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Smoke Detector System With MQ-2 Sensor Based on ESP32 Microcontroller
Gani Gunawan (a*), Fetri Lestari (b), Arief Yulianti (c), Haris Dhaifullah (a), Erwin Harahap (a)

a) Department of Mathematics, Universitas Islam Bandung, Jalan Ranggagading No 8, Bandung 40116, Indonesia
b) Department of Farmacy, Universitas Islam Bandung, Jalan Ranggagading No 8, Bandung 40116, Indonesia
c) Faculty of Medical, Universitas Islam Bandung, Jalan Tamansari No 20, Bandung 40116, Indonesia


In daily life, it is often found a various types of smoke in the surrounding environment such as: cigarette smoke, smoke from burning garbage, etc. Smoke is something that can harm the body when inhaled, and its presence can also indicate that something is burning. In this paper, the authors design a real-time Cigarette Smoke Detection System (SPAR) based on the MQ-2 sensor and the ESP32 microcontroller. SPARs are placed in certain locations that can monitor an area. The MQ-2 sensor is used to detect the presence of smoke (including cigarette smoke) in the form of an analog signal. This signal is then translated into digital code and read by the ESP32 microcontroller. Furthermore, ESP32 sends a command to a buzzer to give a response in accordance with the program code that has been designed. The buzzer will respond as alarm sound, which indicates that cigarette smoke has been detected around the area. Through this alarm sound, the competent authorities can immediately provide an appropriate response. The results of research and experiments have succeeded in making SPAR tools and functioning well in detecting cigarette smoke.

Keywords: Arduino- Smoke Detector- Sensor- ESP32- SPAR

Topic: Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Erwin Harahap)

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