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Development of Interactive Mathematics Learning Media by Applying Problem Based Learning Models to Improve Computational Thingking Skills for Class XI High School Students
Yuli Astrinitha Lubis, Asmin, Bornok Sinaga

State University of Medan


To determine the role of problem-based learning models with interactive mathematics learning media developed to improve students^ computational thinking skills at SMAN 1 Sunggal, this study conducted an analysis of : 1) the level of validity, practicality and effectiveness of interactive learning media developed with applying problem-based learning, 2) improving students^ computational thinking skills at SMA N 1 Sunggal. The type of research used is development research, using the Thiagarajan (4-D) development model. In this study, the trial was carried out twice, namely Trial I and Trial II with the research subjects being students of class XI MIPA-1 SMA N 1 Sunggal with a total of 30 students. Then, the object of this research is the developed interactive mathematics learning media. Especially in the Number Pattern material. The research instrument used was a computational thinking ability test, student activity observation sheets and also student response questionnaires to the developed learning media. The results of this study indicate that: 1) The validity of the developed interactive mathematics learning media seen from the results of the validity carried out by the validator is in the valid category, with a score of 3.70. For the practicality of the developed interactive learning media, which can be seen from the learning implementation score, which is 3.75 in the ^well implemented^ category. And for the effectiveness of the developed interactive mathematics learning media, it can be seen from three things including classical completeness, computational thinking ability, student activity observation scores and student response questionnaires. With the results obtained in Trial II, namely, a) 85% of students (25 students) have achieved classical mastery of computational thinking skills, b) The ideal percentage of student activity time for two meetings is 22.1%, 18.9%, 20 .9%, 27.2%, 9.2%, and 1.7%. The average result of the student response questionna

Keywords: Interactive Mathematics Learning Media, Problem Based Learning, Computational Thingking Skills

Topic: Innovative Educational Practices and Effective Technology in the Classroom

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