Calcinated Ferronickel Slag as Catalyst in Biodiesel Synthesis from Cooking Oil Boy Chandra Sitanggang*, Neny Rasnyanti M Aras
Program Studi Analisis Kimia, Akademi Komunitas Industri Manufaktur Bantaeng, Bantaeng 92461, Indonesia
Ferronickel slag is byproduct of nickel ore smelter plant that usually disposed in open field and environmentally problematic. The aims of the research is to study ferronickel slag potential as catalyst in producing biodiesel. Ferronickel slag was prepared by milling followed by sieving 200 mesh and calcinated at 900 oC. Next, calcinated slag characterized using XRF and shows mayor component in percent were Si 49.47, Fe 36.09, Ca 7.12, Cr 3.01, Mn 2.28 respectively. Calcinated slag used in the transesterification process of cooking oil as catalyst in three necked flask with oil to methanol ratio is 1 : 9, reaction time 1, 2, 3 hour and temperature 70, 90, 110 oC . Then, the product were tested for water content, density, viscosity, acid number, free fatty acids, total glycerol, percent of yield according to SNI 7182-2015. FTIR showed the presence of peaks at 1745.58 and 1161.15 corresponds to C=O and C-O functional groups.