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Aerobic Composting Process Development Using Perforated Brick Construction Method by increasing the airflow
Mohamad Satori, Endang Prasetyaningsih, Puti Renosari, Fariz izzulhaq, Ira Ayu Wulandari

Bandung Islamic University
Jalan Tamansari No.1 Bandung, Indonesia
Faculty of Engineering


Waste can contribute to environmental issues, but it also contains potential resources that can be generated and used by the community. Waste utilization based on characteristics is following Waste Management Law No. 18 of 2008. Previous research indicates that the composition of the household and similar waste is dominated by organic waste accounting for 50-60%. The organic waste can be converted into compost, which can be used to enrich agricultural soil. A perforated brick construction method (metode Bata Terawang) with the open windrow principle is a well-known composting method in Indonesia, where the supply of oxygen and moisture must be an essential consideration. The aeration system in the composting with the perforated brick construction is typically accomplished in two ways: by creating hollows in the brick construction or by placing perforated pipes crosswise in the middle of the composter tube. This study attempted to place a perforated pipe into the aeration process and periodically add airflow from a blower. The results show that adding airflow will speed up the composting process, while the quality of the compost produced is drier due to the lower water content.

Keywords: organic waste, composting, compost

Topic: Industry Engineering

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