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Enhancing Scientific Argumentation Skill of Biology Students Through Problem Based Learning (PBL) Model Assisted by Lesson Study
Dita Astriningrum 1,a) Herawati Susilo 2,b), Balqis 3,c) , and Anggi Klaritasari 4,d)

Universitas Negeri Malang


Plant Physiology course involves a deep contextual understanding because it is close to everyday problems. These problems require students^ ability to make applicable and relevant solutions. Solutions are obtained from making scientific arguments that do not only contain a personal point of view but are supported by justifications for scientific concepts so that they can be accepted. In learning, students discuss in small groups and work together in finding solutions. This study aims to determine the increase in scientific argumentation skills of Biology students in the Plant Physiology course through the application of Problem Based Learning (PBL) model assisted by Lesson Study. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with 29 third-semester students as research subjects. The implementation of PBL research assisted by lesson study is carried out in five cycles. Data were obtained through analysis of scientific argument scores from discussion activities as measured by an assessment rubric. The results showed that the achievement of the argumentation level experienced an increase in the percentage in each cycle. In the first cycle of scientific argumentation, the highest student level 2 was 83%, then at the end of the cycle students were able to reach levels 4 and 5 with a percentage of 34% and 17%, respectively. This research concludes that there is an increase in students^ scientific argumentation skills through the application of PBL assisted by Lesson Study.

Keywords: Scientific argumentation, Problem Based Learning model, Lesson Study

Topic: Biology Education

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