MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF LIBERICA COFFEE FRUITS AND BEANS IN COFFEE GARDENS IN PONCOKUSUMO DISTRICT, MALANG REGENCY, EAST JAVA Erona Wafaretta, S.Si, M.Agr. (a), Prof. Luchman Hakim, S.Si., M.Agr.Sc., Ph.D. (a), Yoga Dwi Jatmiko, S.Si., M.App.Sc., Ph.D. (a), Wenny Bekti Sunarharum, S.TP., M.Food.St., Ph.D (b)
a.) Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Brawijaya University.
b.) Food Science and Technology Department, Faculty of Agricultural Technology of Brawijaya University.
Poncokusumo District is one of the locations for liberica coffee cultivation in East Java. Liberica coffee products in Poncokusumo District have not been managed optimally because they are seen as less promising economically. Even though the size of the Poncokusumo liberica coffee fruit is larger than other types of coffee, which has the potential to be developed because it is unique liberica coffee cultivated in the highlands. This study aims to determine: (1) the geographical and agro-climate conditions of the location of liberica coffee cultivation in the Poncokusumo district, (2) the morphological characteristics of the fruit and beans of liberica coffee in the Poncokusumo district, and (3) the superiority of the morphology of the fruit and beans of liberica coffee in the Poncokusumo district. This study uses a quantitative descriptive method. The sample of the research location was chosen purposively (purposive sampling), namely Jajang Hamlet, Sumber Rejo Village, Poncokusumo District- and samples of liberica coffee plants were also determined intentionally based on the findings of three variants of liberica coffee plants in the field. Morphological data were taken randomly on 3 types of variants of 30 coffees each. Data analysis used quantitative descriptive analysis, with data comparison techniques. This study found that (1) the geographical conditions of the cultivation location which include altitude and agro-climate generally have suitability, but the altitude tends to be higher, the annual rainfall tends to be high, and the air temperature tends to be colder, (2) the characteristics of liberica coffee fruits in Poncokusumo which includes the length and width of the fruit, tends to be smaller than the liberica coffee cultivated elsewhere, but in general, it still meets the standard for normal coffee fruits, and (3) the characteristics of liberica coffee beans which include length, width, and thickness, turn out to have a larger size than the liberica coffe
Keywords: fruit morphology, bean morphology, liberica coffee, liberica coffee garden