Synthesis and Characterization of Magnetite-CS/AC/Titania Nanocomposite for Heavy Metal (Cu) Adsorption 1Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Abstract In this study, the synthesis of magnetite-CS/AC/titania nanocomposite has been carried out to produce a new adsorbent agent for heavy metal (Cu) adsorption. The nanocomposite was characterized using X-ray diffractometry (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and atomic adsorption spectroscopy (AAS). Based on the analysis of the XRD data, the nanocomposite exhibited magnetite phase detected at 2θ- of 30.35o- 35.64o- 43.25o- 53.66o- 57.31o- and 62.76o, while the AC phase was detected at 2-theta of 22.82o-24.65o. Furthermore, titania diffraction peaks were detected at 2θ- of 25.28o- 37.93o- 48.06o- 54.24o- 55.07o- 62.85o- and 68.81o. The SEM image showed that the nanocomposite has an average particle size of 51.84 nm. Based on the FTIR-spectrum, the presence of Fe-O was detected at wavenumbers of 595 cm-1 and 453 cm-1, N-H at a wavenumber of 1667 cm-1, Ti-O-Ti at a wavenumber of 653 cm-1, C=O and C=C at wavenumbers of 1613 cm-1 and 1706 cm-1, O-H and N-H at wavenumbers of 3240 cm-1 and 3503 cm-1. The analysis result for the nanocomposite AAS data showed that the adsorption capacity for heavy metal (Cu) was 86.9%. Keywords: Adsorbent agent, nanocomposite, magnetite-CS/AC/Titania, adsorption capacity, heavy metal (Cu) Topic: Materials Sciences: Synthetic and Characterization |
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