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1 Biomedical Engineering ABS-10

Tuberculosis co-infection has no detrimental effect on initial vital signs in hospitalised COVID-19 patients
Heni Muflihah1,*), Santun B Rahimah1, Fajar A Yulianto2, Rina3, Edi Sampurno3

1) Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Bandung, Jl. Tamansari 20, Bandung 40116, Indonesia
2) Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Bandung, Jl. Tamansari 20, Bandung 40116, Indonesia
3) RS Paru Dr.H.A Rotinsulu, Jl. Bukit Jarian 40, Bandung 40141, Indonesia


Indonesia is the second largest of tuberculosis (TB) endemic country in the world and affected by devastated coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. The clinical manifestation caused by co-infection of TB and COVID-19 in Indonesia is unknown. Vital signs are standard clinical manifestation examined during hospitalisation. We aimed to analyse the vital signs of hospitalized COVID-19 patients who had TB co-infection and had no TB infection. We conducted a retrospective study using medical record of patients who had confirmed COVID-19 and hospitalized in Dr. Rotinsulu Lung Hospital from January 2020 to December 2021. TB and COVID-19 co-infected group (TB COVID) was firstly screened as those had both diagnosis confirmed COVID-19 and TB during hospitalisation in electronic medical record. The COVID group was those without TB diagnose during hospitalisation and randomly selected for minimum sample size. Vital signs (systolic and diastolic blood pressure, respiratory rate and O2 saturation) were data firstly recorded during hospitalisation. The differences of vital signs between two group were analysed by Mann-Whitney. The 165 participants enrolled compromised 83 (50.3%) TB co-infection and 82 (49.7%) no TB infection. TB COVID had lower (p=0.0096) median systolic blood pressure (mmHg) (118 (IQR 110-128)) than COVID (120 (IQR 116-132)). The median diastolic blood pressure (80 mmHg) in both of group was similar. The median for respiratory rate in TB COVID was 23 (IQR 22-24) and not significantly different to that in COVID (p=0.54). TB COVID had significant higher (p=0.0238) median O2 saturation (%)(97 (IQR 94-98)) than COVID (96 (IQR 93-97). In conclusion, this study showed that median for vital signs in both of groups was in normal range. COVID-19 patients co-infected with TB had lower systolic blood pressure and higher O2 saturation. Co-infection of TB is unlikely to have detrimental effect on initial vital signs in hospitalised COVID-19 patients.

Keywords: tuberculosis, COVID-19, co-infection, vital signs

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2 Biomedical Engineering ABS-15

Umi Yuniarni(a),Onoy Rohaeni(b), Bertha Rusdi (a*)

(a) Program Studi Pendidikan Profesi Apoteker, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Islam Bandung, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
(b) Program Studi Matematika, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Islam Bandung, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia


Ambon banana is a highly consumed banana variety in West Java. However only the fruit flesh is consumed while the peel generally becomes waste. Banana peels are rich in indigestible carbohydrates which are known to have prebiotic activity. Several varieties of bananas have been investigated for their prebiotic activity, but research on Ambon banana is still limited. This research aims to evaluate the prebiotic activity of Ambon banana peel powder. Ambon peel powder with 1% w/v in concentration was examined for its growth stimulation effect on Lactobacillus acidophilus probiotics. SCFAs production was also analyzed using HPLC. The results showed that Ambon banana peel powder has prebiotic activity with the prebiotic activity score of 13.47. Analysis showed the presence of butyrate, propionate and acetate in the L. acidophilus culture enriched with Ambon banana peel powder. The concentration of butyrate, propionate and acetate were 7.27, 1.32 and 0.23 microgram per mL respectively. This study confirmed that Ambon banana peel powder could be an effective prebiotic in increasing the growth of the tested probiotics

Keywords: ambon lumut banana peel powder, Lactobacillus acidophilus, prebiotics

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3 Biomedical Engineering ABS-19

Potential Antibacterial Plants in The Qur^an: Domestic Fig Fruit (Ficus carica L.) against Bacteria Causes of Diabetic Wound Infections
Lanny Mulqie1,a), Siti Hazar2,b), Ratu Choesrina3,c), Aghnia Nurzahra4), Nabila Nur Latifa5)



Diabetic wound infection on the feet is one of the problems suffered by most people with diabetes mellitus. Bacteria that can cause infection in diabetic wounds are Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The use of antibiotics derived from nature can be an alternative to overcome the problem of antibiotic resistance. One of the plants that have been widely cultivated in Indonesia is the fig plant (Ficus carica L.). This study was conducted to determine the antibacterial potential of ethanolic extract of figs that domesticated in Indonesia against bacteria that cause diabetic wounds (Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa). Potential antibacterial measured by agar diffusion method and to determine the class of compounds contained in the ethanol extract figs. Result of this research are the ethanolic extract of fig fruit has activity against the two test bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa). The ethanol extract of figs contains a class of alkaloid compounds, flavonoids, saponins, anthraquinones, polyphenols, steroids as well as monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes.

Keywords: Ethanolic extract, fig fruit, agar diffusion method

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4 Biomedical Engineering ABS-32

Sani Ega Priani, Hanifa Rahma*, Suwendar, Dina Mulyanti, Mentari Lutifika Dewi, , Shara Jusatika Putri

Universitas Islam Bandung


Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by hyperglycemia with a prevalence that continuously increases yearly. Therefore, in addition to the pharmacological therapy using antidiabetic drugs, the non-pharmacological or prophetic medicine could support diabetes mellitus treatment. The objectives of this community service activity are to improve the knowledge of the community regarding support therapy for diabetes mellitus through non-pharmacological and prophetic medicine approaches. The Training was carried out on PKK cadres in Tamansari, Bandung, as a Training for trainer program. The participants were given education about diabetes mellitus, non-pharmacological therapy, and the use of prophetic medicine for diabetes mellitus. As the program evaluation method, pre-test and post-test were carried out before and after the training activities. Data analysis results show that community services programs have succeeded in increasing public knowledge related the diabetes mellitus disease, non-pharmacological treatment of diabetes mellitus, and the use of prophetic medicine as supportive therapy of diabetes mellitus, with the % of the increase, are 24.39- 40.43- 253.33, respectively.

Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, non-pharmacological treatment, prophetic medicine

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5 Chemistry ABS-6

Optimization of Extraction Methods on Antioxidant Activity and Phenolic Content from Red Dragon Fruit (Hylocereus polyrhyzus) Peel
Yani Lukmayani, Kiki Mulkiya Y., Vinda Maharani P.

Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Islam Bandung
Jl. Rangga Gading No.8, Bandung, Indonesia


Extraction is a method of extracting active compounds from a natural product. The extraction method commonly used is the maceration method, but currently, the ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) method is also being developed. This study was conducted to determine the extraction method that can produce the maximum antioxidant activity and the highest total phenol content from dragon fruit peel extract. The antioxidant activity test was carried out using the FRAP (Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power) method. In contrast, the measurement of phenolic content was carried out using the Folin-Ciocalteu method. The extraction solvent used was a mixture of ethanol-citric acid at pH 4.5. The results showed that the antioxidant activity of the maceration method and ultrasound-assisted extraction was 27.93 and 23.67mg Trolox/g extract, while the total phenolic content was 16.71 and 14.73 mg GAE/g extract, respectively. This result indicates that the maceration extraction method is more effective in extracting phenolic compounds and provides better antioxidant activity than the ultrasound-assisted extraction method.

Keywords: Maceration, Ultrasound Asissted Extraction, Phenolic content, Antioxidant activity, Red Dragon Fruit Peel

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6 Chemistry ABS-8

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Rhizome Extraction Technology: Coaching for the People of Kampung Jahe, Karasak-Astanaanyar Sub District
Kiki Mulkiya Y., Ratih Aryani, Yani Lukmayani, Fetri Lestari, Esti R. Sadiyah, Hilda Aprilia

Universitas Islam Bandung


The use of yards in the Karasak Village, Astanaanyar District, Bandung City has been pioneered since 2021 with an orientation towards the cultivation of medicinal plants, specially ginger. Ginger rhizomes are known to have many benefits. The efficacy of ginger rhizome will be more optimal if the preparation is concerned to critical steps to improve the quality of the rhizome. One of the efforts to improve the quality of this ginger rhizome is through the processing of simplicia. The team from the Department of Pharmacy, FMIPA Unisba, was trained the ginger rhizome simplicia processing to representatives of people of Kampung Jahe. This training aims to educate the people of Kampung Jahe about the stages in making simplicia to improve the quality of ginger as the harvest crops from the yards. As the implementation of this training, education was carried out to representatives of the people of Kampung Jahe regarding the stages of making ginger rhizome simplicia, handing over ginger and turmeric rhizome, and handing over 1 unit drying cabinets. From this activity, it is known that it has been able to increase the knowledge of participants by an average of 14, 82%.

Keywords: ginger rhizome, processing of simplicia, Kampung Jahe

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7 Chemistry ABS-9

Exploring the Interaction of Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids in Honey with SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease via In Silico Approach
Aulia Fikri Hidayat, Taufik Muhammad Fakih, Budi Prabowo Soewondo, Dwi Syah Fitra Ramadhan, Aden Dhana Rizkita

Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Islam Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia
Department of Pharmacy, Poltekkes Kemenkes Makassar, Makassar, Indonesia
Department of Pharmacy, STIKes Bogor Husada, Bogor, Indonesia


Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has been overwhelming worldwide for past years. The evolutionary novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which responsible for the disease is characterized by its innate ability to replicate due to its main protease. Therefore, investigation on the inhibitory mechanism against main protease is necessary in order to develop effective COVID-19 therapeutics. Natural product-based compounds have been extensively explored to urge this purpose. In this computational research, pyrrolizidine alkaloids commonly found in honey were selected to provide more insights on their potential as SARS-CoV-2 main protease inhibitors. Interactions of the alkaloids against SARS-Cov-2 main protease were investigated using molecular docking simulation. Results found that senkirkine and seneciphylline have the closest binding affinities compared to the natural ligand of the receptor. In addition, the entire compounds were able to form interactions with the receptor as results of hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interaction.

Keywords: Honey, pyrrolizidine, alkaloids, SARS-CoV-2, main protease

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8 Chemistry ABS-24

Vinda Maharani Patricia, Farendina Suarantika, Siti Hazar, Bertha Rusdi, Umi Yuniarni

Universitas Islam Bandung


Eco-enzyme is a fermented fluid composed of organic waste, sugar, and water that produces a dark brown solution. The fermentation process then lasts three months. Then, following the harvest period, characterization is performed. The process of characterization consists of organoleptic testing and activity testing. In general, this study aims to compare organoleptic tests and their activities from 3 types of sugars used in the eco-enzyme fermentation process. This study showed that significant differences in the color organoleptic test, with the first variable producing a clear brown color and the other variable producing a turbid yellowish-brown color. In aroma testing, all eco-enzyme products produced a characteristic acidic odor at harvest. Eco-enzyme was screened of antibacterial activity against E. coli and S. aureus by dilution with various concentration (1.5625%, 3.125%, 6.25%, 12.5%, 25%, 50%, 100% v/v) and various control. The minimum inhibition concentration (MIC) was then tested by diffusion method to determine the inhibition zone with 3 replication using the higher concentration (50%, 75%, 100% v/v). The result showed that MIC of E. coli and S. aureus are 25% and 50%. The dilution test of eco-enzyme givesthe most effective concentration to inhibit both of bacteria at eco-enzyme 100% (v/v).

Keywords: Antibacterial Activity, Characterization, Eco-enzyme

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9 Chemistry ABS-40

Characterization of starch from Ambon banana peel (Musa acuminata AAA) as a prebiotic source
Ratih Aryani (a), Umi Yuniarni (b), Bertha Rusdi (b*)

a) Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Universitas Islam Bandung
Jl. Ranggagading No.8 Bandung
b) Apothecary Program, Faculty of Matematics and Sciences, Universitas Islam Bandung
Jl. Batik Halus No.25 Bandung


Ambon banana (Musa acuminata AAA) is the mostly consumed banana variety in Indonesia. People only consume the fruit flesh while the peel become waste. Banana peel is a potential prebiotic source because it contains prebiotic polysaccharides like starch. Utilization of banana peel for starch production can reduce waste and increases the economic value of banana. Starch is a common pharmaceutical excipient. Starch can be used as a pharmaceutical excipient when its physicochemical character meets the criteria. Hence, this study aims to pruduce starch from Ambon banana peel and to characterize the starch including water content, ash content, swelling power, solubility, amylose and amylopectin content of starch. The result showed that the yield of starch from fresh Ambon banana peel was 0.67%. The water content of the starch was 18.20%, the ash content was 9.61%, the swelling power was 7.92%, the solubility was 12.04%, the amylose content 82.84%, and the amylopectin content was 17.16%.

Keywords: Ambon banana peel starch, water content, ash content, solubility, swelling power

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10 Civil Engineering ABS-14

Noor Fauzi Isniarno, Iswandaru, Wahyu Budi Khorniawan, Dono Guntoro



Rocks and minerals that exist on earth have electrical properties such as: natural electric potential, electrical conductivity, and dielectric constant. There are various methods used to determine the conditions below the ground surface. One of them is the geoelectric method. This method can be used as a way to investigate the electrical properties of the earth through the response captured from the ground in the form of potential difference, electric current, and electromagnetic field. The resistivity or resistivity geoelectric method is one type of geoelectrical method used to study subsurface conditions by studying the nature of electric currents in subsurface rocks of the earth. Based on the research objectives, the resistivity method is divided into two, namely mapping and sounding. The resistivity method by mapping uses the Wenner configuration, while the resistivity method by sounding uses the Schulmberger configuration. Geoelectric resistivity mapping method is a resistivity method that aims to study the horizontal variation of the resistivity of the subsurface layer. While the resistivity sounding method aims to study variations in the resistivity of the subsurface layers of the earth vertically. The resistivity method by mapping uses the Wenner configuration, while the resistivity method by sounding uses the Schulmberger configuration. With this geoelectric study, it is hoped that it can become a reference for the feasibility study of the Samarinda tunnel which has an impact on the efficiency and effectiveness of tunnel construction, both in terms of cost and construction time.

Keywords: wenner, Resistivity, Tunnel

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11 Civil Engineering ABS-17

Noor Fauzi Isniarno, Dono Guntoro, Iswandaru, Wahyu Budhi Khorniawan

Universitas Islam Bandung


Multiple Attenuation using radon filtering is commonly used for suppressing multiple energy technique at seismic data. The basic concept is to do separation between primary and multiple in radon domain by using residual moveout value. The method is used for synthetic seismic data called GM1 as marine precipitation zone. The data is found multiple, dominantly as peg-leg multiple. The study is being done in order to know how much radon filtering can influence both for Common Mid Point (CMP) stack and Common Reflection Surface (CRS) stack to attenuate multiple. The imaging of CRS stack is expected will be able to create higher signal to noise ratio than conventional method. Radon filtering is applied to CMP gather and CRS supergather. Radon analysis can^t able to reduce peg- leg multiple overall in CMP gather and CRS supergather. Signal to noise ratio of stacking section can be enhanced by CRS stack method significantly.

Keywords: multiple attenuation, radon filtering, CRS supergather

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12 Civil Engineering ABS-20

Iswandaru, Rully Nurhasan R, Eka Adhitya K.

Universitas Islam Bandung


Clay soil is a type of soil that has the characteristics of large shrinkage, this makes clay an unfavorable material in a construction work. Low bearing capacity can lead to instability of a building foundation erected on clay soil and the swelling and shrinkage properties of clay can cause cracks in highway pavements, also rupture or breakage on the ground floor of the dam. In the construction of civil buildings, the cohesion and shear strength of the subgrade have an effect on the planning of a building, so soil stabilization can be carried out before the soil is used. One of the efforts to improve soil stabilization is mixing soil with certain materials in order to improve the technical properties of the soil to meet certain requirements by increasing soil parameters such as density, cohesion, and shear strength. The soil stabilization process includes mixing with gypsum material (CaSO4) to obtain the desired gradation so that the soil properties become better with calcium levels that bind organic matter to clay and also absorb more water which is very useful for strengthening soil. The research was conducted by testing the direct shear strength of the soil (Direct Shear Test) by adding different percentages of Gypsum (CaSO4) ranging from 5% - 10%. The effect of the addition of gypsum on the cohesion value and the optimum internal friction angle occurred in the addition of 7% lime with a value of 0.018 MPa and 24.93o.

Keywords: Clay Soil, Soil Stabilization, gypsum, strengthening, Cohesion and friction angle

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13 Civil Engineering ABS-21

Feasibility Testing of Rainwater Quality for Application of Rainwater Harvesting
Eka Adhitya Kurniawan (a*), Rully Nurhasan Ramadani (a), Andrieanto Nurrochman (a), Indra Karna Wicaksana (a), Muhammad Khalifman (a), Akmal Fawwaz (a)

a) Mining Engineering Department, Universitas Islam Bandung
Jalan Tamansari 24, Bandung 40116, Indonesia


Indonesia has a large potential for rainfall to be used as an alternative source of raw water. In Law No. 17 of 2019 concerning Water Resources Article 29 states that the utilization of water resources does not only include surface water, groundwater, or seawater, but also rainwater. Uncontrolled use of groundwater can cause adverse impacts, including groundwater crises, land subsidence, or seawater intrusion. Therefore, alternative use of other water sources is needed, namely rainwater. The challenge faced in utilizing rainwater as a source of raw water is the existence of rainwater that is not continuous and is strongly influenced by the seasons, so an effort is needed to harvest rainwater that can be used also when there is no rain. This research is focused on analyzing the chemical quality of the results of mixing between groundwater and rainwater at the research site. The samples used were 2 samples from rainwater and 2 samples from groundwater. Based on the chemical quality test of the sample, it shows that if a mixture of 10%-90% ratio of rainwater and groundwater is carried out, the water quality criteria fall into the Class II category. Based on Government Regulation (PP) Number 22 of 2021 for the Implementation of Environmental Protection and Management, this category is intended for freshwater fish cultivation, livestock, and water for irrigating plants or other uses that require the same water quality as these uses.

Keywords: rainwater, groundwater, rainwater harvesting, mixing

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14 Civil Engineering ABS-34

Application of Lean Thinking in Modern Hospital Architectural Design Case Study Dharmais Cancer Hospital Jakarta
Aswin Griksa Fitranto(1,a), Posma Sariguna Johnson Kennedy(2,b), Sri Pare Eni(3,c)

1,2,3 Department of Architecture, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

a) aswin.griksa[at]
b) Corresponding author: posmahutasoit[at]
c) sri.eni[at]


This paper is an architectural study of modern hospital design. This study aims to apply lean thinking in modern hospital design planning where the patient is the centre. The methodology conducted the research with a qualitative approach through observation and case studies from Dharmais Cancer Hospital Jakarta. Lean thinking approach in the design process, making improvements mainly related to elements and space utilization in the hospital, including integration with information systems and medical technology. Hospital design is carried out by identifying and eliminating waste or activities that are not added value through radical continuous improvement by flowing products (materials, work-in-process, output) and information, using a pull system from stakeholders to pursue excellence and perfection. Thus, it is hoped that the design of the hospital building can be effective in its space program. An architectural design change based on lean thinking is expected to add value to patients and better management of key resources in terms of services, both in the form of access and better room layout.

Keywords: Lean Thinking, Architectural Design, Modern Hospital Design, Cancer Hospital

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15 Computer Science ABS-11

Determination of Priority Areas for Green Open Space Development Based on The Urban Heat Island Phenomenon
Irland Fardani, Ernady Syaodih, Saraswati

Regional and City Planning Department, Bandung Islamic University


Urban heat islands are characterized by an increase in surface temperature that occurs in urban areas which are relatively higher than in rural areas. This is due to the vegetated land being converted into built-up land due to human activities. Green Open Space is actually an area that one of its functions is to balance the surface temperature in an area. The purpose of this study is to determine the priority of the location and the area of addition of green open space by considering the urban heat island phenomenon using population density data, NDBI, SAVI, LST. The results of this study can be seen in the Tegalega SWK there are 2.03% of locations identified as very high priority areas and around 40.98 locations which are high priority areas for green green open space to be built in this location. The conclusion of this study is that the Tegalaga SWK area is a location where the need for green open space is quite wide (more than 50%), and the development of green open space needs to be prioritized in this area.

Keywords: Development, Green Open Space, Urban Heat Island

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16 Computer Science ABS-38

Pharmacophore-Based Virtual Screening Toward the Discovery of Novel Antioxidant Compounds from Alkaloids in Honey Products
Taufik Muhammad Fakih1, Dwi Syah Fitra Ramadhan2, Arfan3, Aden Dhana Rizkita4

1 Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Islam Bandung
2 Department of Pharmacy, Poltekkes Kemenkes Makassar
3 Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Halu Oleo
4 Department of Pharmacy, STIKes Bogor Husada


Development of a pharmacophore-based virtual screening method that can be used to find active compounds or compounds that hit as antioxidants with similar 3D structural properties. The secondary metabolites of the alkaloid group in honey are known to have antioxidant activity, but the activity of their isolates from this group is not known with certainty. Therefore, this study was conducted by utilizing a pharmacophore-based virtual screening method to find the most active antioxidant compounds from the alkaloid group contained in honey. The materials used to make the pharmacophore model are fangchicoline, cepharantine, and vindoline compounds which are alkaloid groups reported to have high antioxidant activity, and the test compounds used are 24 alkaloid compounds reported to be contained in honey. The three active compounds were used to make pharmacophores, starting with flexible alignment through the MOE2014 application, then the pharmacophore mode was made using the PCH_ALL method. The selected features are 4 features that have a value of 100%, including 1 hydrophobic, 2 hydrogen bond acceptors, and 1 aromatic. Then this feature is used to filter out the alkaloid compounds contained in honey by utilizing the Pharmitt webserver. From the results of the analysis, it was found that 2 compounds that hit the pharmacophore features, namely Chelerythrine and Sanguinarine compounds with RMSD were 0.891 A and 0.894 A, respectively.

Keywords: Honey Products, Alkaloid Compounds, Virtual Screening, Pharmacophore-Based, Computational Approach

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17 Computer Science ABS-41

Management Model of Food Big Data for National Food Security Policy
Rulinawaty Rulinawaty (a*), Agus Santosa (b), Syarif Fadillah (c), Ayi Karyana (d), Yudi Efendi (e)

a) Public Administration, Universitas Terbuka, Jalan Cabe Raya, Pondok Cabe, Pamulang, Tangerang Selatan 15418, Indonesia
b) Busines Administration, Universitas Terbuka, Jalan Cabe Raya, Pondok Cabe, Pamulang, Tangerang Selatan 15418, Indonesia
c) Public Administration, Universitas Terbuka, Jalan Cabe Raya, Pondok Cabe, Pamulang, Tangerang Selatan 15418, Indonesia
d) Government Science, Public Administration, Universitas Terbuka, Jalan Cabe Raya, Pondok Cabe, Pamulang, Tangerang Selatan 15418, Indonesia
e) Low Departemen, Public Administration, Universitas Terbuka, Jalan Cabe Raya, Pondok Cabe, Pamulang, Tangerang Selatan 15418, Indonesia


The government has a role and responsibility for public goods, in this case, the responsibility for food problems in Indonesia. The food problem is complex, so it is no longer possible for the government to work alone. The government needs to collaborate with stakeholders involved in providing food. Contributions are expected from outside parties, primarily private and non-governmental organizations. The involvement and contributions of various stakeholders show the existence of networking that allows the implementation of food security policies to run effectively and efficiently. The strategy model used is the Indonesian Food Management Stakeholder Network through big data analytic analysis, including descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive analysis. The results of the descriptive analysis are in the form of grouping and visualizing big food data. The results of the big data analysis process produce a decision map to see the causes of the level of food production in a province. In the predictive process, it produces a regression model to calculate the following year^s production results and prospective analysis in the form of a profit system designed for national food security policies.

Keywords: Big Data Analytics, Clustering, Classification, public policy, Food Security.

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18 Computer Science ABS-53

Observation and Simulation of Traffic Congestion using SimEvents MATLAB
Erwin Harahap (a*), Farid Badruzzaman (b)

a) Department of Mathematics, Universitas Islam Bandung
Jalan Ranggagading No. 8, Bandung 40116, Indonesia
b) Department of Management, Universitas Teknologi Digital,
Jl. Buah Batu No. 26, Bandung 40262, Indonesia


Congestions are events that severely hamper community activities. Generally, congestion occurs caused by too many vehicles with very limited road capacity. However, it has to be a proof that the congestions occur because of these two factors. There are several factors that caused congestion, such as people activities, bad drivers, u-turn, crossing, etc. Cinunuk road lies on Cibiru-Cileunyi line, located at the sub-district of Cileunyi, Bandung district, West Java, Indonesia. This location is usually congested over time, and become one of the most congested street in Bandung district. The Cinunuk street currently is the only one main non-toll street that connect that connects cities in the western and northern regions of the West Java province to the south or east regions. The result is high traffic density which causes traffic congestion throughout the day, specifically in the morning (06:00 to 09:00) and late afternoon (15:00 - 18:00). However, congestion also often occurs outside of these hours. In this article, a study is conducted to analyze on what exactly causes the traffic congestion in the Cinunuk line, therefore some strategic steps have to be taken to reduce congestion. We propose a modelling of situation based on observation through the causes of the congestion, using queuing models to compare the level of congestion before and after certain steps are carried out, and then simulate it using the MATLAB SimEvents application. Through this method, hopefully solution can be found to reduce the traffic congestion.

Keywords: Transportation- Modeling- Simulation- MATLAB- Simulink

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19 Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering ABS-54

Smoke Detector System With MQ-2 Sensor Based on ESP32 Microcontroller
Gani Gunawan (a*), Fetri Lestari (b), Arief Yulianti (c), Haris Dhaifullah (a), Erwin Harahap (a)

a) Department of Mathematics, Universitas Islam Bandung, Jalan Ranggagading No 8, Bandung 40116, Indonesia
b) Department of Farmacy, Universitas Islam Bandung, Jalan Ranggagading No 8, Bandung 40116, Indonesia
c) Faculty of Medical, Universitas Islam Bandung, Jalan Tamansari No 20, Bandung 40116, Indonesia


In daily life, it is often found a various types of smoke in the surrounding environment such as: cigarette smoke, smoke from burning garbage, etc. Smoke is something that can harm the body when inhaled, and its presence can also indicate that something is burning. In this paper, the authors design a real-time Cigarette Smoke Detection System (SPAR) based on the MQ-2 sensor and the ESP32 microcontroller. SPARs are placed in certain locations that can monitor an area. The MQ-2 sensor is used to detect the presence of smoke (including cigarette smoke) in the form of an analog signal. This signal is then translated into digital code and read by the ESP32 microcontroller. Furthermore, ESP32 sends a command to a buzzer to give a response in accordance with the program code that has been designed. The buzzer will respond as alarm sound, which indicates that cigarette smoke has been detected around the area. Through this alarm sound, the competent authorities can immediately provide an appropriate response. The results of research and experiments have succeeded in making SPAR tools and functioning well in detecting cigarette smoke.

Keywords: Arduino- Smoke Detector- Sensor- ESP32- SPAR

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20 Industry Engineering ABS-2

Aerobic Composting Process Development Using Perforated Brick Construction Method by increasing the airflow
Mohamad Satori, Endang Prasetyaningsih, Puti Renosari, Fariz izzulhaq, Ira Ayu Wulandari

Bandung Islamic University
Jalan Tamansari No.1 Bandung, Indonesia
Faculty of Engineering


Waste can contribute to environmental issues, but it also contains potential resources that can be generated and used by the community. Waste utilization based on characteristics is following Waste Management Law No. 18 of 2008. Previous research indicates that the composition of the household and similar waste is dominated by organic waste accounting for 50-60%. The organic waste can be converted into compost, which can be used to enrich agricultural soil. A perforated brick construction method (metode Bata Terawang) with the open windrow principle is a well-known composting method in Indonesia, where the supply of oxygen and moisture must be an essential consideration. The aeration system in the composting with the perforated brick construction is typically accomplished in two ways: by creating hollows in the brick construction or by placing perforated pipes crosswise in the middle of the composter tube. This study attempted to place a perforated pipe into the aeration process and periodically add airflow from a blower. The results show that adding airflow will speed up the composting process, while the quality of the compost produced is drier due to the lower water content.

Keywords: organic waste, composting, compost

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21 Industry Engineering ABS-12

Nugraha,(a*), Dewi Shofi Mulyati (a), Iyan Bachtiar (a), Egi Asshidiq(a)

a) Industrial Engineering Study Program, Bandung Islamic University, Bandung City, Indonesia
* Nugraha692016[at]


The problem in this study is the difficulty of transporting manual workers without tools from one location to another, causing health impacts such as back pain and so on. According to NAB, the maximum amount of weight that is safe for humans to lift is 32kg, and more than that can cause injury. and work accidents. The main objective of this research is to identify and design the ideal tool for carrying loads in moving an object. In this study, the Rapid entire Body Assessment (REBA) method was used using the ergofellow to assess the work posture carried out in moving goods and the Nordic Body Map (NBM) to determine the complaints experienced by workers. The results of the study using the REBA method with the ergofellow score of 10 which means that improvements are needed as soon as possible for the work posture carried out. Then the results of the NBM Questionnaire showed that workers experienced pain in the shoulders, back, and neck. The conclusion is that the proposed work facility design is a specially designed trolley using the anthropometric method in order to reduce work risks

Keywords: Design, REBA, ergofellow, NBM, Manual Material Handling

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22 Industry Engineering ABS-18

Measurement of Workload on Education Personnel of the UNISBA Faculty of Engineering using the Mental Effort Rating Scale (RSME) and NASA-TLX Methods
Anis Septiani (a*), Vera Septiawati (a), Hani Burhanudin (a)

(a) Faculty of Engineering, UNISBA, Jalan Tamansari No 24-26 Bandung, Indonesia


University in carrying out the educational process cannot be separated from the role of education personnel. Many types of tasks that must be carried out by education personnel affect the resulting performance. Inappropriate workloads can be a factor that affects the resulting performance. In this study, the workload measurement of 27 education personnel was carried out using the RSME and NASA-TLX methods. The results of the research that has been carried out using the RSME method, about 80% of education staff feel that the effort they spend in carrying out the tasks given is quite large. Meanwhile, the results of measurements using the NASA-TLX method 70% of education staff feel that the workload given is high.

Keywords: Workload, RSME, NASA-TLX

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23 Industry Engineering ABS-25

Identifying The Frozen Food Business Omni-Channel Retail Strategy in Bandung
Djamaludin, Nita Puspita, Selamat

Industrial Engineering - Universitas Islam Bandung


Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises or commonly abbreviated as MSMEs are business groups managed by certain people or business entities whose criteria are determined based on Law Number 20 of 2008. Currently, there are more than 65 million MSMEs spread across Indonesia [3], while in Bandung City, West Java Province, there are around 160,000 [6]. In this study, one example of a frozen food company in the city of Bandung, which has the characteristics of the small business category [10], has an average sales turnover of 30 million per month, employees are less than 10 people, various frozen food products are their own production, run a business for more than 3 years, have resellers < 10, sales are carried out through the social media network whatsapp only. From the results of the initial research, it can be seen, from the product side and buyer experience, it is found that the products produced by the company are very satisfying and unique, and in terms of sales channels, they have not reached the electronic market or resellers in cities spread across Java. Therefore, it can be seen that there is a great opportunity to develop and expand its market reach through various sales channels both online and offline. This research is a start to determine a more appropriate omni-channel retail strategy in its development and implementation. The results showed the need for an integrated and efficient system in terms of product management, inventory, marketing sales, reporting from various channels that will be entered by the company. Companies can choose and utilize the right technology according to the needs and financial capabilities of the company. This can be done by calculating the Return on Investment (ROI) of the creation or utilization of software and related infrastructure, namely by measuring the potential of software applications and related infrastructure, to increase revenue, reduce costs, increase customer satisfaction, and achieve operational efficiency.

Keywords: MSMEs, omni channel retailing strategy, frozen food business, roi software

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24 Industry Engineering ABS-26

Taste Analysis of Coffee Milk Beverage Formulations with Honey from Tenjolaya Village in Bandung Regency using 2^3 Factorial Design
Budi P. Soewondo, Taufik M. Fakih, Robby Prayitno, Faqih Radina, Rizki Nuzulfikri, Aulia F. Hidayat, G.C. Eka Darma

Pharmacy Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Islam Bandung


Coffee with milk is a popular type of coffee beverage in Indonesia. In this study, the formulation of coffee milk added with honey produced from Tenjolaya village, Bandung Regency as sugar substitute has been done with the objective to find the trend for future taste optimization process. The method used to analyze the formulation is by using 23 factorial design. From this study, it has been found that male taste preference of the formulations has different trend than the female taste preference. The variability of both data from the male and female respondents are quite high, but it is especially so for the female respondents. Thus, the model resulted can only be used to predict a very general trend of taste for the respondents.

Keywords: factorial design, coffee, milk, honey, taste.

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25 Industry Engineering ABS-27

Aviasti Aviasti (a*), Asep Nana Rukmana (b), Chaznin R.M.(c), Reni Amaranti(d), Deva Akbar(e), Ari Ramdani(f)

(a) Program Studi Profesi Insinyur Fakultas Teknik Universitas Islam Bandung
* Aviasti98[at]
(b,c,d,e,f) Program Studi Teknik Industri Fakultas Teknik Universitas Islam Bandung


The leather tanning industry is an industry that converts raw animal skins into tanned leather through three stages: beam house, tanning, and post-tanning stages. In recent times, the leather tanning industry in Indonesia has experienced a setback due to the lack of availability of raw leather raw materials in the country, the unconnected user industry with the national leather tanning industry, as well as increasing regulations that must be met related to chromium content in water.
Green manufacturing leads to the minimization of negative impacts on the environment from design to the end of the product life cycle. Green manufacturing practices are defined as manufacturing practices that can meet consumer needs while simultaneously complying with environmental regulations. Lean manufacturing is one of the best practices in manufacturing that teaches simplification through waste elimination that can be applied to very complex and non-integrated processes. Lean manufacturing can be said to be manufacturing without waste, so the main principle of this approach is the reduction of waste in the manufacturing function. This article will discuss the implementation of green manufacturing and lean manufacturing, as an effort to overcome the problems experienced by the leather tanning industry, especially those related to environmental issues.

Keywords: leather tanning industry, waste, green manufacturing, lean manufacturing

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26 Industry Engineering ABS-28

Optimization of The Fish Port Queuing System
Ahmad Arif Nurrahman, Otong Rukmana, Ajrina Febri Suahati, Hideo Darell Marvian, Elsa Novia Sari

Universitas Islam Bandung


The background of this study is the constraints of the queuing system that occurred at karangsong indramayu port. Karangsong Port plays an important role in supporting the fishing industry sector in Indramayu. Based on the results of previous research, the facilities and infrastructure at Karangsong Port are still inadequate, such as the Fish Auction Area (TPI), labuh ponds, and parking areas whose capacity is still lacking. In addition, there is a queue of fishing boats that want to unload the catch. Although the fish unloading process is in accordance with standard operating procedures (SOP), there are still queues of vessels. This queue obstacle must be solved considering that Karangsong Port has a high level of activity in supporting the fishing industry sector in Indramayu. In addition, efforts to optimize the fishing boat queuing system need to be carried out, in line with the steps of the local and central governments through the MPA which currently has planned to carry out various constructions of facilities and infrastructure at Karangsong Port.

Keywords: queuing system, fish port, karangsong

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27 Industry Engineering ABS-47

Aviasti Aviasti(1)*, N Nugraha(1), and R Amaranti(2)

(1)Program Studi Profesi Insinyur Fakultas Teknik Universitas Islam Bandung
(2)Program Studi Teknik Industtri Fakultas Teknik Universitas Islam Bandung
(1)*Correspondence author E-mail: Aviasti98[at]


One of the manufacturing industries that has the potential to have an impact on the environment is the leather processing industry. The leather and leather goods industry consists of industries that process raw leather into leather and leather goods industries. The leather tanning industry is an industry that converts raw animal skins into tanned leather through three stages: beam house, tanning, and post-tanning stages. This tanned leather is then used as raw material for the manufacture of various leather products such as shoes, bags, jackets, belts, and other leather crafts.
The leather tanning industry produces liquid and solid wastes that have the potential to have a negative impact on the environment. Meanwhile, industries that make leather products produce solid waste in the form of patchwork. If the disposal of the leather patch accumulates for a long time, it will certainly be a problem for the surrounding environment.
Industrial symbiosis is a form of cooperation between different industries. This form of cooperation can increase the profits of each industry and ultimately have a positive impact on the environment. This article will discuss how the leather tanning industry and the leather processing industry work together to minimize the waste generated.

Keywords: leather tanning industry, leather goods industry, waste, industrial symbiosis

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28 Industry Engineering ABS-58

Analysis of Wastewater Quality Tannery Factory ^X^ in Sukaregang, Garut, Indonesia
Aviasti a) Nugraha a) Suwendar b*) Reni Amaranti c)

1 Department of Engineer Professional Education, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Islam Bandung, Jl, Taman Sari No. 24, Bandung, Indonesia 40116
2 Department of Pharmacist Professional Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Islam Bandung Jl. Rangga Gading No.8, Bandung, Indonesia 40116 3 Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Islam Bandung, Jl, Taman Sari No. 24, Bandung, Indonesia 40116


The process of tanning leather produces waste that causes problems in the form of pollution to the environment, especially river water such as changing color to black and causing a foul odor. In addition, polluted water also causes health problems such as itching of the skin. Waste water treatment has been carried out by several factories, such as in Sukaregang, Garut, Indonesia. However, it is necessary to conduct an evaluation to assess whether the results of the waste treatment process have met the specified requirements. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the wastewater produced by the ^X^ tannery factory located in Sukaregang, Garut, Indonesia. In this study, an analysis of wastewater quality standards was carried out in the form of measuring pH, measuring total suspended solids (TSS) using the gravimetric method, measuring chemical oxygen demand (COD) using the titration method and measuring oil and fat using the gravimetric method. Based on the requirements stated in the Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia Number: PP.21/Menlhk/Setjen/Kum.1/7/2018, the parameters that meet the requirements are pH and oil and fat content while the levels of TSS and COD far exceed the limit of maximum rate.

Keywords: leather tanning factory, waste, wastewater quality standard

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29 Information Engineering ABS-16

A Village Innovation : The Digital Vilage roles of BUMDesma ( Joint Village Own Enterprises) Panca Mandala - Tasikmalaya -West Java
Tarlani,Tarlani- Lely Syiddatul A, Gina Puspitasari, Lulik Fullela R, Mila Karmelia

Universitas Islam Bandung


The development of digital technology is considered a great opportunity for villages to improve services and move the wheels of the economy. Some of village problems in the form of access to basic infrastructure physically and non-physical problems in the form of the quality of human resources, village finances resources and networks, it is a challenge that needs to be solved through digital technology using. BUMDes as a village economic institution has the opportunity to develop the village economy for improving the welfare village community welfare. The villages problem in Jatiwaras Sub-district encourage collaboration between villages in providing internet access for villages. Through the BUMDes institution together with Panca Mandala, this rural area business has succeeded in assisting other villages to become digital villages. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the innovations of BUMDesma Panca Mandala as a digital village area in Tasikmalaya, West Java. The approach in the analysis uses a synthesis of literature to identify the types of innovations that need to be explored. Through primary data collection, either in the form of semi-structured interviews with purposive sampling method for village stakeholders and observation, the types of roles of innovations carried out were obtained. The results of the study indicate that BUMDesma Panca Pandala plays a role in improving the welfare of rural communities through IT business unit activities, IoT-based sheep farming and cooperatives and marketing of MSME products in rural areas

Keywords: Inovasi, Digital village, Joint Vllage Own Enterprise, Information technology, Village Empowerment

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30 Information Engineering ABS-37

Problems of The Electronic Signature Technology Adoption In Indonesia
Karman (a*), Ahmad Budi Setiawan (a), Amri Dunan (a), Bambang Mudjiyanto (a)

a) National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia
*email: karm002[at], address: Sasana Widya Sarwono (SWS) Jl. Gen. Gatot Subroto 10, Jakarta 12710.


Digitalization in economic processes and governance requires a fast, efficient and secure process. Digital signatures help digitization run quickly and securely. It makes it easy for those who adopt it. Several users benefit from digital signatures (Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Ministry of Finance. This study aims to overview the problems in adopting this digital signature technology. This qualitative research collects data from some registered Electronic Certification Providers. This study found obstacles to the adoption of digital signatures. Constraints in the adoption of this technology are inharmonious regulations and literacy. For example, authentic meanings must be made before a Notary to meet the requirements for verification and fulfillment of the Power of Authentication Deed. This study suggests that the government ( Ministry of Law and Human Rights) harmonizes regulations related to digital signatures. Meanwhile, literacy improvement aims to increase awareness about digital signatures. As a regulator, the Ministry of Communications and informatics needs to help other institutions adopt digital signature technology, prepare infrastructure, and encourage the use of digital signatures in society.

Keywords: adoption, digital signature, technology

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