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Development of Inquiry-Based Worksheets on the Synthesis of Conductive Polymer Polyaniline/CuO as Counter Electrode in DSSC
Yosi Yosiva Sidik (a), Yulia Sukmawardhani (a), Risa Rahmawati Sunarya(a*)

(a) Chemistry Education Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
*email: risarahmawatis[at]uinsgd.ac.id


Renewable energy sources are potential energy for replacing main energy fossil (energy). One of the renewable energy sources that are low cost, environmentally friendly and has good efficiency is dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC). In chemistry learning, students can learn how to assembly the components of DSSC, such as the counter electrode in the form of synthesizing conductive polymer: polyaniline (PANI) and polyaniline/CuO. PANI has a good electrocatalytic activity to reduce I3- to I- in electrolyte of DSSC. Worksheet is needed as a guide in the process of synthesizing PANI and PANI/CuO. The purpose of this study was to describe the inquiry-based worksheets, obtain validation and feasibility of the worksheets. The method used in the preparation of this worksheets is Design Based Research (DBR) with ADDIE model approach, which includes analysis, design, and development stages, but for implementation and evaluation stages cannot be conducted yet because this study more focus on the development of product. The worksheets that have been made have shown valid with r value 0,84 and eligible with eligibility 90%. Therefore, this worksheet can be used as learning media in the synthesis of conductive polymer Polyaniline/CuO as the counter electrode in DSSC.

Keywords: chemistry learning, DSSC, polyaniline, PANI/CuO, inquiry-based worksheets

Topic: Chemical Education

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