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The Novel Formulation of Moringa oleifera Seed Oil and Virgin Coconut Oil as Body Lotion: a Preliminary Characterization
Aghits Laily Rizqiyah, Amiiroh Nur Hidayati, Ajeng Ayu Pratiwi, Nadya Nur Oktaviani, Siti Imroatul Maslikah, Hendra Susanto, and Moch. Sholeh

Universitas Negeri Malang


Moringa plants have antioxidant activity and can potentially prevent dry skin and provide anti-aging effects. Another antioxidant source within virgin coconut oil also can be used as anti-aging cosmetics materials. Notably, body lotion is a crucial cosmetic with a watery texture and functions as a source of moisture for the skin. The purpose of this study was to formulate body lotion from Moringa seed oil of Madura variety ( 6%, 8%, and 10% concentration) combined with VCO ( 3%, 4%, and 5%). Interestingly, the primary findings of this study showed that all formula has a thick texture, white and yellowish color, a distinctive white rose odor, and a homogeneous composition. Also, the products have acid pH, a viscosity value of 6630 mPas-2224 mPas, a dispersion value of 4.8-7.4 cm, and an attachment time of 3-10 seconds. In brief, the body lotion formula (6% Moringa seed oil and 3% VCO) has a general standard or characteristics for skin treatment. However, it is recommended for further study to measure the conduct stability, irritation, and antimicrobial activity to provide comprehensive data on this formula before mass production.

Keywords: Moringa oleifera Madura var. seed oil, Virgin coconut oil, Cosmetic anti-aging, Body lotion

Topic: Biochemistry

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