Synthesis and Characterization of CuHY for The Reaction Dehydration-Oxidation Glycerol
Monika Lumongga Putri Tambunan, Iman Abdullah, Yuni Krisyuningsih Krisnandi

School of Chemistry, University of Indonesia
Jalan Prof. Dr. Surdjono, Depok 16424, Indonesia


The conversion of glycerol into acrylic acid using one pot process method was performed. In this paper, the process of conversion of glycerol into acrylic acid involved a bifunctional catalyst to achieve a single stage conversion reaction simultaneously with a high product yield. The catalyst used in this conversion is zeolite HY impregnated with Cu metal. HY zeolite was synthesized using alternative precursors from natural resources, i.e., Indonesian natural zeolite and kaolin. The crystal structure and physicochemical properties of the catalyst were determined by various characterization techniques such as X-Ray-Diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscope - Energy Dispersive X-Ray (SEM-EDX), Surface Area Analyzer (SAA), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), and Temperature Programmed Desorption (TPD-NH3). The CuHY catalyst was synthesized using the impregnation method, and based on the XRD characterization, the formation of CuHY is confirmed. The EDS mapping image showed that uniform distribution of Cu on the HY surface. Moreover, the TEM images showed an excellent pore size distribution. The catalytic activity on conversion of glycerol to acrylic acid showed that CuHY produced of acrylic acid 25.8 % during dehydration for 3 hours. The characterization of the catalyst in the presence of moderate acid showed effective catalytic activity on the conversion reaction of glycerol to acrylic acid.

Keywords: Glycerol- Acrylic acid- Zeolite HY- Dehydration and Oxidation- Heterogeneous Catalyst

Topic: Catalytic Chemistry

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