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Analysis of Students Creative Thinking Skills in Biology Subjects at Senior High School 2 Lambandia
Tri Maniarta Sari (a*), Mega Puspika (a), Saparuddin (a), Ernawati (a)

a) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sembilanbelas November Kolaka University, Jalan Pemuda, Kolaka 93561, Indonesia


Education is an important component in building a smart generation. To build this generation, 21st century skills are needed, one of which is students^ creative thinking skills. Students^ creative thinking ability is the ability to generate new ideas or ideas in producing a way in problems, even producing new ways as alternative solutions. This study aims to describe students^ creative thinking skills in biology subjects at Senior High School 2 Lambandia, East Kolaka, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. The subjects of this study consisted of 59 students in grades X, XI, and XII at Senior High School 2 Lambandia. The instrument used is a test in the form of a description and interview guidelines. The results showed that, out of 59 students in grades X, XI, and XII at Senior High School 2 Lambandia, the results of the students^ creative thinking ability test were obtained- (1) The percentage on the fluency indicator is 64% (2) the percentage on the flexibility indicator 69% (3) the percentage on the authenticity indicator 66% (4) the percentage on the detailing indicator 66%. Conclusion creative thinking abilities of students in grades X, XI, XII At SMA Negeri 2 Lambandia need to pay attention to what is explained by the teacher, because students^ abilities are still classified in the low category.

Keywords: Creative Thinking Skills- Student

Topic: Biology Education

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