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Development of Android-Based Interactive Multimedia on Odd Semester Chemistry Materials for Class X SMA/MA
Sandy Yudha (a*), Nurfajriani (b), Ramlan Silaban (b)

a, b) Magister Pendidikan Kimia, Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Medan
Jl. William Iskandar Ps V, Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia.


The Abstract is This study aims to develop android-based interactive multimedia for chemistry subjects for class X odd semesters that are valid, practical and effective. This research is a development research. The development model used is the ADDIE model (analyst, design, development, implementation, evaluation). The validation subjects consisted of two material experts, a media expert, and two chemistry teachers. The data collection method used is a questionnaire with a likert scale. The data analysis technique used is quantitative descriptive analysis technique and qualitative descriptive analysis technique. The results of this study are an Android-based interactive multimedia which was developed based on the design (storyboard) that was designed, according to a review by two material experts, the average was in the valid category (93%), according to a media expert^s review, it showed a valid category (88%), and according to a review of ten chemistry teachers showed an average in the good category (86.67%). Thus this interactive multimedia is said to be valid, practical and effective and can be used for further research.

Keywords: Interactive Multimedia- Android Based- Chemistry

Topic: Curriculum, Research and Development

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Sandy Yudha)

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