Reading Questioning Answering (RQA) for The Empowerment of Students^ Creative Thinking Skills
Nindiana Choirunisa^,1, a) Iqbal Bilgrami Biruni, 1, b) Elya Ruslina2, c) Mohammad Taufik Aji Fahruli,1, d) Dewi Karomika,1, e) Racy Rizky Abdillah,1, f) Yanang Surya Putra Hardyanto,1, g) Ucik Agusti Wulanningsih,3, h) Aninda Yulianti Rahmana ,4, i) Mohammad Ali Sofyan5, j)

1)Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Universitas Negeri Malang, Semarang street 5, Malang City, 65145, Indonesia.
2)SMAN 9 Kota Malang, Puncak Borobudur Street 1, Malang City, 65142, Indonesia
3)SMAN 6 Kota Malang, Mayjen Sungkono Street 58, Malang City 65136, Indonesia
4)SMAN 2 Sidoarjo, Lingkar Barat Gading Fajar Street 2, Sidoarjo City, 61271, Indonesia
5)SMA Progresif Bumi Shalawat, Sekolah Progresif Bumi Shalawat, Kyai Dasuki street 1, Sidoarjo City, 61223, Indonesia


The Industrial Revolution 1.0 to the Industrial Revolution 4.0 has impacted various aspects of human life, including education and learning. One of the impacts in the world of education that is currently increasing is the trend of empowering thinking skills in students, including creative thinking skills. In biology learning, creative thinking is closely related to generating innovative ideas, formulating new solutions, and expressing oneself uniquely. When students are capable of thinking creatively, students have an excellent opportunity to solve various problems, design independent work steps, and evaluate solutions that have been implemented. One of the efforts to empower students^ creative thinking is by implementing innovative learning models such as RQA (Reading, Questioning, Answering), which is carried out at a particular time. This study aims to determine how implementing the RQA empowers students^ creative thinking skills. This research using a quasi-experimental method involves two research subjects: students in the control class and the experimental category at SMAN 9 Malang, East Java, Indonesia. Students^ creative thinking data in the form of pre-test and post-test scores obtained from essay tests using the rubric of Assessing Creativity: A Guide for Educators by Treffinger et al. The pre-test and post-test data were then analyzed through prerequisite tests and ancova hypothesis testing. Based on the tests, it was found that the RQA learning model has the potential to significantly empower students^ creative thinking skills with a 5.85% increase and a significance value of 0.00 (&#951-p2= 0.183). According to this potential, it can be stated that RQA is one of the learning models that can be used as an alternative to empower creative thinking skills in students

Keywords: RQA, creative thinking

Topic: Biology Education

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