Correlation between Learning Motivation and Mathematics-Creative Thinking Ability
Jonni Sitorus

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Provinsi Sumatera Utara


The research aims are as follows: describing the student^s learning motivation and mathematics-creative thinking ability- testing their correlations- and calculating the contribution percentage of the learning motivation to the increase in the student^s mathematics-creative thinking ability. The total sample size is 619 students from ten primary schools. Data was collected by two methods, as follows: a questionnaire and a test. There are sixteen questions in the learning motivation questionnaire and one open-ended question on the student^s mathematics creative thinking ability test. The data is analysed quantitatively. The correlation between the learning motivation and the students^ mathematics-creative thinking ability was analysed by using Pearson Product-Moment Correlation with &#9082- = 5% and N = 619. The research showed that 1) desire and wish for success, the drive and need for learning, hope and ambition for the future, interesting learning activities, and a conducive learning environment contribute to the student^s learning motivation- and 2) learning motivation and five of its indicators have positive and significant correlations and have contributed to the increase with a student^s mathematics creativity ability and three of its indicators. Learning motivation and five of its indicators have contributed to the increase in the students^ mathematics creative thinking ability and three of its indicators.

Keywords: Learning motivation, correlation, mathematics-creative thinking ability

Topic: Mathematics,Science and Nursing Education

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