Learn from Covid-19 Pandemic: Biology Teacher Perception about Their Professionalism and its Development during Online Learning
Ahmad Kamal Sudrajat, Ibrohim, Herawati Susilo, Murni Sapta Sari

Universitas Negeri Malang


The COVID-19 pandemic has changed various aspects of education, including teachers^ perceptions of professionalism. This study aimed to determine the teacher^s perception of professionalism and its development during the pandemic. A case study was conducted to determine the teacher^s perception. The research was carried out from June-July 2021. The research participants were 29 teachers who were members of the Malang Regency Biology MGMP. Furthermore, four teachers with different backgrounds (1 senior teacher teaching in public schools, one senior teacher teaching in private schools, one junior teacher teaching in public schools, and one junior teacher teaching in private schools) were selected to enter the program. Interview process. Data collection was carried out through surveys and structured interviews with teachers. The survey data were analyzed quantitatively. The interview data were analyzed qualitatively using the content analysis method. The data obtained are included in four dimensions: Controlled professionalism, Compliant professionalism, Collaborative professionalism, and Activist Professionalism. The results showed that most of the teachers had considered themselves professional teachers. The case study results show that teachers have entered the dimensions of Compliant and Collaborative Professionalism. The results showed that 55% of teachers considered themselves professional, 38% considered themselves unprofessional, and 7% answered maybe. The results of the interviews indicate that teachers already have the awareness to improve their professionalism.

Keywords: Covid-19, Online Learning, Perception, Professionalism

Topic: Biology Education

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