THE POTENCY OF SUGARCANE JUICE AS AN ANTI-DIABETES SWEETENER BASED ON MINERAL AND SECONDARY METABOLITES CONTENTS Nurul Elviah1a) Subandi1b) Muntholib1c) Rina Rifqie Mariana* 2d) Budi Wibowotomo2e) Ummi Rohajatien2f)
1(Departemen of Chemistry, faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science Universitas Negeri Malang, Jalan Semarang 5 Malang, East Java Indonesia, 65145)
2 Departement of Culinary Education Study Faculty of Engineering Universitas Negeri Malang, Jalan Semarang 5 Malang, East Java, Indonesia, 65145)
The most prevalent of DM is 2 type that caused by insensitivity cell receptor to insulin. This 2 type of DM can cause by a lack of chromium (Cr), a vital part of the receptor. Thus, the replacement habit of using white crystal sugar by sugarcane juice as a sweetener is assumed to significantly decrease DM prevalence, due to higher Cr and secondary metabolites content of sugar cane juice than white crystal sugar.
The aims of this research are to analyze the mineral (Cr, K, and Ca) and secondary metabolites contents of sugarcane juice, as well as white crystal sugar. Mineral contents were determined using the ICP method, while the secondary metabolites were analyzed qualitatively using a phytochemical test and quantitatively as TFC.
The results had shown that all of the sugarcane juice samples (type PS: 881, 882, and 092) has higher chromium contents (0.3 - 0.2 - and 0.2 ppm) than crystal white sugar has (0.013 ppm). The content of K and Ca of the samples juice also higher than the same minerals content of white crystal sugar has. More over the phytochemical test also disclosed that sugarcane juice contained flavonoid (0,09%), alkaloid, and saponin, whereas white crystal sugar did not.
Keywords: Sugarcane Juice, Crom, anti diabetes, Secondary metabolites
Topic: Biochemistry