Development of Mobile Learning Based on Educational Games Using the SOLE Model of Cell Biology Materials by Training Technology Literacy to Enhance Students Cognitive Learning Outcomes
Amelia Ramadhani, a) Susriyati Mahanal, b) and Deny Setiawan c)

Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang Jl. Semarang 5th
Malang, Indonesia 65145


Current technological developments are not matched by technological literacy skills so that they have an impact on students cognitive learning outcomes, especially in the current online education system. Therefore, learning media is needed that can help students understand the material and improve technological literacy and cognitive learning outcomes. Based on these problems, the purpose of this research is to produce a product in the form of mobile learning based on game education using the SOLE (Self Organizing Learning Environment) model of cell biology material to train technological literacy and improve cognitive learning outcomes of class XI students that are valid, practical, and effective. This research belongs to the type of research and development using the Lee & Owens model. Implementation is carried out using a pre-experimental design. Types of data obtained in the form of quantitative and qualitative data. The data collection instruments used material validation sheets, media validation sheets, learning device validation sheets, practicality sheets by practitioners, student response questionnaires, technological literacy observation sheets, as well as pre test and post test. The results of material validation are 100%, media validation is 95.5%, learning device validation is 98.6%. The results of the practicality test by teachers are 96.6% and the results of practicality by students are an average of 95.1%. By practicing technology literacy skills up to 90%, students^ cognitive learning outcomes as a result of the effectiveness test increase up to 70%. The results of the paired T test showed a significance result of 000<0.05, so that there was a difference between the pre test and post test data. Based on these results, this media can be used to improve students cognitive learning outcomes on cell biology material through empowering technological literacy.

Keywords: mobile learning, game education, SOLE, technology literacy, cognitive learning outcomes

Topic: Biology Education

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