Change on Leptobrachium haseltii in Coban Rondo, Malang
Farid Akhsani, 1, a), Muhammad Andry Prio1, b), Nur^aini Kartikasari 1, Riski Berliana, and Elsa

Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University Negeri Malang, Indonesia


The phenomenon of Climate change has an impact on climate change in all countries, including Indonesia. Temperature changes impact habitat and stress fauna, one of which is the frog. Frogs are very susceptible to changes in temperature, which can cause the metamorphosis of tadpoles to fail. This study aims to determine the existence of the frog population and to see the microbiota profile on the skin of the Leptobrachium hasseltii frog as a bioindicator of climate change. This information can be used as an indicator to assess environmental changes caused by the increase in the earth^s temperature. Sampling was carried out on two habitats: ecotourism and conservation areas. Observations using the Visual Encounter Survey method during the rainy season. This study uses a combination of- analysis of Physic-chemical factors, morphological and morphometric data of frogs, and abundance of microbes. The results were that L. haseltii obtained only one individual in each habitat. The analysis of the abundance of microbes in forest and ecotourism habitats was 3.32 x 109 CFU/mL and 8.51 x 108 CFU/mL.

Keywords: L. haseltii-

Topic: Bioconservation

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