Synthesis of polyaniline film via vapor phase polymerization: Study of effect of temperature and different substrate on film conductivity
Tyara Salsabila Alicia Putri, Donatus Setiawan P.H, Dwi Indarti, Bambang Piluharto

University of Jember


Polyaniline (PANi) is one of the promising conductive polymers promising due to ease of synthesis, environmental stability, and high conductivity. In applications, PANi widely used as a material for electrochromic devices, light emitting diodes (LED), sensors and biosensors. However, existence conjugated structure in PANi form a rigid structure that makes it difficult to produce film. The aims of the research is to synthesis PANi using vapor phase polymerization (VPP) method and study of temperature effect and different substrates on the conductivity. The method comprises two steps, the first step of introducing the oxidizing agent in the substrate and second step, the polymerization of the vapor phase on the substrate. The polymerization temperature (45, 55 and 60 oC) and the type of substrate (filter paper, bacterial cellulose and cellulose acetate) were used as variables to study the conductivity properties. As the results showed that PANI has been successfully polymerized due to physical properties result and functional group analysis using FTIR. The effect of temperature treatment shows that increasing the temperature increases the conductivity value in the range of 10-5 up to 10-4 S/cm. Meanwhile, from various types of substrates, filter paper showed the highest conductivity compared to other substrates.

Keywords: conducting polymers, polyaniline, polymerization, vapor phase, substrate

Topic: Materials Sciences: Synthetic and Characterization

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