Management Information System in the Early Childhood Education
Ditta Manullang,SE,M.Si (a), (b) Prof.Dr.Zainuddin, (c),Dr.Humuntal Banjarnahor(c)

(a) Post Graduate of Educational Management Department,
Universitas Negeri Medan
(b) Lecturer of Educational Management Department,
Universitas Negeri Medan
(c) Lecturer of Educational Management Department,
Universitas Negeri Medan


The implementation of the Management Information System in the Early Childhood Education or it^s called SIM PAUD has taken place in accordance with the needs of model development and obtained the following results:
1. Participants who took part in the learning totaled 60 school of Early Childhood Education from Binjai, Deliserdang Regency, Serdangbedagai Regency, and Tebingtinggi.
2. The learning schedule is carried out according to mutual agreement, with an allocation of 60 hours of lessons as many as 15 meetings so that each meeting is held for 4 hours of learning (1 lesson hour is carried out for 60 minutes).
3. The results of the validation of the Management Information System show that the application can be understood and used by the school. The average value of the SIM PAUD application validation is 3.67 or rounded 4 so that it is included in the good category.
4. After participating in the model trial, all PAUD units have made a national standard learning document. The results of the self-assessment showed an average score of 48.5 which was included in the very good category.
5. There is an increase in learning outcomes obtained by participants before and after carrying out learning by 17.07% with 79.83% absorption in the good category.
6. There is a significant difference in value at the 5% level which can be seen from the value of t > t, namely (6.7 > 2).
7. For PAUD units who want to use the BP-PAUD SIM PAUD application and North Sumatra Dikmas, they can open the PAUD SIM application at the link

Keywords: Management Information System in the Early Childhood Education,Early Childhood Education

Topic: Innovative Educational Practices and Effective Technology in the Classroom

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