Development of Procedure Text Student Worksheets by Utilizing Virtual Games for Class VII Students of SMP Negeri 1 Tanah Jawa
Budi Suprayogo

Universitas Negeri Medan


Efforts to realize independent, creative and innovative learning are the main things behind this research. One way to realize an independent, creative and innovative learning process is to develop LKPD using virtual games. This study aims to determine the feasibility of LKPD with the use of Virtual Games through the results of expert validation and to find out the response of educators and students to the attractiveness of LKPD with the use of Virtual Games.
This research is a type of instructional design development research (Instructional Design) using the ADDIE model. The research subjects consisted of material expert validators and media experts, educators, and students. Experts provide an assessment of the level of material validity and design suitability, while educators and students assess the level of attractiveness of LKPD by using virtual games.
The research results obtained are the feasibility of LKPD with the use of Virtual Games. based on expert judgment, it is categorized as very feasible, with a very good percentage, with a material validation percentage of 96.25% and a percentage of media experts 94%. Educators and students responded positively to the attractiveness of LKPD by using virtual games as learning media, with the percentage of educators responding 91.25%, small group testing 87.3%, and field testing 88.1%. The development of LKPD using virtual games was declared very feasible and received a positive response to be used as a learning medium.

Keywords: Student Worksheets Using Virtual Games, Procedure Text

Topic: Innovative Educational Practices and Effective Technology in the Classroom

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