Student^s Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Ability through a Realistic Approach in Blended Learning Based on Non-routine Problems in the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Medan State University
Hasratuddin- M. Amin Fauzi- Budi Halomoan Siregar- Dwi Novita Sari

Medan State University


Abstract. This study aims to analyze the problem-solving and critical thinking skills of students through a realistic approach to non-routine problem-based blended learning in the Mathematics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Medan. This type of research is a semi-experimental research. The research population was all undergraduate students of the Mathematics Education study program (MESP) in 2020. The research sample was taken from 2 classes of the population, namely- 1) MESP 2020 A as an experimental class that is given learning with a realistic approach in blended learning based on non-routine problems, and 2) MESP 2020 B as a control class that is given online learning. The research instrument is a test of problems solving abilities and critical thinking. Data on problem solving abilities and critical thinking were analyzed using two-way ANOVA statistics. The results showed that the problem-solving and critical thinking skills of students who were given geometry learning through a realistic approach to non-routine problem-based blended learning were better than those who were given online learning. Furthermore, from the results of the study it was found that there was no interaction between learning and students^ initial abilities, both on problem skills and on students^ critical thinking skills. This shows that students^ problem-solving and critical thinking skills are always better using realistic learning approaches based on non-routine problem-based blended learning compared to online geometry learning. Thus, the suggestion from the results of this study is that in improving students^ problem-solving and critical thinking skills through a realistic approach to non-routine problem-based blended learning, it is not necessary to classify students into low, medium or high initial abilities.

Keywords: realistic approach- ability- problem solving- critical thinking- blended learning- non-routine.

Topic: Innovative Educational Practices and Effective Technology in the Classroom

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