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31 Catalytic Chemistry ABS-4

Khoirina Dwi Nugrahaningtyas1,*, Fitria Rahmawati1, Mazlan1, Anatta Wahyu Budiman2, and Eddy Heraldy1

1Depatment of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia
2Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia
*Corresponding Author, e-mail: khoirinadwi[at]staff.uns.ac.id


This research aims to modify HZSM-5, Mordenite, and Silica Alumina with Fe metal as a catalyst for oleic acid cracking reaction to fuel oil. This research was used impregnation method to modify HZSM-5, Mordenite, and Silica Alumina with Fe metal and fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) method to convert oleic acid into fuel. The characteristics of the catalyst samples were analyzed using X-Ray Fluorescence, X-Ray Diffraction, Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy, Ammonia-Temperature Programmed Desorption, Surface Area Analyzer, dan Hydrogen-Temperature Programmed Reduction technigue. The produced-liquid was analyzed using Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry technigue.
The results showed that Modification of HZSM-5, Mordenite, and Silica Alumina with Fe Metal had increased the average of crystal size, the pore volume, and the average pore size. However, the Fe metal modification had decreased the total acid site, the crystallinity, and the surface area. The catalysts produced in this research were HZSM-5, Fe3/HZSM-5, Fe6/HZSM-5, Fe9/HZSM-5, Mordenite, Fe3/Mordenir- Fe6/Mordenite- Fe9/Mordenite, Silica Alumina, Fe3/Silica Alumina, Fe6/Silica Alumina, and Fe9/Silica Alumina catalysts with the ability to convert oleic acid were 98.93- 98.48- 99.00- 97.68- 99.29- 97.83- 97.40- 97.99- 98.58- 98.76- 98.40: and 98.18%, respectively.

Keywords: catalyst, Fe Metal, cracking, oleic acid, fuel oil.

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32 Catalytic Chemistry ABS-29

CaO Preparation from Ale-Ale (Meretrix meretrix) Shell As A Catalyst for Methyl Ester Production from Waste Cooking Oil
Syahrul Khairi1*, Teguh Prasetyo1, Yusep Listiawan1, Sri Rezeki1, Tania Avianda Gusman2, Ari Yustisia Akbar3, Usman A. Gani1

1Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Tanjungpura, Jln. Prof. Dr. H. Hadari Nawawi, Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia 78124
2Chemistry Education Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon, Cirebon, Indonesia
3Research Center for Metallurgical and Material, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional, Serpong, Indonesia


The potential of West Kalimantan, Indonesia Ale-ale shell (Meretrix meretrix) as a precursor of calcium oxide and its application as a catalyst in the transesterification reaction of waste cooking oil into methyl ester has been investigated. Ale-ale shell powder was prepared by mashing and sieved with a 100 mesh sieve. The Ale-ale shell powder was calcined at temperatures of 873, 1073, and 1273 K to obtain calcium oxide (CaO). Diffractogram data showed that pure CaO was produced from the calcination of shell powder at 1273 K with a yield of 55.1%. CaO performance was tested in the transesterification reaction of waste cooking oil into methyl ester. Esterification was carried out using methanol and sulfuric acid as pretreatment prior the transesterification to reduce the free fatty acid content in the used cooking oil. Transesterification reaction has been performed at 338 K for 3 hours with the ratio of oil:catalyst 1:10 w/t% and oil:methanol 1:12 mol. Besides glycerol, the product obtained was methyl ester with a yield of 59.1%. The main content of the product was methyl palmitate approximately 43.7% of the total methyl ester. The obtained results showed that the ale-ale shell is potentially used as a source and precursor of a transesterification catalyst.

Keywords: Meretrix meretrix- ale-ale shell- calcium oxide- transesterification- methyl ester- catalyst

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33 Catalytic Chemistry ABS-58

Palm Oil Epoxidation by V2O5 / \gamma-Al2O3
Yessi Permana (a*), Eunike Kartika Salduna (a)

a) Chemistry, FMIPA, Bandung Institute of Technology
Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia


A European country recently reduced the use of phthalates as plasticizers because of their toxicity. Vegetable oil epoxides were reported as alternative plasticizers with nontoxic and benign properties. Palm oil epoxide (epoxidized palm oil or EPO) shows and is produced by oxidizing triglyceride olefins using H2O2 and acids. However, the process releases heat that is relatively hard to control, corrosive, and may decrease the selectivity of epoxides because of further hydrolysis of epoxide rings. The oxidation reaction of palm oil in this study used tertiary-butyl hydrogen peroxide or TBHP as an oxidizing agent, assisted by V2O5/\gamma-Al2O3 (1: 10 mol). The support of \gamma-Al2O3 was chosen because it may deposit vanadia while providing ease process of catalyst regenerations. The regeneration of unsupported-V2O5 from palm oil is relatively difficult. Synthesis of V2O5/\gamma-Al2O3 is carried out by dropwise impregnation of alumina by a solution of VO(acac)2 complex followed by heating at 100 \circC (2 h) and calcination at 500 \circC (5 h). Catalytic reaction tests were also conducted with various types of 1st raw transition metal oxides, impregnated on alumina (Cr2O5, CuO, Fe2O3, NiO) to evaluate the oxide character. The observation showed excellent epoxidation on V2O5/\gamma-Al2O3 employment results compared to other oxides. Optimized reaction conditions were achieved at 80 \circC, 7 h, 0.5 mol% of vanadium upon olefins, and 3.5 mol eq. of TBHP. A longer reaction indicated the opening of epoxide rings. A kinetics study showed that the reaction was a pseudo-2nd order upon palm oil with an activation energy (Ea) of 27 kJ\cdotmol-1, turn over number (TON) of 138 and turn over frequency (TOF) of 20 h-1. Such an activation energy is lower than the reported uncatalyzed-reaction (Ea of 91 kJ\cdotmol-1). The catalytic study also described transition state values of free Gibbs energy (G\pm) of 90 kJ\cdotmol-1, entropy (\triangleS\pm) of -188 J\cdotmol-1K-1, and enthalpy

Keywords: Palm oil- epoxidation- V2O5/\gamma-Al2O3- TBHP

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34 Catalytic Chemistry ABS-63

Synthesis and Characterization of CuHY for The Reaction Dehydration-Oxidation Glycerol
Monika Lumongga Putri Tambunan, Iman Abdullah, Yuni Krisyuningsih Krisnandi

School of Chemistry, University of Indonesia
Jalan Prof. Dr. Surdjono, Depok 16424, Indonesia


The conversion of glycerol into acrylic acid using one pot process method was performed. In this paper, the process of conversion of glycerol into acrylic acid involved a bifunctional catalyst to achieve a single stage conversion reaction simultaneously with a high product yield. The catalyst used in this conversion is zeolite HY impregnated with Cu metal. HY zeolite was synthesized using alternative precursors from natural resources, i.e., Indonesian natural zeolite and kaolin. The crystal structure and physicochemical properties of the catalyst were determined by various characterization techniques such as X-Ray-Diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscope - Energy Dispersive X-Ray (SEM-EDX), Surface Area Analyzer (SAA), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), and Temperature Programmed Desorption (TPD-NH3). The CuHY catalyst was synthesized using the impregnation method, and based on the XRD characterization, the formation of CuHY is confirmed. The EDS mapping image showed that uniform distribution of Cu on the HY surface. Moreover, the TEM images showed an excellent pore size distribution. The catalytic activity on conversion of glycerol to acrylic acid showed that CuHY produced of acrylic acid 25.8 % during dehydration for 3 hours. The characterization of the catalyst in the presence of moderate acid showed effective catalytic activity on the conversion reaction of glycerol to acrylic acid.

Keywords: Glycerol- Acrylic acid- Zeolite HY- Dehydration and Oxidation- Heterogeneous Catalyst

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35 Catalytic Chemistry ABS-71

Calcinated Ferronickel Slag as Catalyst in Biodiesel Synthesis from Cooking Oil
Boy Chandra Sitanggang*, Neny Rasnyanti M Aras

Program Studi Analisis Kimia, Akademi Komunitas Industri Manufaktur Bantaeng, Bantaeng 92461, Indonesia


Ferronickel slag is byproduct of nickel ore smelter plant that usually disposed in open field and environmentally problematic. The aims of the research is to study ferronickel slag potential as catalyst in producing biodiesel. Ferronickel slag was prepared by milling followed by sieving 200 mesh and calcinated at 900 oC. Next, calcinated slag characterized using XRF and shows mayor component in percent were Si 49.47, Fe 36.09, Ca 7.12, Cr 3.01, Mn 2.28 respectively. Calcinated slag used in the transesterification process of cooking oil as catalyst in three necked flask with oil to methanol ratio is 1 : 9, reaction time 1, 2, 3 hour and temperature 70, 90, 110 oC . Then, the product were tested for water content, density, viscosity, acid number, free fatty acids, total glycerol, percent of yield according to SNI 7182-2015. FTIR showed the presence of peaks at 1745.58 and 1161.15 corresponds to C=O and C-O functional groups.

Keywords: Slag- ferronickel- calcinated- biodiesel- catalyst

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36 Catalytic Chemistry ABS-128

Selective Synthesis of 1,2-Pentanediols by CoWO4: Catalytic Behaviour of Amorphous versus Crystalline State
Siti Hartinah Qurbayni (a*), Yessi Permana (a), Husni Wahyu Wijaya (b)

(a) Institut Teknologi Bandung
(b) Universitas Negeri Malang


Furfuryl alcohol is one biomass derivatives developed in polymer and pharmaceutical industries. Hydrogenation and decarbonylation of furan rings on furfuryl alcohol were reported to give 1,2-pentanadiol and 1,5-pentanadiol in pressurized hydrogen using platinum group metal catalysts (Ru, Pd, and Pt). Furfuryl alcohol hydrogenations were facilitated by various hydrogen sources, such as such as alcohol or organic acids. Herein, cobalt(II) was used as a catalyst precursor with ethanol, isopropyl alcohol, and methanol as hydrogen sources. The cobalt tungstate was synthesized hydrothermally at relatively lower temperature (<160 C) and relatively shorter time (<10 hours) compared to previously reported procedure (180-200 C, 15-24 hours). This research also evaluated the amorphous phase cobalt tungstate using hydrothermal method. The catalytic ability of cobalt tungstate in crystalline and amorphous phases was observed in the hydrogenation reaction of furfuryl alcohol without hydrogen gas. The synthesized cobalt compounds were characterized using PXRD, FTIR, and EDX. Furfural conversions and products were observed by gas chromatography (GC). In this study, the amorphous phase cobalt tungstate showed better conversion results than the crystalline cobalt tungstate phase.

Keywords: Furfuryl alcohol, cobalt tungstate, 1,2-pentanediol, amorphous

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37 Catalytic Chemistry ABS-134

Methyl Oleate Epoxidation with TBHP Catalyzed by Vanadyl(IV) Diketonate and Vanadyl(IV) Salicylidene 2-Aminoterephthalate
Rival Abdul Aziz (a), Aditya Wibawa Sakti (b), Muhamad Abdulkadir Martoprawiro (a), Yessi Permana (a*)

(a) Inorganic and Physical Chemistry Research Division, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung.
(b) Chemistry Department, Pertamina University


Epoxidized fatty acid methyl ester (EFAME) is a potential PVC plasticizer that may replace phthalate based plasticizers. The general production of EFAME involves organic acids and hydrogen peroxide with a mole ratio exceeding the olefin. The reaction releases large heat in very short time. Epoxidation of FAME with tertiary butyl hydroperoxide (TBHP) catalyzed by transition metal based catalyst showed a milder and safer reaction. The conversion of internal olefins into epoxides may be facilitated by oxophilic transition metals, such as vanadium, molybdenum, tungsten, and manganese at high valent. Herein, vanadyl(IV) acetylacetonate (VO(acac)2) and vanadyl(IV) salicylidene aminoterephthalate, were examined in the epoxidation of methyl oleate. The extended tight binding (xTB) program implemented in ORCA 5.0.2 was used to study the epoxidation of methyl oleate theoretically. The study at xTB level showed that the energy barrier (323 K) for the Sharpless mechanism was 124.3 kJ/mol in hexadecane, respectively. The interaction of VO(acac)2 with excess TBHP showed the formation of a vanadium(V) complex based on the visible light spectrum and qualitative magnetic measurements. Infrared spectrum of the isolated VO(acac)2 intermediate after the contact with 2 mol of TBHP showed a characteristic of oxide vanadium. Vanadyl(IV) salicylidene aminoterephthalate was likely obtained in the one pot reaction of the ligand and VO(acac)2. The formation of the complex was observed by IR spectroscopy, measurement of magnetic properties, and gravimetric analysis. Epoxidized methyl oleate (EMO) was achieved at the highest yield when 0.3 mol percent of VO(acac)2 and 3 mol eq of TBHP were employed in the reaction at 50 C for 7 h. Complexes of VO(acac)2, VO(bzbz)2, and vanadyl(IV) salicylidene aminoterephthalate showed catalytic activity of EMO formation at 58, 55, and 62 percent, respectively.

Keywords: epoxidation, vanadyl(IV) acetylacetonate, vanadyl(IV) salicylidene 2-aminoterephthalate, GFN2-xTB

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38 Catalytic Chemistry ABS-147

Isalmi Aziz(1,2), Purwantiningsih Sugita(1,3,*), Noviyan Darmawan(1,3) and A. Adep Dwiatmoko(4)

(1) Department of Chemistry, IPB University, Bogor 16680, Indonesia
(2) Department of Chemistry, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, South Tangerang 15412, Indonesia
(3) Halal Science Center, IPB University, Bogor 16129, Indonesia
(4) Research Center for Advanced Chemistry, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) South Tangerang 15314, Indonesia


Natural zeolite (NZ) from the desilication was prepared to support the Ni catalyst. The catalyst was utilized for hydrodeoxygenation (HDO) of the palm fatty acid distillate (PFAD) into green diesel. Desilication using sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution is believed to increase the porosity, surface area, and acidity of the natural zeolite so that the catalytic activity increases. This study aims to determine the effect of the concentration of NaOH solution used in the desilication process on the characteristics and catalytic activity of the Ni/NZ catalyst. The pure Ni and Ni/NZ without desilication were also studied for comparison. Natural zeolite was dedicated by varying the concentration of NaOH (0,5- 1 and 2 N). Desilicated zeolite was then activated using 1 M ammonium acetate solution and impregnated with Ni metals. The desilication NZ was found to increase catalyst acidity and surface area at a low NaOH concentration, while the zeolite structure (clinoptilolite) was still intact. The catalytic activity of the catalyst was also increased compared to pure Ni and Ni/NZ without desilication. Conversely, a higher concentration of NaOH decreases the Si/Al ratio, catalyst acidity, and surface area. The catalytic activity decreases, as evidenced by the reduced yield of the liquid product from the hydrodeoxygenation of PFAD. Ni/NZ catalyst, desilicated with 0.5N NaOH, revealed the best catalytic activity with a product yield and green diesel selectivity of 83.64% and 95.42%, respectively.

Keywords: Natural zeolite, desilication, hidrodeoxygenation, palm fatty acid distillate, green diesel

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39 Chemical Education ABS-3

Henie Poerwandar Asmaningrum1.*, Sudarmin2, Woro Sumarni3, Okto Irianto4, Nasrawati5

1Department of Chemistry Education, University of Musamus
2,3Department of Chemistry, University of Semarang State
4Department of Accounting, University of Musamus
5Department of English Education, University of Musamus


Science teaching materials with the Marind Papua ethnoscience approach have never been developed before. Based on initial observations, teachers need these teaching materials in order to improve students^ scientific literacy skills. This study aims to develop science teaching materials based on the Marind Tribe^s ethnoscience approach which in its implementation is integrated with STEM. This research is an R&D research with 4D method, namely define, design, develop, and desimination. The validator in this study is one material validator and one media validator. Respondents in this study were 10 junior high school teachers. the results of the study indicate that the product of science teaching materials developed is categorized as very good by the validator and the respondent. The product of these teaching materials also has the potential to encourage scientific literacy, character development, and critical thinking skills in students.

Keywords: Local wisdom, Marind Papua, Ethnoscience, STEM

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40 Chemical Education ABS-27

Enhancing Students Higher Order Thinking Skills on Colloid Theory through Flipped Classroom
Nuralimat Hakiah (a*), Ida Farida (b), Imelda Helsy (b)

a)Chemistry Education, State Islamic University Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jalan A. H. Nasution No. 105, Bandung 40614, Indonesia
b)Chemistry Education, State Islamic University Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jalan A. H. Nasution No. 105, Bandung 40614, Indonesia


This research aims to describe student activities, analyze student performance at each stage of learning by applying the flipped classroom through a scientific approach and analyze students higher order thinking skills after learning by applying the flipped classroom. The research method used is a pre-experimental design with the type of one-group pretest posttest design. The subjects of this study were students of class XI MIA 2 MA Negeri 3 Garut with a total of 36 people. The instruments used are learning descriptions, observation sheets, student worksheets (LKS), and test kits to measure students higher order thinking skills. Data were obtained from observations on learning activities and scoring on pretest and posttest questions. The results showed that overall student activity reached 92% with a very good interpretation. The average value of student performance at all stages of learning by applying the flipped classroom through a scientific approach is 92.5 with a very good interpretation. The students higher order thinking ability after learning the flipped classroom through a scientific approach has increased with an N-Gain value of 0.73 which is included in the high category. Therefore, the application of flipped classroom on colloid theory can enhancing students higher order thinking skills with meaningful learning as indicated by the average retention power of students on the higher thinking ability test device, which is 96 which is included in the high category.

Keywords: flipped classroom- colloid- higher order thinking

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41 Chemical Education ABS-48

A Simple Concept of Color Forming in Common Compounds That Find on Senior/Vocation High School Level with Computational Approach
Ajeng Nega Reni Damayanti 1,3 Aristia Pratiwi Meliawati 2,4 Nur Azlina Oktavianti 1,5 and Badra Sanditya Rattyananda 2,6,*

1.Master Program of Teaching Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Bandung Institute of Technology
2. Master Program of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Bandung Institute of Technology
3. 1 State Islamic Senior High School (MAN 1) in Trenggalek
4. 6 State Vocational High School (SMKN 6) in Garut
5. 1 State Vocational High School (SMKN 1) in North Tambusai - Rokan Hulu
6. National Research & Innovation Agency of Indonesia

* Corresponding author, phone/WA: +6285218544675, email: badra.sanditya.rattyananda[at]brin.go.id


From KBBI, color was defined as the impression that eye gets from the light reflected by objects it hits. In chemistry, color was obtained from the excitation of electrons from the ground state (HOMO) to an empty orbital that was one energy level above (LUMO). The energy required for this excitation process was proportional to the wavelength of visible light in the range of 380-740 nm. For Senior / MA / vocational high school students this concept was a bit difficult to imagine, therefore computing was here to make it easier for students to understand it. The compounds chosen to represent the red color were Lycopene from tomatoes, orange color from &#946--carotene from carrots, yellow color from Tartrazine, green color from chlorophyll, blue color from phycocyanin obtained from spirulina, and purple color from anthocyanins strain from potatoes. The six compounds were calculated computationally with ORCA 5.0.3 software using DFT method with Hybrid-GGA B3LYP functional and 2nd generation of Ahlrichs basis sets def2-SVP. Guess structure was optimized that the result becomes as input of Single point energy and UV-Vis prediction spectrum. The all energy of the transition from HOMO to LUMO were obtained that was on visible frequency range. It result corresponds to the concept of complementary colors that produce the colors human see. Thus, the result of orbitals with computational approach hoped to make students will be able to understand formed colors better. Furthermore, the concept of a computational approach with more complicated methods such as EOM-CCSD (Equation of Motion-Coupled Cluster Singles and Doubles) can be used to explain the concept of secondary and combined color more accurately.

Keywords: Color, HOMO (Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital), LUMO (Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital), Complementary Color Concepts, UV Absorption

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42 Chemical Education ABS-57

Trends in valorization of red mud study: A bibliometric analysis for teaching and learning
Lukman Hadi and Ahmad Mudzakir*

Post Graduate Study Program of Natural Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229 Bandung West Java Indonesia


Red mud or bauxite residue is an industrial waste generated during the processing of bauxite into alumina using the Bayer process. This study aims to provide a bibliometric analysis on the topic of the red mud. The search results from the Scopus database were extracted using the VOSviewer software. A total of 376 articles related to red mud were analyzed and mapped. Based on the mapping results, REE and acid leaching were confirmed to be trending in the study of red mud. This research is expected to provide a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities of studying the red mud topic.

Keywords: red mud- bibliometric- trends

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43 Chemical Education ABS-68

Evaluation of Inorganic Chemistry Courses Using Context, Input, Process, and Product Model: a Case Study at the Tanjungpura University
Lukman Hadi and Ahmad Mudzakir*

Post Graduate Study Program of Natural Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229 Bandung West Java Indonesia


Inorganic chemistry is one of the programs provided to students in the Chemistry Education department. This program consists of four compulsory courses, namely metal chemistry, metal chemistry practicum, non-metallic chemistry, and non-metallic chemistry practicum, which are available for one academic year. As a program, an evaluation must be carried out to see the extent to which the program can achieve the goals that have been determined. This study aims to evaluate the inorganic chemistry lecture program for one year of its application. A total of 3 lecturers and 50 students were involved in this study as participants. We applied Stufflebeam^s Context, Input, Process, and Product (CIPP) model to frame the case study analysis and presentation of the complex impacts generated by pre/post-course competency self-assessments and reflections integrated with an end-of-course focus group. The results show that the context of the program is not yet relevant to the potential of the region, and the process of achieving the program objectives has not been reliable. Implication of the study show that a need to improve the program^s structure

Keywords: CIPP model- curriculum- evaluation- inorganic chemistry

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44 Chemical Education ABS-76

Culturally Responsive Chemistry Teaching (CRCT) of College Students as a Teacher Candidate: is it matter?
Atiek Winarti (a), Almubarak (a*), Parham Saadi (a), Ijirana (b), Siti Aminah (b), Ratman (b)

(a) Lambung Magkurat University
(b) Tadulako University


Culture is an essential part of human life- cultural involvement in learning can train students to find the meaning of life, including the contribution of chemistry in the cultural context of society. However, Teachers reported that they struggle to meet students^ needs relevant to differences in culture and ability. So, preparing college students to be real teachers is an essential part of education because college students are teacher candidates who need to be considered and prepared for quality education. After all, teacher candidates teachers are a vital part of education. Teaching skills not only transfer knowledge as a cognition image but also how teachers integrate various life experiences and backgrounds, including culture, in the learning process. The study aimed to investigate college students^ understanding of chemistry by involving their culture with various methods, including transformative teaching and problem-solving. The research method used descriptive with a qualitative approach, including data collection techniques, such as projects, interviews, observation, and questionnaires. The findings revealed that the learning process involving cultural aspects could show the contribution of chemical elements in society, especially the formation of scientific cognition. Next, culturally responsive chemistry teaching is an innovative learning approach to training college students^ understanding (teacher candidates). The research concludes that good teaching is teaching that understands the needs of students, especially knowing their cultural background. To teach from diverse backgrounds effectively, schools need teachers who understand the impact of students^ home and community cultures on their educational experience. This research can also develop an instructional design, train teacher candidates^ teaching skills, and develop curricula.

Keywords: culture, teacher candidate, culturally responsive teaching, chemistry teaching

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45 Chemical Education ABS-80

sari sari, Muhamad Rifqi Fathul Rizqi and Ferli Septi Irwansyah

Department of Chemistry Education, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung


Augmented reality is one of the media for 3D devices that is currently in demand being developed in various aspects, including learning media.This research describe the augmented reality based learning media of acid base titration practicum as an effort to provide an alternative to teachers to help students understand practical activities. In addition, it will build students^ understanding of a concept and give students different experiences in carrying out acid-base titration practicum. This study aims to describe the appearance of the learning media, the results of the validation test and the results of the limited trial. This learning media is designed using the Design Based Research (DBR) method with 3 steps: analysis, design, and development. Based on these results, the learning media displays the introduction of tools, introduction of materials, practice simulation videos, acid base titration practice simulations, and titration graphs. The results of the validation test and limited trials showed that the learning media were valid and ready to be used as learning media

Keywords: Learning Media- Augmented Reality- Acid base Titration

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46 Chemical Education ABS-115

Developing Android-based Interactive Multimedia on Period 4 Transition Metals material
Siti Munawaroh(a), Ferli Septi Irwansyah(a), Risa Rahmawati Sunarya(a*)

(a) Chemistry Education Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung


The application of technology in learning is believed to be able to improve students learning abilities. One of the uses of technology in the digital era today is a smartphone with the Android operating system as a learning multimedia. Learning activities that use multimedia have a positive effect on student learning outcomes. This study aims to create android-based interactive multimedia, to analyze validation test results, and feasibility results of android-based interactive multimedia on period 4 transition metal material. The method used in this research is DBR (Desain Based Research). which consists of the analysis, design, and development. This interactive multimedia displaying content and materials in the form of images, audio, video, text, and animation. Validation data from three validators obtained Rvalue of 0.8622 on the aspects of material, content and 0.96 on the media aspect which is declared valid. While the feasibility test is limited to 10 students SMA IPA class XII get an average percentage of 84.37% shows that interactive multimedia-based android in the fourth elements materials transition period very suitable to be used as a learning media.

Keywords: Period 4 Transition Metal material, android-based interactive multimedia

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47 Chemical Education ABS-116

Triannisa Rahmawati 1,a), Nahadi 2,a), Atika Fitri Kurnia 3,a)

1,2,3Department of Chemistry Education, Indonesia University of Education, Bandung, Indonesia


The weakness of the learning process developed by the teacher is one of the problems that will affect students^ understanding of the material to be delivered. At this time most of the learning carried out focuses on teacher-centered learning. This study aims to develop and implement Read, Answer, Discuss, Explain, Create (RADEC) learning models in chemistry learning to improve Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTs) students. One Group Pretest-Posttest design and RADEC model is used in this study. In which one group was given treatment by applying the RADEC learning model, while another group used conventional learning model, and then the results of two groups were observed. The pretest data show that control group has higher score than experiment group, while the posttest result show that the experiment group has higher score that control group in chemical periodicity. From this result the RADEC learning model provide significant student learning outcomes for concept mastery compared to conventional methods in chemical periodicity topic. Furthermore, from the results of interviews with students, it was also found that students prefer to learn using the RADEC model, because it improve a better understanding.

Keywords: Chemical periodicity, RADEC, HOTs,

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48 Chemical Education ABS-121

The Review of Environmental Friendly Substitution Reactions Experimental from Organic Compound in Higher Education
Sri Mulyanti- Asep Kadarohman- Ratnaningsih Eko Sardjono

Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang


Various reactions determine the success of organic compound synthesis, as well as substitution reactions, especially in experiments in higher education. A substitution reaction experiment design is needed to be a medium of learning in higher education and mastery of concepts related to substitution reactions, including the various components, such as substituted compounds, solvents, catalysts, and the required nucleophiles. In addition to achieving learning objectives through substitution reaction experiments, experiments should also apply the principle of sustainability by applying green chemistry at every stage of the experiment. Through a review of various studies related to substitution reaction experiments in higher education that implement sustainability, it can then be recommended that a substitution reaction experiment design that is easy, inexpensive, and environmentally friendly but still prioritizes the achievement of learning objectives in higher education.

Keywords: experiment design in higher education- nucleophilic- green chemistry- substitution reaction

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49 Chemical Education ABS-129

Matrix Formulation of Chemical Kinetics
H.A. Aziz(a*), H. Hendrawan(a)

(a) Department of Chemistry Education, Indonesia University of Education
Jalan Dr. Setiabudi No 229, Bandung


Linear algebra is the branch of mathematics that study linear transformation of vector in a vector space. There are many applications of the subject, including to solve system of linear differential equations with constant coefficients. In this study, we are revisiting the application of matrix reformulation of chemical kinetics. All calculation is performed using Python 3.8.3 using Jupyter Notebook and PyCharm Integrated Development Environment (IDE). The calculation performed is the diagonalization of the constant coefficients^ matrix.
We show that, using a slight abuse of notation, that for reactions where at every step of the reaction it is that of first order, the concentration of chemical species is given by
\[ \frac{d}{dt} \overrightarrow{C} (t) = K \overrightarrow{C} (t) \Leftrightarrow e^K \overrightarrow{C} (0) \]
We also show how equilibrium reaction can be considered as 2 component cyclic reaction, as well as how consecutive reaction can be generalized to include as many steps as needed.
By this reformulation, many types of reaction rate equation can be reduced to single type of equation, and more easily understandable.

Keywords: linear algebra, chemical kinetics, matrix diagonalization, eigenvalues, eigenvectors

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50 Chemical Education ABS-144

Iriani Bakti, Rizki Nur Analita, Putranty Widha Nugraheni, and Ester Noviyanti

1. Teacher Professional Education Program, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin
2. Chemistry Education Program, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin
3. Environmental Engineering Program, Tanjungpura University, Pontianak
4. Canda Bhirawa Vocational High School, Pare Kediri


The learner^s conceptual understanding has become one of the leading research areas conducted by educational researchers. Teachers, pre-service teachers, and students should improve each alternative conception and deepen their conceptual understanding. One of the essential concepts in chemistry learning is colligative properties. The following paper is a literature review that discusses vapor-pressure lowering and boiling-point elevation, parts of colligative properties. Few studies examine the conceptual understanding of vapor-pressure lowering and boiling-point elevation, so it^s quite difficult for researchers to find reference sources. This literature review aims to provide important details from several previous studies to help researchers obtain the necessary complete sources. The findings are also expected to provide the learner with an understanding of chemistry, especially in vapor-pressure lowering and boiling-point elevation concepts.

Keywords: Literature review, Conceptual understanding, Vapor-pressure lowering, Boiling-point elevation.

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51 Chemical Education ABS-153

Development of Inquiry-Based Worksheets on the Synthesis of Conductive Polymer Polyaniline/CuO as Counter Electrode in DSSC
Yosi Yosiva Sidik (a), Yulia Sukmawardhani (a), Risa Rahmawati Sunarya(a*)

(a) Chemistry Education Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
*email: risarahmawatis[at]uinsgd.ac.id


Renewable energy sources are potential energy for replacing main energy fossil (energy). One of the renewable energy sources that are low cost, environmentally friendly and has good efficiency is dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC). In chemistry learning, students can learn how to assembly the components of DSSC, such as the counter electrode in the form of synthesizing conductive polymer: polyaniline (PANI) and polyaniline/CuO. PANI has a good electrocatalytic activity to reduce I3- to I- in electrolyte of DSSC. Worksheet is needed as a guide in the process of synthesizing PANI and PANI/CuO. The purpose of this study was to describe the inquiry-based worksheets, obtain validation and feasibility of the worksheets. The method used in the preparation of this worksheets is Design Based Research (DBR) with ADDIE model approach, which includes analysis, design, and development stages, but for implementation and evaluation stages cannot be conducted yet because this study more focus on the development of product. The worksheets that have been made have shown valid with r value 0,84 and eligible with eligibility 90%. Therefore, this worksheet can be used as learning media in the synthesis of conductive polymer Polyaniline/CuO as the counter electrode in DSSC.

Keywords: chemistry learning, DSSC, polyaniline, PANI/CuO, inquiry-based worksheets

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52 Chemical Education ABS-154

Dinar Salviana Tsany, Isriyanti Affifah, Robby Zidny

Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa


The result of PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) study indicated that Indonesian students have low science (chemical) literacy. There is a need to develop teaching materials to support and foster the science (chemical) literacy. This study aims to produce an electronic module (e-module) website based on chemical literacy on the topic of voltaic cells. Research and development (R & D) methods of ADDIE model (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation) was used in the study. Data collection techniques used research instruments of expert validation sheets and student response questionnaires. The validation assessment in the study used Aiken^s parameter (V). The validation involved 6 validators using 4 alternative answers and the minimum error index value was 0.05 or 5% (Vtable = 0.78). The result of expert validation (V) was 0.87 (87%) which has the ^Valid^ category. The final result of student responses regarding the feasibility of the e-module was 95.15% in the ^Very Good^ category and the final result regarding the practicality of the e-module was 92.14% in the ^Very Good^ category. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the e-module website can be used as a learning resource and supports student^s chemical literacy, especially on voltaic cell topic

Keywords: Chemical Literacy, Electronic Module, Website, Voltaic Cell, Chemistry Learning

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53 Chemical Education ABS-162

Arif Sholahuddin, Hekma Sari, Shinta Selviana Susianti, Leny, Rizki Nur Analita

Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia FKIP Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Banjarmasin, Indonesia


Learning design is an essential component in the teaching and learning process. Many learning designs and their supporting tools have not properly fostered students^ scientific literacy. This study aims to produce learning tools based on the project-based learning-science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics (PJBL-STEAM) to foster students^ scientific literacy through colloid chemistry learning. The study used Tessmer^s Evaluative Model development research. This study involved five experts and eight students. The study found that all the learning tools were valid according to experts^ ratings, as well as practice and effective in fostering students^ scientific literacy according to small group test. The learning tools contain contextual problems especially related to wetland environments so that they were able to increase learning activities, attractiveness, meaningful learning, and foster students^ scientific literacy skills. Future research has to explore the factual practicality and effectiveness of the learning tools through the field test evaluation stage.

Keywords: colloids chemistry, PjBL, STEAM, scientific literacy, wetland environment learning sorces

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54 Chemical Education ABS-174

W Wiji*, R. A. E. Nawang Wulan, S Mulyani, T Widhiyanti, and D Hasanah

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
* maswiji[at]upi.edu


This paper presents the findings from the content analysis of 24 empirical chemistry education research papers on educational games in chemistry learning. We found that educational games have been applied to the concept of molecular geometry, Lewis structures, VSEPR theory, organic chemistry, chemical kinetics, laboratory safety, chemical formulas, ionic and covalent compounds and chemical periodicity. Educational games in chemistry learning can be grouped based on media into 2 categories, namely digital and physical games- and based on players into 2 categories as well, namely personal and group games. At this time the use of educational games is increasingly widespread because it combines two aspects: entertainment and education. Some researchers believe that educational games are effective tools because they include more adequate learning strategies with physical game by playing in groups. However, other researchers show that game-based tools are more effective since they allow learners to improve their competency in learning chemistry with digital educational games. Digital educational games are easy to play, effective in increasing student understanding, and increasing learning motivation.

Keywords: educational games, chemistry learning

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55 Chemical Education ABS-209

Mental Model Profile on Concept of the Effect of Nature of the Reactants and Catalyst on Reaction Rate
Iqlima Rahayu*, Wiji*, Tuszie Widhiyanti, Galuh Yuliani, Sri Mulyani

Department of Chemistry Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No.229, Isola, Kec. Sukasari, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40154, Indonesia
*rahayu.iqlima[at]gmail.com, maswiji[at]upi.edu


This research aims to obtain students mental models profile on the concept of the effect nature of reactants and catalysts on reaction rate. The research used a qualitative descriptive method with Mental Model Diagnostic Test-Interview About Event (MMDT-IAE) instrument. The results found two types of mental models, namely Partial Understanding (PU) and Partial Understanding with a Specific Misconception (PU/SM). The effect of surface area on reaction rate, students 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7 answered correctly but can not relate the three levels, while students 5 cannot explain the relationship between effective collisions and reaction rates. The effect of structure on reaction rate, students 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7 can answer the structure, reactivity, and collision theory, while student 5 can not explain collision theory. The effect of ionization energy on reaction rate, students 1, 4, and 7 can answer all probing questions but can not relate the three levels. The effect of catalyst on the reaction rate, all students cannot write steps of reaction with catalyst, describe the reaction progress diagram on the reaction rate, and the Boltzmann distribution diagram correctly. The implications of this research as a basic for teachers to design appropriate learning strategies.

Keywords: Mental model- MMDT-IAE- The effect of nature of the reactants and catalyst on reaction rate

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56 Chemical Education ABS-210

Jihan Assyifa Fatihah (a*), Tuszie Widhiyanti (a), Sri Mulyani (a), Wiji Wiji (a), Galuh Yuliani (a)

(a) Department of Chemistry Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


This study aims to develop intertextual learning strategy with POE (Predict-observe-explain) which has the potential to improve the mastery of the concept of the effect of nature of reactants and catalysts on reaction rates, and students science process skills (SPS). The method used in this research is Research and Development (R&D) which is limited to the preliminary product development stage. The instrument used was the the format for the suitability of learning activities with the conceptual mastery indicator and the science process skills validated by 5 chemistry lecturers. The results obtained intertextual-based learning activities involving three levels of chemical representation with POE learning steps to build the concept of the effect of nature of the reactant and catalyst on reaction rates and develop students^ science process skills. The strategy consist of five phenomenon which followed by three experiments and two videos as observation tools for the student. The explanation stages guided by sets of guiding questions which involve multi representation levels in those explanation. The product of this research is expected to be used as an alternative learning strategy that can be used by teachers to minimize the possibility of misconceptions that occur, increase mastery of concepts, and students SPS.

Keywords: Intertextual learning Strategy- POE- mastery of concepts- science process skills- the effect of the nature of the reactants and catalyst on reaction rates

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57 Environmental Chemistry and Engineering ABS-43

Neny Rasnyanti M Aras (a*) Saadatul Husna (a) Hermin Hardiyanti Utami (a)

Akademi Komunitas Industri Manufaktur Bantaeng


Adsorption and ion exchange are the most eminent for removing heavy metals from aqueous solution. The activated rice husk ash as adsorbent to remove trace metals from aqueous systems has been widely investigate. The aim of this study was to examined the efficiency of chemically and thermally treated rice husk ash (RHA) with high specific surface area in adsorbing heavy metal. Batch adsorption process was carried out with initial concentration of multi element: Co, Ni, Cd, Pb by varying amount of adsorbent and reaction time under constant shaking of 50 ml sample using magnetic stirrer. The results showed, absorption in 1.5 gram with the contact time 120 min of Co, Ni, Cd, and Pb has the maximum efficiency reached to 15.9, 8.7, 7.5, and 12.7% respectively. The Langmuir equation can be used to express the adsorption capacity for adsorption of Cobalt, Nickel, Cadmium, and Lead by RHA. The capability and adsorption rate of RHA in adsorbing Cobalt are considerably higher and faster than the others. From Equilibrium data both Langmuir model with (R^{2}=0.998 ) and Freudlich model (R^{2}=1) were fit models for describing those metal adsorption reactions. The application of rice husk ash is recommended as a promising adsorbent for heavy metal (Co, Ni, Cd, and Pb) remover from aqueous solutions that showed by spontaneously process as negative values of \triangle G^{o}= -22.5 Kj/mol, -22.1 Kj/mol, -23.6 Kj/mol, -25.7 Kj/mol. Confirmation of chemical bonding between metal and adsorbent by new peak of functional groups on rice husk adsorbents conducted by FTIR, and observed major changes in the pore structure the developed rice husk adsorbents using SEM.

Keywords: Rice Husk Ash, Multi Element, isoterm adsorption, kinetics model

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58 Environmental Chemistry and Engineering ABS-51

Potential of Sweet Corn Stem Biomass as Biosorbent in Adsorption of Mercury (Hg) Metal Contaminants
Muhammad Fathurrahman(a*), Sutanto(a), Yobi Sukresna(a)

(a) Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Pakuan, Jl. Pakuan PO BOX 452, Bogor 16143, West Java, Indonesia
* fathur110590[at]unpak.ac.id


Corn stalks are an agricultural waste that is commonly found in Indonesia. Corn stalks have a high enough cellulose content which has functional groups that can be used as biosorbents. This study aims to optimize adsorption of corn stalk waste to mercury metal ions and then determine the adsorption capacity and adsorption constant of the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm model. This research begins with corn stalk preparation, delignification, characterization using FTIR and SEM, determination of optimization of biosorbent weight, pH of Hg solution, contact time, and concentration of Hg solution, then applied to mercury metal contamination waste. Optimization of weight of biosorbent in the range 0.4-1.2 grams, pH of the Hg solution is 2-4, contact time is 60-120 minutes, and concentration of the Hg solution of 30-100 g/L with a solution volume of 50 mL. Furthermore, determination of mercury levels, manufacture of standard series, and testing using ICP-OES. Followed by determination of Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isothermal model. The results of this study indicate that the optimum conditions for adsorption process occur at the weight of the biosorbent 1.2 grams, pH of the Hg 3 solution, contact time of 90 minutes and concentration of Hg solution of 40 ppb with a solution volume of 50 mL. The application of biosorbent to metal contamination waste with adsorbed Hg concentration obtained 27.5772 ppb in 50 mL of waste solution with an adsorption efficiency of 88.44%. In determination of Langmuir and Freundlich isothermals, a match was found for Langmuir adsorption isothermals with &#61537- value or adsorption capacity of 0.00333 mg Hg/g biosorbent and &#61538- 176.8256.

Keywords: Corn stalk waste, Biosorbent, Adsorption, Optimization, Langmuir and Freundlich isothermal

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59 Environmental Chemistry and Engineering ABS-55

Synthesis and Characterization of Mg/N co-doped ZnO Semiconductors for Photocatalyst Applications
Lisa Desril Putri(a), Nadia Maharani Chadiza(a), M. Anwar Sadad(a), Tety Sudiarti(a*), Atthar Luqman Ivansyah(b)

(a) Chemistry, Science and Technology, Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University, Bandung, Indonesia
(a) Chemistry, Science and Technology, Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University, Bandung, Indonesia
(a) Chemistry, Science and Technology, Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University, Bandung, Indonesia
(a) Chemistry, Science and Technology, Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University, Bandung, Indonesia
(b) Chemistry, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia


River water pollution due to the disposal of dye waste without further treatment has become a serious problem in Indonesia today. Simple water treatment using sunlight for photocatalysis can be a promising solution. ZnO semiconductor has been widely known to have benefits in various fields, one of which is in photocatalysis applications. However, ZnO is known to have the poor photocatalytic ability in the visible light region so its utilization is limited. Doping is a technique to increase the photocatalytic ability of ZnO. In this study, the synthesis of Mg and N co-doped ZnO (Mg/N-ZnO) was carried out using the solid-state method. XRD and SEM analyzed the characteristics and morphology of Mg/N-ZnO. The results of the XRD analysis confirmed the formation of ZnO crystals with a hexagonal wurtzite structure with high crystallinity. The average crystal size obtained from the sample is 25 nm. SEM showed the morphology of Mg/N-ZnO in the form of nanorods. Testing the ability of photocatalytic activity of Mg/N-ZnO was carried out/evaluated against a solution of methyl violet dye. The results of photocatalysis showed a very good degradation ability of methyl violet dye with a degradation percentage of 96% after irradiation with visible light for 120 minutes. These excellent results prove the success of the Mg/N double-doped ZnO synthesis using the solid-state method in increasing the photocatalytic ability of ZnO in the visible light region.

Keywords: Mg/N co-doped ZnO- solid state- photocatalysis

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60 Environmental Chemistry and Engineering ABS-70

Detection of Pb(II) and Cu(II) Heavy Metal Ions Based on Fluorescence Using Metal Ion Complex of La(III) with Pyrazoline Derivative Ligands
Yulian Syahputri(a*), Sutanto(a), Erdiana Putri Pertiwi(a)

(a) Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Pakuan, Jl. Pakuan PO.BOX 452, Bogor 16143, West Java, Indonesia


Exposure of heavy metal ions Pb(II) and Cu(II) in Indonesia to humans and the environment has received increasing attention, especially in various industries and transportation. The complex compound La(III) with fluorescence based pyrazoline derived ligands has the potential to detect heavy metal ions Pb(II) and Cu(II), this is because the lanthanide metal ions with pyrazoline derived ligands have strong and distinctive photophysical fluorescence properties. The results showed that the synthesis of pyrazoline-derived ligands and La(III) complex compounds was successful, the yield of the La(III) complex compound was 81.90% (yellow solid, melting point \(268.8^{o}\) ). The results of the fluorescence spectrophotometer showed two emission peaks, the absorption peak of the La(III) complex compound was in the 370 nm region with fluorescence intensity of 2925 a.u and a 470 nm region with a fluorescence intensity of 796.4 a.u. The determination of the fluorosensor potential of the La(III) complex compound with the addition of Pb(II) and Cu(II) metal ions showed a significant fluorescence change so that the fluorosensor type was obtained for the La(III) metal ion complex compound with Pb(II) and Cu(II), namely turn-off.

Keywords: Pyrazoline, Fluorosensor, Lanthanum, Complex Compound, Heavy Metal Ions

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