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91 Materials Sciences: Synthetic and Characterization ABS-86

Ag/ZnO-based Porous Nanocomposite as a Versatile Antibacterial Agent
Yuni Krisyuningsih Krisnandi (a,b*), Erlan Arlin (a,b), Conny Riani Tjampakasari (c)

(a) Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Indonesia, Kampus UI Depok, Depok 16424, Indonesia
(b) Solid Inorganic Framework Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Indonesia, Depok 16424, Indonesia
(c) Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Depok 1624, Indonesia
*Corresponding author- E-mail: yuni.krisnandi[at]sci.ui.ac.id


Ag-based nanocomposite was synthesized by using Zn-metal-organic framework (Zn-MOF) as starting material. Carbonized ZnO-MOF (ZnO-MOFC) as nanoporous material was composited with microporous 13X zeolite which is in the possession of large surface area. ZnO-MOFC/13X composite was then decorated with AgNP as the fundamental antibacterial agent along with chitosan to assist its dispersion on the surface of the composite. The antibacterial properties were carried out by agar diffusion method on S. aureus and E. coli bacteria. A previous study of thin-film Ag/ZnO-based chitosan biopolymers shows that the average diameter of the inhibition zone of 16 mm and 14 mm on both S. aureus and E. coli bacteria. Furthermore, Zn-MOFC/13X/chitosan/AgNP composite exhibits outstanding antibacterial activity based on the average diameter of the inhibition zone of 14.5 mm and 11.5 mm on both S. aureus and E. coli bacteria. The results are comparable to Erythromycin and Vancomycin as antibiotics for E. coli and S. aureus giving the inhibition zone of 11.06 mm and 11.93 mm, respectively. To conclude, the antibacterial activity of Ag-ZnO is enhanced when supported by porous nanocomposites.

Keywords: antibacterial agent- AgNP- ZnO- metal-organic framework- porous carbon- zeolite

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92 Materials Sciences: Synthetic and Characterization ABS-87

Competitive Adsorption of Methylene Blue and Methyl Orange on Modified Bentonite with Fe3O4
Yudi Aris Sulistiyo, Rizka Imroatul Mufidah, Riska Aprilia, Novita Andarini, Tanti Haryati, Suwardiyanto

Inorganic Material for Energy and Environment Research Group, Department of Chemistry, University of Jember, Jl. Kalimantan No. 37, Sumbersari, Jember, 68121


Competitive adsorption of dyestuff mixture was studied to understand one on the solving problems of the coloring effluent. In this study, the adsorption process using methylene blue (MB) and methyl orange (MO) consecutively as a representation of cationic and anionic dyes using adsorbent modified geosorbent bentonite with Fe3O4. The crystal structure and a surface group of the adsorbent were evaluated by XRD, SEM, FTIR, and adsorption isotherm of N2. Besides, PHPZC exhibited the type of surface charge of the adsorbent in a different range of pH. In general, the adsorbent has a surface positive charge in acid pH conditions while a negative charge was in basic pH. Then, the adsorption processes were conducted in the single and binary batch system. The optimum adsorption condition of MB and MO were pH 6 and 4, respectively, in 100 mg/L of adsorbate concentration, 15 minutes of contact time, and 0.1 g of adsorbent dosage. The isothermal adsorption of both MB and MO followed Langmuir models with the maximum adsorption capacity consecutively 20.121 mg/g and 23.981 mg/g. The interesting finding was the adsorption capacity in the binary mixture was achieved nearly twice compared with single systems. It was indicated that possible interaction between both adsorbates before the adsorption process on the adsorbent. These phenomena were in line with the kinetic models of all adsorption processes following Pseudo Second Order models.

Keywords: Competitive Adsorption, Fe3O4-Bentonite, binary sistems of adsorption, Methylene Blue, and Methyl Orange

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93 Materials Sciences: Synthetic and Characterization ABS-88

Thermoelectric Material Based On TiO2 Doped CuCrO2 by Sol-Gel Method
Noni Surtiana Silalahi (a), Syahrul Humaidi (a*), Agung Imaduddin (b), Nono Darsono (b), Doli Bonardo (a)

(a) Post Graduate Program (Physics), FMIPA, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Bioteknologi I Kampus USU, Medan, 20155, Indonesia
(b) Research Center for Advanced Materials, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Tangerang Selatan, Banten, 15314, Indonesia


A CuCrO2-based thermoelectric material with a delaffosite structure was prepared using the sol-gel technique with the addition of TiO2 dopant as a modifier agent. The sol-gel process which is considered effective for modifying the surface of substrates is applied in the process of preparing CuCrO2 thermoelectric material because this process allows modification of the crystal structure, so that it can be observed its effect on its thermoelectric characteristics. Urea is used as a precipitating agent in the success of the sol-gel process, besides that urea is also a mesopore-directing agent for a modified sol-gel process. The calcination and sintering process after the pelletization of CuCrO2 was carried out at a temperature of 1000 oC for 10 hours each to strengthen the crystallization process of the sample. X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) test showed a decrease in the crystallinity of the CuCrO2 phase structure and an increase in the amount of impurities. However, the crystal structure of the CuCrO2 phase did not experience any changes or crucial defects, so that the delaffosite structure could still be maintained when the addition of TiO2 reached 0.1 wt%. Based on the results of SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) morphology observations, it was observed that the addition of TiO2 dopants had an impact on increasing the density between grains, and changing the nanostructure of the grains from nanoplates to nanodots. Changes in the nanostructure of CuCrO2 cause an increase in its thermoelectric properties, this can be associated with an increase in the specific surface area that occurs as a result of the addition of TiO2 to the CuCrO2 phase with a delaffosite structure.

Keywords: Thermoelectric material- CuCrO2- TiO2- Sol-gel method

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94 Materials Sciences: Synthetic and Characterization ABS-104

The Influence of NaOH Concentration on The Structural and Morphological Properties of Nanoparticles Ni0.4Zn0.5Co0.1Fe2O4 Synthesized by Co-precipitation
Nuviya Illa Muthi Aturroifah,1, b) Ade Siyanti Nurul Hidayah,1, c) Nur Elma Ayu Wahyuni, 1, d) Sayyidati Zuhroh,1, e) Hartatiek, 1,2, f) Robi Kurniawan, 1,2, g) Adulsman Sukkaew, 3, h) and Joko Utomo1, 2, a)

1) Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang 5, Malang, 65145, Indonesia.
2) Center of Advanced Materials for Renewable Energy, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang, Malang, 65145, Indonesia.
3) Department of Renewable Energy Technology, Faculty of Science Technology and Agriculture, Yala Rajabhat University, 95000, Thailand.


Ni0.4Zn0.5Co0.1Fe2O4 nanoparticles were synthesized with good result using the co-precipitation method with the different concentration of NaOH coprecipitant. The synthesis was carried out at a synthesis temperature of 90 degree celcius and the concentration of NaOH was varied by 3, 5, 7, 9 and 12 M. X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) was used to analyze structural and morphological properties of Ni0.4Zn0.5Co0.1Fe2O4 nanoparticles. The crystallite size of Ni0.4Zn0.5Co0.1Fe2O4 nanoparticles calculated by the Scherrer equation decreased in size with increasing NaOH concentration. The lattice parameters of Ni0.4Zn0.5Co0.1Fe2O4 nanoparticles with 5 M NaOH concentration of 8.382 angstrom and high crystallinity. The resulting diffraction pattern is a cubic spinel structure with a single phase at the highest diffraction peak of 35.5 degree (311). Vibration bands in Ni0.4Zn0.5Co0.1Fe2O4 nanoparticles based on variations in NaOH concentration were obtained through Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR) analysis which resulted in the formation of metal ion vibrational bands. The absorption peak of the octahedral site was Investigated at 487.14 cm-1, while the absorption of the tetrahedral site was placed at 689.3 cm-1. This is in good agreement with the characteristic of spinel structure having tetrahedral and octahedral sites.

Keywords: Ni0.4Zn0.5Co0.1Fe2O4, nanoparticles, coprecipitation, NaOH concentration

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95 Materials Sciences: Synthetic and Characterization ABS-106

Effect of Graphite as Filler on Conductive Polymer Composites Based on Corn Starch and Liquid Natural Rubber on its Electric Conductivity Properties
Miftahul Fiqri (a), Syahrul Humaidi (a*), Erna Frida (a), Doli Bonardo (a)

(a) Post Graduate Program (Physics), FMIPA, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Bioteknologi I Kampus USU, Medan, 20155, Indonesia


A mixture of corn starch and glycerol plasticizer (CSG) then blended with latex natural rubber (LNR) and 10 phr carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) has been successfully carried out to produce a conductive polymer composite (CPC) with resistivity in transverse and lengthwise direction 8\times10^2 and 20-45 Ohm cm, respectively. A number of graphite is used as a modifier agent in determining the electrical conductivity properties. Material characteristics, and electrical properties of the obtained materials were studied. The mechanism of the effect of a number of graphite as conductive filler on functional properties of CPC was discussed. It was found, that the amount of conductive filler significantly affects the level of functional properties. The use of 6 wt of graphite is more optimal in comparison with samples without adding graphite and adding up to 4 wt%. The addition of more than 6 wt% causes instability of the material structure so that it causes overlapping of electron transfer in it, this has an impact on current leakage that occurs in the material so that it experiences electron transfer failure and maximum saturation. Thus, CPC with 6 wt% of graphite filler has the highest electrical conductivity and lightning strike resistance in comparison with CPC which has been varied with graphite in other ratios. This approach is promising to impart antistatic properties for conductive polymer composite and increase lightning resistance of the material.

Keywords: Conductive polymer composite- Graphite- Corn starch- Liquid natural rubber

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96 Materials Sciences: Synthetic and Characterization ABS-112

Characteristics various types of activated bamboo charcoal and their potential as adsorbents
Ervin Tri Suryandari1)*, Saminanto2), Hamdan Hadi Kusuma3)

1) Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo, Semarang, Indonesia
2) Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo, Semarang, Indonesia
3) Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo, Semarang, Indonesia


Synthesis of bamboo charcoal from various type bamboo has been carried out at a temperature of 400oC with a yield of 19.67%- 30.86%- 33,16% and 27,34 respectively for Tali bamboo, Javanese bamboo, Ori bamboo and Yellow bamboo. Activation of bamboo charcoal is carried out chemically using H3PO4 and KOH. Activated bamboo charcoal was characterized using reference to SNI 06-3730-1995 regarding technical activated charcoal including water content, volatile content, total ash content, carbon content, iodine absorption and absorption of methylene blue. Activated bamboo charcoal also characterized its functional groups using FTIR, morphology using SEM and surface area. The activation process is able to reduce water content, ash content, volatile matter content thereby increasing carbon content which has the potential to be used for adsorption, and this is evidenced by the increase in the value of iodine absorption and absorption of methylene blue. From the FTIR result activated bamboo charcoal shows an absorption at 1500-1600 cm-1, indicating the presence of a C=O bond, the hydroxyl group which is bound O-H (3400-3500 cm-1) and CO (1300-1400 cm-1) which is capable of absorb. The morphological characteristics of activated bamboo charcoal are more porous than non-activated bamboo charcoal, thereby increasing its surface area and adsorption ability. From the results of the surface area data, it was found that the 4 types of activated bamboo charcoal produced a higher surface area, and activation using KOH was more effective than H3PO4 in increasing the surface area of activated bamboo charcoal.

Keywords: Bamboo, activated charcoal, adsorbents

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97 Materials Sciences: Synthetic and Characterization ABS-113

Crystal Structure, Morphology, and Vibrational Behavior of Co0.4Ni0.5Zn0.1Fe2O4 Magnetic Nanoparticles by Various Synthesis Temperature
Ade Siyanti Nurul Hidayah,1, b) Nuviya Illa Muthi Aturroifah,1, c) Sayyidati Zuhroh,1, d) Nur Elma Ayu Wahyuni,1, e) Hartatiek,1,2, f) Robi Kurniawan,1,2, g) Adulsman Sukkaew,3, h) and Joko Utomo,1,2,a)

1) Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang 5, Malang, 65145, Indonesia
2) Center of Advanced Materials for Renewable Energy, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang, Malang, 65145, Indonesia
3) Department of Renewable Energy Technology, Faculty of Science Technology and Agriculture, Yala Rajabhat University, 95000, Thailand


Co0.4Ni0.5Zn0.1Fe2O4 nanoparticles were synthesized by using the co-precipitation method with the various synthesis temperature (50, 70, 90, 110, and 130 celcius degree) and constant concentration of NaOH (3 M). Characterization of Co0.4Ni0.5Zn0.1Fe2O4 magnetic nanoparticles was conducted by XRD and TEM to analyze particle size, crystal structure, and the morphology. In addition, FTIR characterization was carried out to determine the vibration mode of Co0.4Ni0.5Zn0.1Fe2O4 magnetic nanoparticles. The diffraction pattern showed that Co0.4Ni0.5Zn0.1Fe2O4 nanoparticles had a spinel cubic crystal structure. Moreover, XRD analysis showed that the crystallinity improved by adding the synthesis temperature. The lattice parameters at temperature of 90 celcius degree was 8.270 Angstrom, and there was no drastic difference compared to other samples. Based on TEM characterization, the grain size of Co0.4Ni0.5Zn0.1Fe2O4 nanoparticles at temperature 90 celcius degree was 15.32 nm. Meanwhile the absorption peak of the octahedral and tetrahedral sites in Co0.4Ni0.5Zn0.1Fe2O4 nanoparticles were at the 465.5 cm-1 and 674.2 cm-1, respectively.

Keywords: Synthesis temperature, crystal structure, magnetic nanoparticles, Co0.4Ni0.5Zn0.1Fe2O4

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98 Materials Sciences: Synthetic and Characterization ABS-119

Innovation of Natural Silica Gel from Areca Peel Waste
Angeliana Putrianti,1) Lusia Alvid,2) Muhammad Haikal Zikra,1)Riryn Novianty,1,a)

1)Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science , Riau University, Pekanbaru 28293, Indonesia.
2) Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Riau University, Pekanbaru 28293, Indonesia


Converting biomass into high-value-added biomaterials has attracted significant attention. Due to its hydrophilic properties, silica gel is known to be a drying agent for separating gasses and liquids. The purpose of this research is to make an innovation of natural silica gel from areca peel waste as a prospective preservative food. Areca peel has a silica content of 47.743% and increased to 89.98% after being leached with 3M hydrochloric acid. Sodium silicate was converted by the fusion method of NaOH and leached areca peel shell ash and dissolved in aquadest. Silica gel was made by sol-gel way in 4 variations of H2SO4 concentration 18M, 3M, 1.5M, and 0.5M, which the most silica is at a concentration of 18M. The silica gel characterization test uses Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), and X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF). The results of the FTIR test showed that the synthesis of silica gel was successful, the XRD test showed that the silica gel was amorphous, and the XRF test showed that the SiO2 content in the silica gel reached 89.98%. No harmful toxic ingredients were contained in the natural silica gel of areca peel. The water vapor test shows that the synthesized silica gel has a higher adsorption capacity than commercial natural silica gel.

Keywords: areca, desiccant, gel, natural, silica

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99 Materials Sciences: Synthetic and Characterization ABS-121

Synthesis and Characterization of Polyaniline (PANi)-Cellulose Composite Using Vapor Phase Polymerization (VPP) Method
Ayu Widhia Sari, Busroni, Dwi Indart, Bambang Piluhartoi

University of Jember


Polyaniline (PANi) is a conductive polymer that has been widely used in various applications such as electrochemical capacitors, as material, component of light emitting diode (LED), sensors and biosensors. Ease of synthesis and chemical stability are the factors that make PANi the chosen as a conductive material. However, the rigid structure of the PANi makes difficult to produce film by casting processing. The aim of the research is to make a PANI composite using the Vapor Phase Polymerization (VPP) method. In this method, PANI is polymerized from the vapor phase and deposited on the substrate. In here, the effect of polymerization time (10, 20 and 30 minutes) and different substrates (cellulose, bacterial cellulose and cellulose acetate) was studied to observe the conductivity. The results obtained indicate that PANi has been deposited on the substrate due to result of physical properties and the functional group analysis by FTIR. the effect of polymerization time and substrate type showed that the polymerization time was 20 minutes and the substrate from filter paper showed the highest conductivity with a value of 3.35 x 10-4 S/cm.

Keywords: vapor phase, polymerization, substrate conductivity, cellulose

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100 Materials Sciences: Synthetic and Characterization ABS-124

Synthesis of polyaniline film via vapor phase polymerization: Study of effect of temperature and different substrate on film conductivity
Tyara Salsabila Alicia Putri, Donatus Setiawan P.H, Dwi Indarti, Bambang Piluharto

University of Jember


Polyaniline (PANi) is one of the promising conductive polymers promising due to ease of synthesis, environmental stability, and high conductivity. In applications, PANi widely used as a material for electrochromic devices, light emitting diodes (LED), sensors and biosensors. However, existence conjugated structure in PANi form a rigid structure that makes it difficult to produce film. The aims of the research is to synthesis PANi using vapor phase polymerization (VPP) method and study of temperature effect and different substrates on the conductivity. The method comprises two steps, the first step of introducing the oxidizing agent in the substrate and second step, the polymerization of the vapor phase on the substrate. The polymerization temperature (45, 55 and 60 oC) and the type of substrate (filter paper, bacterial cellulose and cellulose acetate) were used as variables to study the conductivity properties. As the results showed that PANI has been successfully polymerized due to physical properties result and functional group analysis using FTIR. The effect of temperature treatment shows that increasing the temperature increases the conductivity value in the range of 10-5 up to 10-4 S/cm. Meanwhile, from various types of substrates, filter paper showed the highest conductivity compared to other substrates.

Keywords: conducting polymers, polyaniline, polymerization, vapor phase, substrate

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101 Materials Sciences: Synthetic and Characterization ABS-126

Transforming VOC into Sedative Compound Using Diatom-based Aluminosilicate
Nadia Tuada A., Rindia Maharani P., Didin Mujahidin., Zeily Nurachman

Biochemistry Division, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung


Acetaldehyde is often found in cigarette smoke, wood burning, and exhaust gases. As a highly flammable and volatile compound, exposure to acetaldehyde has the risk of causing respiratory irritation and increasing the risk of cancer. Acetaldehyde can be processed into paraldehyde, which is a sedative used by people with epilepsy. Aluminosilicate based on diatom biosilica was able to accelerate the transformation of acetaldehyde into paraldehyde as proven by H-NMR and strengthened by GCMS analysis. Acetaldehyde transformation into paraldehyde was carried out at low temperature (37oC) and stirred at 400 rpm for 24 hours. Sample characterization using H-NMR showed new peaks at shifts of 0.55-0.73 ppm (doublet) and 4.2-4.55 ppm (quartet) which were indicated as protons of paraldehyde (-CH3) and (-H). Where the peaks of the precursor compounds were at shifts of 2.12-2.18 ppm (-CH3 acetaldehyde), 2.23 ppm (-CH3 as. acetate), 9.64-9.84 (-H acetaldehyde), and 11, 54 (O-H as. acetate). This observation was confirmed by GCMS analysis which produced 2 sharp peaks and 1 broad peak. The paraldehyde peak was identified at a retention time of 7.654 minutes and resulted in fragments of 43, 45, 87, 89, and 117 m/z. The acetaldehyde peak appears at a retention time of 1.275 minutes while acetic acid appears as a broad peak in the retention time range of 2.245-3.195 minutes.

Keywords: Acetaaldehyde, Biosilica Diatom, GCMS, H-NMR, Paraldehyde

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102 Materials Sciences: Synthetic and Characterization ABS-140

Synthesis and Characterization of Magnetite-CS/AC/Titania Nanocomposite for Heavy Metal (Cu) Adsorption
Muhammad Rusdi1, Ahmad Taufiq1*, Sumari2, Sri Wahyuni2, Arif Hidayat1, Sunaryono1, ST. Ulfawanti Intan Subadra1, Muhammad Safwan Abd Aziz3

1Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang,
Jl. Semarang 5, Malang 65145, Indonesia
2Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang,
Jl. Semarang 5, Malang 65145, Indonesia
3Laser Center, Ibnu Sina Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
Skudai 81100 Johor Bahru, Malaysia


In this study, the synthesis of magnetite-CS/AC/titania nanocomposite has been carried out to produce a new adsorbent agent for heavy metal (Cu) adsorption. The nanocomposite was characterized using X-ray diffractometry (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and atomic adsorption spectroscopy (AAS). Based on the analysis of the XRD data, the nanocomposite exhibited magnetite phase detected at 2&#952- of 30.35o- 35.64o- 43.25o- 53.66o- 57.31o- and 62.76o, while the AC phase was detected at 2-theta of 22.82o-24.65o. Furthermore, titania diffraction peaks were detected at 2&#952- of 25.28o- 37.93o- 48.06o- 54.24o- 55.07o- 62.85o- and 68.81o. The SEM image showed that the nanocomposite has an average particle size of 51.84 nm. Based on the FTIR-spectrum, the presence of Fe-O was detected at wavenumbers of 595 cm-1 and 453 cm-1, N-H at a wavenumber of 1667 cm-1, Ti-O-Ti at a wavenumber of 653 cm-1, C=O and C=C at wavenumbers of 1613 cm-1 and 1706 cm-1, O-H and N-H at wavenumbers of 3240 cm-1 and 3503 cm-1. The analysis result for the nanocomposite AAS data showed that the adsorption capacity for heavy metal (Cu) was 86.9%.

Keywords: Adsorbent agent, nanocomposite, magnetite-CS/AC/Titania, adsorption capacity, heavy metal (Cu)

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103 Organic Chemistry ABS-4

Green Synthesis of Chalcones Derivatives Using FeCl3.6H2O as A Catalyst Under Solvent-Free Conditions
Indah Nur Pramesti a) and Zidni Akbarorrizki

Department Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education, Universitas Negeri Malang

a)Corresponding author: indahnur.pramesti.fmipa[at]um.ac.id


Abstract. Chalcone is a precursor of a group of flavonoid and isoflavonoid compounds that are commonly found in plants in Indonesia. Chalcone compounds and their derivatives are reported to have antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimalarial, anticancer, antitumor, analgesic, and antipyretic activities. Chalcones can be synthesized through a Claisen-Smidth condensation reaction between aromatic aldehydes and ketones using an acid or base catalyst followed by a dehydration reaction. This study aimed to synthesize chalcone derivatives using eco-friendly non-toxic FeCl3.6H2O catalysts under solvent-free conditions. Our experiment was carried out to synthesize some chalcone derivatives at 100-140 oC by stirring process. In this study, the synthesis of chalcone derivatives was started with 10 mmol of various benzaldehyde (p-hydroxybenzaldehyde- p-methoxybenzaldehyde) and 10 mmol acetophenone in the presence of 0.1 mmol FeCl3.6H2O catalysts then the mixture was stirred for 20, 40 and 60 minutes. The product was then purified by recrystallization using ethanol. The purity of chalcones yielded was investigated by Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) and melting point test while the structure was then characterized by UV-Vis and GC-MS analysis.

Keywords: Chalcones Derivatives, FeCl3.6H2O catalyst, Solvent-Free Conditions

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104 Organic Chemistry ABS-19

Sutrisno and Savira Nuraulia Putri

State University of Malang


Keywords: Cananga, essential oil, cananga flower essential oil

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105 Organic Chemistry ABS-23

Study of Synthesis Hydrogel Poly(N-vinylcaprolactam-co-2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate) as a Responsive Polymer to pH and Temperature and Its Potential as an Active Material Delivery
Annisa Nurul Syabila, Noverra Mardhatillah Nizardo, Maria Lucia Ardhani Dwi Lestari

1) Department Chemistry, Mathematical and Natural Science Faculty, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, 16424,Indonesia.
2) Department Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmacy Faculty, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, 60115, Indonesia


Hydrogel poly(N-vinylcaprolactam-co-(dimethylamino)ethyl metacrylate) (P(NVCL-co-DMAEMA)) as a polymer that is responsive to change in pH and temperature was successfully synthesized by free radical polymerization, using the azobisisobutironitrile (AIBN) initiator and N,N-methylenbisacrylamide (MBA) as crosslinker agent. Hydrogel was characterized by attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR and obtained the loss of peak absorption alkene at 1633 cm-1. The gelation percent increases and the equilibrium swelling value (ESV) decreases along with the addition of the DMAEMA monomer content. Hydrogel P(NVCL-co-DMAEMA) has the highest ESV value at pH 2 and room temperature. Based on the swelling test at various pH and temperatures, the hydrogel with the largest ESV was obtained in the composition 30 percent mole of the NVCL monomer and the 70 percent mole of the DMAEMA monomer. The influence of the concentration of crosslinker agents was studied by varying from 2, 4 and 8 percent of the total mole monomer. The highest ESV results were obtained from hydrogels with a crosslinker agent content of 2 percent monomer mole. Hydrogel also has the potential as a active material delivery with an encapsulation ability of 54.4521 percent and optimum release at pH 6.8 and a temperature of 37 degrees celcius of 29.07 percent.

Keywords: pH responsive hydrogel- temperature responsive hydrogel- poly(N-vinylcaprolactam)- poly(2-(dimethylamino)ethylmethacrylate)- poly(N-vinylcaprolactam-co-(dimethylamino)ethylmetacrylate.

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106 Organic Chemistry ABS-24

Anti-Breast cancer Activity of Isothiocyanate Compounds from Eugenol Derivatives
Nuryamin Kazal, Lucy Arianie, Muhammad Iqna Supriatna, Warsito, and Elvina Dhiaul Iftitah

Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia

Corresponding Author : nuryaminkazal[at]student.ub.ac.id


Abstract. Isothiocyanate derivatives can be synthesized using methyl eugenol and methyl isoeugenol through nucleophilic addition reactions. The structure of the synthesized compound was analyzed using spectroscopic methods. The synthesized compounds were evaluated for their activity against human breast cancer, on 4T1 cancer cells by the MTT method and studied their molecular docking to the PDB protein ID: 4H1Q using Pyrex 9.0. The results of their biological activity on 4T1 cancer cells showed that all of them has good anticancer activity.

Keywords: Isothiocyanate, eugenol, anti-breast cancer activity

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107 Organic Chemistry ABS-25

Essential Oil of Elephant Ginger (Zingiber officinale R.), Antioxidant and Sunscreen Activity Tests and Its Formulation as Sunscreen Cream
Sutrisno and Moh. Ajirul Abiq

State University of Malang


One of the plants that produces abundant essential oil is elephant ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe). Elephant ginger essential oil has a variety of benefits that have the potential to be developed. Based on the structure of its constituent components, it has the potential as an antioxidant and sunscreen so that it can be applied as a sunscreen cream. Research related to elephant ginger essential oil as a sunscreen cream preparation has never been done. This study aims to isolate the elephant ginger essential oil, characterize its physical properties, identify its components, test its antioxidant activity, test its sunscreen activity, and formulate it in the form of sunscreen cream. This research was done in an experimental laboratory through six stages, namely 1) isolation of elephant ginger essential oil, 2) characterization of its physical properties, 3) identification of its components, 4) antioxidant activity test using DPPH method, 5) sunscreen activity test of using spectrophotometry method, and 6) formulation and evaluation of sunscreen cream contains elephant ginger essential oil. Isolation of elephant ginger essential oil obtained with yield 0.08%. This oil color is yellow, liquid, ginger odor, density is 0.897 g.cm-3, boiling point is 119 C, refractive index is 1.492 (25 C), and specific optical rotation is +2.48 dm-1.g-1.mL. The major components of elephant ginger essential oil are geranial (35.74%), neral (23.81%), eucalyptol (12.88%), camphene (5.78%), zingiberene (2.36%), and a-farnesene (2.01%). The antioxidant activity of elephant ginger essential oil has an IC50 value of 1071.018 g.cm-3 with a weak category. The sunscreen activity of elephant ginger essential oil in SPF value of 8.5090 with maximum protection category. The stability of the sunscreen cream formulation of elephant ginger essential oil is 150 minutes until the active ingredient run out for both formulas, but has not met the minimum requirements based on its SPF value.

Keywords: elephant ginger essential oil, antioxidant, sunscreen, sunscreen cream

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108 Organic Chemistry ABS-28

Phytochemical And Toxicity Tests Against Artemia Salina And Antimalarial Activity Methanol Extracts From Mangrove Leaf Tissue Avicennia Marina, Rizhopora Mucronata And Sonneratia Caseolaris
Neni Hasnah Fatimah and Usman

Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia, FKIP, Universitas Mulawarman, Gunung Kelua, Samarinda, Indonesia

Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Kimia, FKIP, Universitas Mulawarman, Gunung Kelua, Samarinda, Indonesia


Mangrove plants are plants that can be used as herbal medicine. Mangrove plants of Avicennia marina, Rizhopora mucronata and Sonneratia caseolaris contain bioactive compounds that can act as anticancer, antimalarial, antibacterial, antinematode, antiviral and antioxidant. The purpose of this study was to determine the content of secondary metabolites through phytochemical tests, to determine the potential of bioactive compounds as anticancer through toxicity tests against Artemia salina and to determine the potential of bioactive compounds as antimalarials. Phytochemical test results showed that the methanol extract of Avicennia marina mangrove leaves contained phenolic compounds, saponins, and triterpenoids. Methanol extract of mangrove leaves Rhizopora mucronata contains alkaloids and saponins. Meanwhile, the methanol extract of Sonneratia caseolaris mangrove leaves contains phenolic compounds, saponins, steroids, and flavonoids. The results of the toxicity test on Artemia salina, Avicennia marina mangrove leaf extract, had an LC50 value of 256,135 46,63 ppm, Rhizopora mucronata mangrove leaf extract 48, 165 52,25 ppm, and Sonneratia caseolaris mangrove leaf extract 104,96 9,990 ppm. Based on the LC50 value, it can be said that the methanol extract of Avicennia marina mangrove leaves has a moderate level of toxicity. Meanwhile, the methanol extract of Rizhopora mucronata and Sonneratia caseolaris mangrove leaves has a high level of toxicity. The antimalarial test results obtained from Avicennia marina mangrove leaf extract have an IC50 value of 57,341 g/ml, Rhizopora mucronata mangrove leaf extract 24,118 g/ml, and Sonneratia caseolaris mangrove leaf extract 21,975 g/ml. Based on the IC50 value, it can be said that the methanol extract of Avicennia marina mangrove leaves is included in the unfavorable category as an antimalarial. Meanwhile, the methanol extract of the mangrove leaves Rizhopora mucronata and Sonneratia caseolaris were included in the good

Keywords: Mangrove Avicennia marina, Rhizopora mucronata, and Sonneratia caseolaris methanol extract, content of bioactive compounds, toxicity, antimalarial

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109 Organic Chemistry ABS-33

Synthesis and Characterization of Block Copolymer PNIPAM-b-PDMAEMA Using RAFT and Study of Its Responsivity toward pH and Temperature
Rida Hasna Fadhilah, Ivandini Tribidasari Anggraningrum, Noverra Mardhatillah Nizardo

Universitas Indonesia


Stimuli responsive block copolymers of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-block-poly(2-dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate) (PNIPAM-b-PDMAEMA) were successfully synthesized using reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization by varying the chain length of the second block (PDMAEMA), and studied its effect on the phase transition temperature (Tc) as well as pH- and thermo-responsive behavior. Characterization using 1H-NMR and FTIR indicate the product of block copolymers PNIPAM21-b-PDMAEMA2 and PNIPAM21-b-PDMAEMA7 were successfully formed. Unusual result detected by GPC analysis which showed that the GPC traces of block copolymers shifted toward lower molecular weight in comparison with macro-CTA. Thermo- and pH-responsive behavior of block copolymers was investigated in phosphate buffer of varying pH and temperature using UV-Visible spectrophotometer. The results showed that the hydrophilic carboxyl end group and the hydrophobic dodecyl end group had an effect on the resulting Tc. There was an increasing trend of Tc when pH increased from pH 5 to pH 7.4 while Tc was constant at pH 7.4 and 9 due to the effect of pH-dependent PNIPAM and PDMAEMA blocks. Diameter particle of block copolymers PNIPAM21-b-PDMAEMA2 in pH 5 and 9 increased along with heating based on particle size analyzer (PSA) results. Moreover, the synthesized block copolymers open up new potential in drug delivery system.

Keywords: block copolymers- thermo-responsive polymer- pH-responsive polymer- PNIPAM- PDMAEMA

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110 Organic Chemistry ABS-49

Phytochemical and Toxicity Tests On Aedes Aegypti Larva and Antioxidant Activities of Methanol Extracts of Roots, Fruit and Leaves of Bintaro (Cerberra Manghas)
Khaerul Rahman, Usman

Program Studi Kimia, FKIP, Universitas Mulawarman


Bintaro plant is a tropical plant that has many benefits, one of the benefits is that it is used as a pest repellent. This plant has toxic compounds that have the potential as antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and so on. This study aims to determine the secondary metabolite compounds by phytochemical tests, to determine the activity of toxicity against Aedes aegypti and to determine the antioxidant activity of methanol extract of the root tissue, fruit and leaves of the Bintaro plant. Phytochemical test analysis was carried out by means of qualitative tests, such as alkaloids, flavonoids, phenolics, steroids, triterpenoids, saponins, and tannins tests. As for the antioxidant activity test using the DPPH method, absorption was measured at a wavelength of 517 nm. The results of the phytochemical test showed that the methanol extract of bintaro roots and fruit contained alkaloids, phenolic compounds, and triterpenoids, while the methanol extract of bintaro leaves contained alkaloids and triterpenoids. The results of the toxicity test against the Aedes aegypti mosquito methanol extract of the root tissue with an LC50 of 33,464 4,497 ppm, fruit tissue with an LC50 value of 16,157 0,296 ppm and leaf tissue of the Bintaro plant with an LC50 value of 24,496 1,851 ppm. Based on the LC50 value, it can be concluded that the methanol extract of the root tissue has a moderate level of toxicity while the fruit and leaf tissue has a high level of toxicity. Then the results of the antioxidant activity test of the methanol extract of the bintaro root had an IC50 value of 211.375 5 ppm, the antioxidant activity of the methanol extract of the bintaro fruit had an IC50 value of 87,013 0,022 ppm, while the bintaro leaf had an IC value of 254,0313 5,96 ppm. Based on the IC50 value, it can be concluded that the methanol extract of bintaro roots and leaves has antioxidant activity in the weak category, while the methanol extract of bintaro fruit has a strong

Keywords: Phytochemical test, toxicity, antioxidant, secondary metabolite, Bintaro plant

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111 Organic Chemistry ABS-65

Asymmetric Total Synthesis of (-)-Swainsonine from Inexpensive and Commercially Available Starting Material, Ascorbic Acid
Zheng Yang Lee,1, a) Jhi Biau Foo,1, 2, b) Mohd Fazli Mohammat,3, c) and Agustono Wibowo4, d)

1) School of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health & Medical Sciences, Taylor^s University, 1, Jalan Taylors, 47500, Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
2) Centre for Drug Discovery and Molecular Pharmacology, Faculty of Health & Medical Sciences, Taylor^s University, 1, Jalan Taylors, 47500, Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
3) Organic Synthesis Laboratory, Institute of Science, University Teknologi MARA (UiTM), 40450, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
4) Faculty of Applied Science, University Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Pahang, Jengka Campus, 26400, Bandar Tun Abdul Razak Jengka, Pahang, Malaysia


Swainsonine is a natural and synthetic alpha-mannosidase II inhibitor which has been shown to inhibit various types of cancer growth in vitro and in vivo. In this study, a practical stereoselective total synthesis of (-)-swainsonine has been achieved by using inexpensive, commercially available D-isoascorbic acid. This pivotal route relies upon several protection and deprotection steps, Swern Oxidation, Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons reaction and intramolecular 1,3 dipolar cycloaddition. The challenges associated with existence of aldehyde-lactol tautomerism were also highlighted in this work.

Keywords: swainsonine, lactol tautomerism, HWE reaction, selective acetylation

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112 Organic Chemistry ABS-74

Synthesis of Cinnamyl Cinnamate Ester Derivatives as Precursor for The Formation of Aryltetralin and Arylnaphtalene Lignans Using The Steglich Esterification Method
Rizky Arif Fajar Husandy Ritonga, Budi Arifin, Purwantiningsih Sugita, Suminar Setiati Achmadi

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, IPB University, Bogor


Aryltetralin and arylnaphthalene lignans have anticancer, antiviral, and antitumor properties. In particular, the presence of methylenedioxy or trimethoxy groups in these lignans, as in podophyllotoxin and philanthusmin C, indicates good cancer inhibition ability. However, most of these lignans are not commercially available and need to be isolated or synthesized. Several synthetic methods have been reported, including the intramolecular Diels-Alder reaction. This method involves the cyclization of cinnamyl cinnamate ester derivatives. This ester is commonly synthesized through an esterification reaction between cinnamoyl halide and cinnamyl alcohol. However, using this reaction in this research, cinnamyl cinnamate is only produced in 41% yield from commercial cinnamoyl chloride and cinnamyl alcohol. On the contrary, a nearly quantitative yield (98%) was obtained using the Steglich reaction with N,N^-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide as the linker and 4-dimethylaminopyridine as the base. This reaction was then used to synthesize eight cinnamyl cinnamate ester derivatives with methylenedioxy and trimethoxy groups. Methylenedioxy- and 3,4,5-trimethoxycinnamyl alcohols were obtained by reducing the commercial acids. The ester yields were generally excellent (73-88%). However, the yield of ester derivatives of 3,4,5-trimethoxycinnamyl alcohol was poor (16-33%). This alcohol was unstable during column chromatography, so the crude reduction products were directly esterified. A side product with Rf adjacent to the ester resulted, thereby reducing the ester yield. The identification of this by-product and the intramolecular Diels-Alder reaction on the ester products obtained are currently being carried out.

Keywords: anticancer, cinnamic acid, cinnamyl alcohol, Diels-Alder, podophyllotoxin

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113 Organic Chemistry ABS-82

Synthesis of 3-N-Methyl Derivative of Phenytoin by Potassium Carbonate
Arif Fadlan, Aji Purnama Putra,and Fahimah Martak

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember


Phenytoin, a heterocyclic compound with 1,3-diazole backbone, blocks the sodium channel and has been used as antiepileptic drug with partial and general seizures. Phenytoin has been further developed by modification with alkyl, aryl, and halogen substituents. Previous studies reported that alkylation can provide compounds with promising activity and the presence of methyl group increases the biological activities. Thus, the synthesis of 3-N-methyl derivative of phenytoin is described herein. The derivative was synthesized in good yield from phenytoin and iodomethane with potassium carbonate in acetonitrile under reflux. NMR, MS, infrared analysis was performed for structure elucidation of synthesized compounds.

Keywords: 1,3-diazole-Methyl- Phenytoin.

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114 Organic Chemistry ABS-91

Synthesis of 3-Prenyl-5,5-diphenylimidazolidine-2,4-dione
Vania Wirastuti, Fahimah Martak, Arif Fadlan

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Data Analytics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia, 60111

a) Electronic mail: vaniawirastuti.18012[at]mhs.its.ac.id
b) Electronic mail: fahimahm[at]chem.its.ac.id
c) Corresponding author: afadlan[at]chem.its.ac.id


Imidazoles and their derivatives have been widely developed because of their diverse biological activities such as anticancer, antimicrobial, antiulcer, enzyme-specific inhibitor, antihypertensive, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and anesthetic potentials. 5,5-Diphenylimidazolidine-2,4-dione, an imidazole derivative with antiepileptic activity, has been studied for the potential bioactivities. Herein we report the modification of 5,5-diphenylimidazolidine-2,4-dione through N3-alkylation using 3,3-dimethylallyl bromide. The reaction was performed in dimethylformamide at room temperature in the presence of potassium carbonate. 3-Prenyl-5,5-diphenylimidazolidine-2,4-dione was produced in good yield and the structure was identified by NMR, MS, and infrared analysis.

Keywords: 5,5-diphenylimidazolidine-2,4-dione, N3-alkylation, prenyl

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115 Organic Chemistry ABS-96

Sitti Rahmawati, Vivi Dia Sangkota, Sitti Aminah, Siti Nuryanti, Hapsarina

Universitas Tadulako


Sitti Rahmawati1, Vivi Dia Sangkota1, Sitti Aminah1, Siti Nuryanti1, Hapsarina1
1 Mathematics and Sciences Educational, Faculty of Teacher Training and Educational Sciences, Universitas Tadulako, Jl. Soekarno Hatta Km 9 Tondo Palu 94118, Indonesia

The aim of this research is to extract the tapak dara flower and prove it as an acid-base indicator. The tapak dara flower was washed with distilled water until clean, then ethyl acetate solvent was added and macerated. Subsequently filtered, then the filtered residue was extracted again with absolute methanol solvent. The extraction results were filtered using a gauze filter, then filtered again with filter paper. The filtered filtrate is ready to be used as an acid-base indicator. Then evaluated with a comparison indicator phenolphthalein and methyl orange for acid-base titration, namely a strong base with a strong acid, a weak base with a strong acid and a strong base with a weak acid. From the results of the study, it is known that the indicator of the extract of the tapak dara flower to show the equivalence point in the titration gives results that are equivalent to the comparison indicators. The results showed that indicators from tapak dara flower extract could be used instead of the synthetic indicators (phenolphthalein and methyl orange) that had been used so far.

Keywords: Flower tapak dara (Catharanthus roseus L), Acid-base indicator

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116 Organic Chemistry ABS-98

Characteristics of Microcellulose from Sengon Treated with Alkali-Bleaching Process
Nur Ikhtiarini, Masruri Masruri, Siti Mariyah Ulfa, Widodo

Brawijaya University


Local sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria) is fast growing plant that is widely cultivated in Indonesia, especially from the East Java area. Mostly, sengon becomes exported commodity, but this plant is also widely used as a supporting material for building construction processes and plywood. Analysis of the chemical components shows that sengon wood contains 46-49% cellulose. Thus far, many studies have focused on the formation of microcellulose to enhance the quality and wider application of the cellulose itself. Hence, this paper reports the preparation of microcellulose from sengon wood. The method involves the isolation of cellulose from lignin by delignification and bleaching process using NaOH and NaOCl, respectively, followed by washing the product until reaching neutral pH solution. Then, the dried powder was hydrolyzed using formic acid 30% and 60% to form microcellulose. The characterization of the synthesized cellulose were yield determination, FTIR, XRD, and SEM.

Keywords: cellulose, microcellulose, Alkali-bleaching

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117 Organic Chemistry ABS-99

N3-Monomethylation of Phenytoin
Ridha Agustina Kholifatun Nisa,a) Fahimah Martak,b) and Arif Fadlan,c)

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Data Analytics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember


Structural modification of phenytoin, a major antiepileptic drug with imidazole framework, can be performed by alkylation, arylation, and halogenation at N1-, N3- and C5. The N3- alkylation can be achieved more than N1- due to its higher acidity. A methyl group influences the biological activity of active compounds. In this work, the N3-monomethylation of phenytoin was carried out by using potassium tert-butoxide and iodomethane in acetonitrile and afforded 3-methyl-5,5-diphenylimidazolidine-2,4-dione. The methylation has been preceded by synthesis of benzoin, benzil, and phenytoin. The resulted compounds were characterized based on the spectroscopic methods (NMR, MS, infrared).

Keywords: methylation, phenytoin, alkylation

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118 Organic Chemistry ABS-100

Synthesis of N3-Geranylated 5,5-Diphenylhydantoin
Itatina Ayyu Rizqika, Fahimah Martak, and Arif Fadlan

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember


5,5-Diphenylhydantoin constructed by imidazole framework displays unique structure with two amide and imide nitrogen atoms and has been used for antiepileptic treatment. Substitution of the nitrogen atoms of 5,5-diphenylhydantoin could provide compounds with better activities. The availability of geranyl substituent in the structure affects the biological activities of various compounds such as antifungal, antibacterial, and the potential of &#945--glucosidase and &#945--reductase inhibitors. The present paper describes synthesis of 5,5-diphenylhydantoin derivative by N3-alkylation with geranyl bromide. 3-Geranil-5,5-diphenylhydantoin was afforded by using potassium carbonate in N,N-dimethylformamide at room temperature. The spectroscopic methods including NMR, MS, and infrared were employed for structure characterization of all synthesized compounds.

Keywords: 5,5-diphenylimidazolidine-2,4-dione, N3-alkylation, geranyl

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119 Organic Chemistry ABS-101

Toxicity Analysis of Flavonoid Compounds in Majapahit Leaf Extract (Crescentia cujete) Against Various Cancer Cell Lines Using CLC-pred Tools Program
Fatimah Fatimah 1,a), Rahma Diyan Martha2,b), and Danar Danar 3,c)

1Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, STIKES Karya Putra Bangsa. Tulungagung, Indonesia.
2Department of Pharmacy, STIKES Karya Putra Bangsa, Tulungagung, Indonesia.
3Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia.


The Majapahit plant (Crescentia cujete) is one of the plants that originated from Central America, now widely encountered in Indonesia. Utilization of the Majapahit plant (Crescentia cujete) in Indonesia is still very limited, even though in its home country this plant was used as one of the ingredients of traditional medicine. One of the plant organs that are often used is the leaf. Based on this fact, we conducted a study to determine the potential of Majapahit leaves as an anticancer agent. In this study, we analyzed flavonoid compounds in Majapahit leaf extract (Crescentia cujete) using LCMS followed by in silico analysis of flavonoid compounds with various cancer cell lines using the CLC-pred tools program.
Based on compound analysis using LCMS, there are 10 types of compounds in Majapahit leaf extract (Crescentia cujete) that are included in the flavonoid group, namely- Quercetin, Acacetin 7- rutinoside, Kaemferol 3-O rhamnoside, Kaemferol 3- [6^-(3- hydroxy- 3- methylglutaryl)glucoside], Kaemferol 3-[6^-(3- hydroxy-3- methylglutaryl)glucoside] -7-glucoside, Didymin, Diosmin, Hesperidin, Narirutin 4^- glucoside, Rutin. The flavonoid compound that had the largest percentage was Kaemferol 3-O rhamnoside at 3.90 percent. The identified flavonoid compounds were analyzed in silico using the CLC-pred tools program to determine the ability of the compounds to be toxic to cancer cell cultures. Based on in silico analysis using CLC-pred tools, it is known that each of the identified anticancer potential compounds has different cytotoxic abilities against different types of cell lines.

Keywords: Majapahit leaves, LCMS, anticancer, insilico

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120 Organic Chemistry ABS-115

Analysis constituents of ethyl acetate fraction of Curcuma xanthorrhiza and Curcuma zedoaria (Berg.) Roscoe) and the potency as anticancer
Siti Mariyah Ulfa*, Andrian Sucahyo, Nur Fitriana, Widodo, Muhaimin Rifai

Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Brawijaya University


A long history of the uses of herbal medicine in Asia, including Indonesia comes from the folklore with limited information about the constituents responsible for the pharmacological effects. Here, we reported the extraction of Curcuma xanthorrhiza (CX) and Curcuma zedoaria (Berg.) Roscoe) (CZ) root using alcohol followed by solvent partition using ethyl acetate and determined the active constituent for anticancer. The partition of CX and CZ crude extract gave 67.93% and 64.3% ethyl acetate fraction, respectively. Toxicity screening of CX and CZ ethyl acetate fraction showed that both curcumas had the high toxicity. Purification using SiO2 column gave 9 subfractions of CX and 11 subfractions of CZ. Bioactivity analysis using T47D breast cancer cell line showed a prospective result. Subfraction CX-F3 and CX-F4 have the highest toxicity with IC50 54.8 +/- 1.5 ug/mL and 59.3 +/- 3.0 ug/mL, respectively. Furthermore, subfraction CZ-F1, CZ-F2, CZ-F4, CZ-F5, and CZ-F8 have IC50 between 50-60 ug/mL. Based on this result, the constituent in the ethyl acetate fraction of CX and CZ suggested to have a high potency as anticancer agent.

Keywords: anticancer, ethyl acetate fraction, Curcuma zeodaria, Curcuma xanthorrhiza, T47D cell line

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