Differences Of Problem Solving Ability And Student Mathematic Communication Ability By Applying Problem-Based Learning Model And Inquiry Learning Model
Rabiah, Pargaulan Siagian, KMS. Amin Fauzi

Pendidikan Matematika, Pascasarjana universitas Negeri Medan


This study aims to analyze: 1) Is there a significant difference between the mathematical problem solving abilities of students who are given a problem-based learning model and students who are given an inquiry learning model? 2) Is there a significant difference between the mathematical communication skills of students who are given a problem-based learning model and students who are given an inquiry learning model? 3) How is the process of answering students who are given a problem-based learning model with students who are given an inquiry learning model? The type of research is experimental, the population in this study is all students of class VIII SMP Laksamana Martadinata with a sample of class VIII-1 as experimental class 1 and class VIII-2 as experimental class 2. The instrument used is a test of students^ problem solving and communication skills. The data analysis technique used is the ANACOVA test. The results showed that 1) Problem-based learning had a more significant effect than the influence of inquiry learning on students^ mathematical problem solving abilities. 2) Problem-based learning has a more significant effect than the influence of inquiry learning on students^ mathematical communication skills. 3) The process of completing the test of students^ mathematical problem solving and communication skills through problem-based learning is more complete than inquiry learning.

Keywords: Problem Solving Ability, Mathematical Communication, Problem Based Learning, Inquiry Learning

Topic: Mathematics,Science and Nursing Education

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