Anti-Breast cancer Activity of Isothiocyanate Compounds from Eugenol Derivatives
Nuryamin Kazal, Lucy Arianie, Muhammad Iqna Supriatna, Warsito, and Elvina Dhiaul Iftitah

Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia

Corresponding Author : nuryaminkazal[at]


Abstract. Isothiocyanate derivatives can be synthesized using methyl eugenol and methyl isoeugenol through nucleophilic addition reactions. The structure of the synthesized compound was analyzed using spectroscopic methods. The synthesized compounds were evaluated for their activity against human breast cancer, on 4T1 cancer cells by the MTT method and studied their molecular docking to the PDB protein ID: 4H1Q using Pyrex 9.0. The results of their biological activity on 4T1 cancer cells showed that all of them has good anticancer activity.

Keywords: Isothiocyanate, eugenol, anti-breast cancer activity

Topic: Organic Chemistry

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