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31 Information Engineering ABS-42

Fish Dryer Information System Development Using Web-Based Prototype Model
I Komang Arya Ganda Wiguna (a*), I Gusti Made Ngurah Desnanjaya (b)

a) Informatics Engineering, Institute of Business and Technology Indonesia, Denpasar, Indonesia
b) Computer System, Institute of Business and Technology Indonesia, Denpasar Indonesia


This study aims to develop a web-based fish dryer information system to assist and facilitate fishermen in monitoring the drying process of dried fish. The fish drying process here uses a tool developed by applying the Internet of Things concept. The information system will be integrated with the fish dryer so that it is possible to monitor the drying process. The data exchange communication between the dryer and the system is used by the web API service and uses the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format. The method used for software development is the prototyping model. The system is built using the Laravel framework. The data storage process uses the MongoDB database because it has advantages in unstructured data formats. The information system built has three user levels, namely admin, fishermen, and fish dryers. The information system will record the data sent from the fish dryer and process the data to display the information needed by fishermen. The test results using the black box method show the system can run as expected. The information management that is expected from the system is an information dashboard, fish dryer machine data, and fisherman data.

Keywords: Prototyping Method- Information System- Internet Of Things- Integrated System

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32 Information Engineering ABS-44

Designing a Digitization System For The Cultural Landscape Of The Cigugur AKUR Community
Imam Indratno (a*), Naniek Widayati (b*), Irland Fardani(c*), Muhamad Ramdani (d*), Sena Hari Kuntoro (e*)

a) Urban and Regional Planning, Bandung Islamic University, Jalan Tamansari No.1, Kota Bandung
b) Architecture, Tarumanagara University, Jalan Letjen S. Parman No.1, Jakarta Barat
c) Urban and Regional Planning, Bandung Islamic University, Jalan Tamansari No.1, Kota Bandung
d) Urban and Regional Planning, Bandung Islamic University, Jalan Tamansari No.1, Kota Bandung
e) Urban and Regional Planning, Bandung Islamic University, Jalan Tamansari No.1, Kota Bandung


This study aims to digitize the cultural landscape of the AKUR Community, Cigugur, Kuningan Regency. This is necessary so that local knowledge in the Cigugur AKUR Community can be well preserved considering that there are noble cultural values that can be a model for developing national values. In this disruptive era, all aspects of culture cannot be separated from the development of ICT. The process of adaptation and cultural transformation was developed in order to archive all local knowledge and awareness of indigenous peoples. This step is carried out within the framework of the conservation and preservation of local cultural wisdom of the Cigugur Kuningan Community. Cultural landscape is a unitary geographical area including natural and cultural resources that cannot be separated from the linkage of historical activities, events and actors so that the unity of the region has cultural and aesthetic values (1). In this study, digitization is a process of converting or converting physical information into digital information, which in the end the digital information will be the same as physical information (2). The final result of the research is in the form of a smartphone-based digital cultural landscape application that contains features of all elements of culture, local knowledge and awareness of the Cigugur AKUR Community. In the digitization process in this research, the development and design of an Android-based Cultural Landscape system uses the waterfall model. This application system will combine natural, cultural, tangible and intangible landscape conditions, using a database and can make it easier for the system to display information. This system will be displayed in the form of a user-friendly Android Smartphone Application to facilitate the dissemination of information.

Keywords: Digitization, Cultural Landscape, AKUR Cigugur, Waterfall.

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33 Information Engineering ABS-45

Effect of WhatsApp Promotional Messages on Audience Interest in Accessing News
Dadi Ahmadi, Septiawan Santana Kurnia, Firmansyah, Doddy Iskandar

Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Islam Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia


Marketing communication on social media requires a lot of consideration in adjusting promotional messages based on the intended target segmentation target. In promoting its news products, the online media carries out a strategy of spreading news website links through broadcast messages on the WhatsApp (WA) application to its target audience. This study describes the effect of promotional messages on Whatsapp social media on audience interest in reading news products. The research method uses a positivist paradigm with a survey method. The survey was conducted on 125 respondents who have criteria as readers of in West Java and are the target recipients of promotional messages on Whatsapp. To measure the effect, it is determined as an independent variable, namely promotional messages, while the dependent variable is audience interest. The analysis uses simple linear regression analysis by measuring how strong the influence of the x variable on the y variable is. The results showed that the promotional message factor is one of the strong factors in creating interest in reading news in the audience. The results show that 54.1% of the audience^s interest in accessing news is influenced by the WhatsApp message promotion variable. While the remaining 45.9% is influenced by other variables. Based on these results, it is concluded that promotion strategies through social media such as WhatsApp can be effectively used by mass media that require audience visits to news sites.

Keywords: Influence, Promotion, WhatsApp, Interest, News

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34 Information Engineering ABS-46

Mapping the Tourism Village Ecosystem in Supporting the Development of Halal Tourism Villages in Alamendah Tourism Village, Bandung Regency
Imam Indratno, Atie Rachmiatie, Yayu Hizza Anisa, Ferra Martian, Vermanda Maharani Sonya, Nurrhisma Yuniar

Universitas Islam Bandung


The Association of Indonesian Tourist Villages (Asidewi) stated that there are more than 100 tourist villages in West Java. These 100 tourist villages can be a local potential in developing the tourism industry in West Java as a form of economic empowerment of rural communities and the welfare of their people. One of the tourism that can be developed is halal tourism. The halal tourism program is a national program that the Indonesian government strongly supports. Alamendah Tourism Village has much potential by offering various kinds of tourism, including nature, religion, and education. Furthermore, Alamendah Tourism Village is also included in the top 50 at the Indonesia Tourism Village Award (ADWI) in 2021. On the other hand, several problems were found in the context of developing halal tourism, such as the low response of business actors, the lack of a clear tourism ecosystem, and the lack of human resources who understand the tourism concept. Thus, there is a need for a study on mapping community involvement and actors in tourism management in the Alamendah Tourism Village, Bandung Regency. Therefore, data collection was carried out using interviews and observations. The respondents for this study were the Alamendah Village Government, the Alamendah Tourism Village Manager, and the community involved in implementing tourism activities in the Alamendah Tourism Village. The results of this study are expected to improve tourism management in the Alamendah Tourism Village and become the basis for preparing the master plan and other spatial planning products.

Keywords: Halal Tourism Village, Neuropsychology, Development

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35 Information Engineering ABS-55

Traffic Data Mining with Distance Matrix API by Google Maps
Didi Suhaedi (a), Erwin Harahap (a*),

a) Department of Mathematics, Universitas Islam Bandung, Jalan Ranggagading No 8, Bandung 40116, Indonesia.


Traffic congestion is one of the big problems faced by many cities. This condition is also experienced by the city of Bandung, Indonesia, where the congestion problem is increasing every year. The general solution to congestion problems is carried out through two methods, infrastructure development and traffic engineering. In traffic engineering, modelling and simulation are carried out using various data and traffic parameters. The main problem arose in data collection for the model. It was often difficult because researcher had to collect data all times at the road. In this paper we propose collecting data using Internet technology, specifically by using the Google Maps application through the Distance Matrix API feature. Through this method, traffic data can be obtained more simply, effective, and efficient.

Keywords: Data mining- Distance Matrix- Street traffic- Google Maps

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36 Material Engineering ABS-22

Preliminary Study of Increasing Added Value in Basalt Rocks as Raw Material for Making Basalt Fiber (Fibre Basalt Reinforced Composite) in Bandung Region
Yuliadi, Zaenal, Elfida Moralista, Noufal Abhinaya, Maya Almaniar Zulhi Wibiyana

Mining Engineering Program Study, Engineering Faculty, Bandung Islamic University Jl. Tamansari 25-26 Bandung 40116 Indonesia


West Java has a wealth of mining materials as a result of volcanic activities including andesite and basalt. The mining material is generally conventionally used only for building materials (construction) in the field of Civil Engineering which are still in the form of ^raw materials^ or ^semi-finished^. The management of this mining material is carried out with simple nisbi and the selling value is low nisbi. In this initial study, it aims to see the characteristics of basalt rocks at 3 locations in the Bandung region (Gunung Bohong, Cipatik and Batu Templek) including chemical composition, physical and mechanical properties and mineral composition.
The research methodology was carried out with a comprehensive method on three characteristics of rocks that can be used as basalt fibers, namely chemical composition (Al2O3 and SiO2) with the XRF method, testing physical (density) and mechanical properties (tensile strength and Elastic Modulus) as well as mineral composition by petrography analysis method by looking at the presence of plagioclase minerals.
Based on general chemical analysis of the three sample studied are included in the criteria for basalt rocks that can be used for the manufacture of basalt fibers, but in these samples there are chemical compounds that do not enter the parameters, namely fe2O3 + FeO and MgO compounds. For testing the physical properties that are included in the criteria for making basalt fibers, namely in samples Cipatik and Batu Templek. Meanwhile, in testing mechanical properties that are included in the criteria are samples of Gunung Bohong and Cipatik. Furthermore, for petrography testing, it was concluded that the chemical composition in the three samples studied contained plagioclase minerals by 100% thus it can be indicated that the type of rock is basalt rock - andesite.

Keywords: Basalt Rocks, Rock Characteristics, Basalt Fibers

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37 Material Engineering ABS-23

The Importance of Early Disaster Mapping to Reduce the Impact of Losses on Society
D N Usman 1), I Sukarsih 2), Y Permanasari 2), S Widayati 1), D Al-athur 1), D T Maharani 1), A N Aisyah 2), H Nuryahya 1)

1) Mining Engineering Study Programme, Faculty of Engineering, Islamic University of Bandung-
2) Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Islamic University of Bandung.


Natural disasters cause damage and have an impact on economic, social and environmental aspects. West Bandung Regency has the highest number of natural disasters in the type of landslide disaster, occurring 52 times in the period 2008-2016 or 68%. The purpose of this study is to identify areas with potential mining resources- and Analysis of potential disasters to mitigate economic losses. The research methodology is literature study, field survey, mapping of disaster locations, mapping of damage to disaster areas, data processing, and analysis. The results of this study are high ground movement susceptibility zones spread throughout the West Bandung Regency but only occupy a small part of the area of each sub-district. In the Cisarua, Parongpong, and Lembang areas, this zone is generally located on the slopes of Mount Tangkubanperahu with a slope of more than 45%. The correlation coefficient is 0.765. The value of the coefficient of determination is 0.585 x 100%, which is 58.5%. This means that the ability of vulnerable areas and the number of people exposed to predict the total loss is 58.5%, so the remaining 41.5% of the variance of the total loss is explained by other variables.

Keywords: Natural Disasters, Landslide, Potential Mining Resources, Economic Losses and Landuse.

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38 Material Engineering ABS-35

Microstructure and Wear Resistance of Fe-Al-Mn-Mo Alloy after Deep Cryogenic Treatment
Ratna Kartikasari*, Angelio Fila Defianto Maitano

Mechanical Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta, Jl. Babarsari no. 1, Catur Tunggal, Depok Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55281


The Fe-Al-Mn alloy is one of the alloy steels that is candidate for cryogenic applications to replace the Fe-Cr-Ni alloy. The addition of Mo to the Fe-Cr-Ni alloy causes an increase in mechanical properties and corrosion resistance without changing the cryogenic properties. This research aims to study the effect of Deep Cryogenic Treatment (DCT) processing time on the microstructure, hardness, and wear of Fe-Al-Mn alloys with the addition of 0.5% Mo. The DCT process was carried out by immersion in liquid nitrogen at a temperature of -196&#730-C for 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 hours. Then it was returned to room temperature. The tests carried out were microstructure testing using an optical microscope, SEM and EDS, hardness testing using the Vickers hardness method and wear testing using the Ogoshi method. The results of the microstructure test show that the Fe-Al-Mn-Mo alloy has a ferrite and austenite structure. The DCT process causes the ferrite structure to increase in size, while the austenite structure becomes smaller and more spread out between the ferrite grains. Hardness testing showed that the DCT process increased the hardness but not significantly. The wear test shows a decrease in the wear rate. The DCT process did not cause significant changes in microstructure and wear resistance, so Fe-Al-Mn-Mo alloys are suitable for cryogenic applications.

Keywords: Fe-Al-Mn-Mo alloy- Deep Cryogenic Treatment- Microstructure- wear resistance

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39 Material Engineering ABS-43

Thermoluminescence Properties of CaSO4:Dy Synthesized by Wet Chemical Synthesis Route with pH Adjustment
Muhammad Ilham Bayquni- Dian Adi Prastowo- Nunung Nuraeni- Irvan Dwi Junianto- Anissa Isnaini- Melly Risky- Dewi Kartikasari- Juan Carlos Sihotang

National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)


The crystal of dysprosium doped CaSO4 is preferable for personal radiation dosimetry application due to its sensitive response to low dose radiation. A simple wet chemical synthesis route was carried out at pH 5 to obtain the crystal with the addition of ammonia. This study was conducted as preliminary work to analyze the properties of the obtained CaSO4 based thermoluminescent crystal. A high concentration of anhydrite was found as the major phase of the base material from XRD measurement. The elemental composition of the crystal was measured using XRF and compared to the experimental calculation. Particles with elongated prismatic morphology were observed using SEM with a magnification of 2,000x. The elemental composition of the specific area of the BSD image was analyzed using EDS points. The thermoluminescence properties of the crystal were analyzed using the Harshaw 3500 TLD reader after a low dose strontium 90 beta irradiation. The powder exhibited the most dominant glow peak near 230 oC with a high intensity of total luminescence, indicating a good response sensitivity and uniformity to the ionizing beta radiation.

Keywords: Thermoluminescence- CaSO4- wet chemical synthesis- heat treatment- phase identification- dosimetry

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40 Material Science ABS-1

Beneficial Effects of Lip Balm Cinnamomum burmanii In the Management of Lip Incision Inflammation
Meta Maulida Damayanti(a*), Ajeng Kartika Sari (b), Annisa Rahmah Furqaani (b).

a) Department of Anatomic Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Bandung, Taman Sari 22, 40116, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
b) Department of Biomedic, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Bandung, Taman Sari 22, 40116, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia


Cinnamon is a Lauraceae family plant that is extensively used in traditional medicine and as a flavoring ingredient. It works as an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. As a result, the purpose of this study was to analyze the beneficial effect of lip balm cinnamomum burmanii in the management of inflammation. This type of research is a true experiment that was carried out at the Laboratory biomedical Faculty of Medicine Unisba on twenty-seven mice. Animals were divided into three groups of treatment based on the application of therapy agent (control, placebo, and C.burmannii) and three observation time (days 3,7, and 14). Data analysis was performed using SPSS 26.0 software and association analysis using the Kruskal walls test. The results showed that there were no significant differences in the numbers of inflammatory cells among a group. Angiogenesis increased in the C.burmannii group quite significantly (p<0.05). This study highlights lip balm C. burmannii accelerates lip wound healing by inducing angiogenesis in ulcer areas. The application of lip balm C. burmannii might be an alternative to accelerating the lip healing process.

Keywords: Angiogenesis- Cinnamomum burmannii- Inflammation

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41 Material Science ABS-31

Evaluation of Apple Rose Leaf [Eugenia aqueum (Burn F.) Alston] Activity on Bacteria that Cause Dental Caries
Suwendar. Lisnur Wachidah, Yani Krisnamurti, Dini Aprilliani, Rifa Nabila Ruswandi, Annisa Ajeung Wulandari, Dieni Mardliyani, Nisa Fitriani

Universitas Islam Bandung
Jalan Rangga Gading no. 8


Dental caries is a health problem in the oral cavity with a high prevalence rate. One of the causes of dental caries is Streptococcus mutans. Apple rose leaves [Eugena aqueum (Burn F. Alston)] have been known to have antibacterial activity. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the activity of apple rose leaves against Streptococcus mutans. Evaluation of antibacterial activity was carried out in vitro using the agar diffusion test method by means of wells. The results showed that the ethanol extract and the extract fraction (n-hexane, ethyl acetate and water) of apple rose leaves had antibacterial activity on S. mutans. Apple rose leaf ethanol extract showed the strongest activity because it had the lowest minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) compared to the three extract fractions, namely 0.78%, with an average inhibition zone diameter of 1.13 cm based on three observations. The MIC value of the n-hexane fraction was 3.13% with an average inhibition zone diameter of 1.07 cm, while the MIC values for ethyl acetate and water fraction were 1.56% each with an average inhibition zone diameter were 1.09 and 1.08 cm, respectively. Based on the results of these tests, it can be concluded that apple rose leaves have the potential to be developed into a natural toothpaste preparation that is efficacious in preventing dental caries.

Keywords: apple rose leaf, dental caries, Streptococcus mutans

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42 Material Science ABS-50

Effectiveness of Various Number of Active Substances Combinations of Commercial Domestic Insecticides Against Aedes aegypti
Ratna Dewi Indi Astuti (1,2), Ismawati (1), Widayanti (3).

1) Parasitology Dept, Faculty of Medicine, Unisba, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
2) Doctoral Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
3) Physiology Dept, Faculty of Medicine, Unisba, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia


Resistance of the Aedes aegypti mosquito to insecticides is a problem in preventing dengue fever. The combination of several insecticides is one way to prevent resistance. Commercial insecticides in the community offer various combinations of active substances. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of commercial domestic insecticides consisting of one, two, and three active substances of insecticide. The susceptibility test of the Aedes aegypti mosquito in the Tamansari sub-district of Bandung City to domestic insecticides was carried out in November 2021. The susceptibility test of Aedes aegypti to each commercial insecticid was carried out using 6 glass tubes containing 25 of adult female Aedes aegypti per tube. Mosquitoes were exposed to commercial domestic insecticides for 60 minutes in a room and the dosage was according to the recommended use of commercial insecticides. After exposure, mosquitoes were transferred to another room with fresh air for 24 hours and fed sucrose solution. After 24 hours the proportion of knock out mosquitoes was calculated. The results showed that there were differences in the number of knock out mosquitoes on insecticides with one, two, or three active substances (p=0.04). Increasing the number of active substances did not increase the effectiveness of insecticides. The effectiveness of insecticides depends on the type and dose of insecticide, the susceptibility status of the mosquito, and the insecticide^s carrier.

Keywords: Aedes aegypti, combination, effectiveness, insecticide

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43 Material Science ABS-56

The Achievement Clinical Competence and Professional Behaviour under Medical Graduates^ Perspective
Mia Kusmiati(a*), Rafidah Bahari(b), Rizky Suganda P(a), Alya Tursina(a) , Muhammad Mufti Dewantara(a), Muhammad Fikri S.(a)

(a).Universitas islam Bandung, Faculty of Medicine,
Jalan Tamansari no.22 Bandung-40116, Indonesia
2.University of Cyberjaya, Faculty of Medicine,
Persiaran Bestari, Cyberjaya, Malaysia


The professional behavior and clinical competence of doctor reflect a range of personal and interpersonal qualities, attributes, commitments, and values. The graduates^ perspective of them is important in helping the university to evaluate its educational outcome achievement. This study aimed to identify the achievement of clinical competence and professional development from the graduates^ perspective.
We used an analytic observational design with a cross-sectional approach. We gather perceptions of medical graduates regarding clinical competence achievement and professional development by distributing the online questionnaire. Two hundred and six medical graduates who graduated for at least two years were included in the study. The outcomes that we evaluated were humanism-character of Muslim doctor (HCMD), cognitive competence (CC), clinical skill competence (CSC), professional behavior (PB), patient management ability (PMA), and interpersonal skill (IS). Analysis moment of structural (AMOS) was used to represent structural equation modelling regarding six variables latent with thirty-five indicator variables.
Of 206 medical graduates, they have highly positive perceptions of the HCMD (95.67%). Followed by IS (91.26%), PMA (89.53%), PB (88.47%), and CC (87.12%). Clinical skill competence was rated the smallest (81.7%) by medical graduates. Regarding factors that contribute to affecting a PMA, factors of HCMD, IS, and PB has a significant effect on PMA (p-value 0.035, 0.000, 0.00 respectively) with a critical rate (CR) value >1.96).
The aspect of HCMD and IS are two important factors that were assessed very good. According to the graduate, HCMD has met the institution^s expectations. There is a need to strengthen aspects of clinical skills and improve the cognitive abilities of medical students while participating in educational programs.

Keywords: interpersonal skills, medical graduates, patient management, perspectives, professional behavior

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44 Material Science ABS-57

The Potency of Apple Rose Leaf Ethanol Extract as a Natural Anthelmintic
Suwendar. Ibrahim Jantan, DIna Mulyanti, Sani Ega Priani, Taufik Muhammad Fakih, Dini Aprilliani, Rifa Nabila Ruswandi

Universitas Islam Bandung and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia


Infectious diseases of worms, are still a health problem with a high burden based on the incidence and mortality rates in Southeast Asian countries. Considering the high prevalence of worm sufferers in Southeast Asian countries, collaboration between researchers in the region of the country is needed. Indonesia and Malaysia, two countries in Southeast Asia that have close cultural affinities have the most opportunity to pioneer such cooperation and are expected to continue to develop into cooperation with other countries. The use of anthelmintics that can completely treat worm infections, namely worms and eggs is a necessity. The objectives of this study were: to evaluate the anthelmintic activity of worms and anti-worm eggs from apple rose leaf, to evaluate the potential of apple rose leaf to be developed as an anthelmintic which is effective in worms and worm eggs. The study was done with evaluated for anthelmintic activity on worms and eggs. Result showed that he ethanol extract caused a paralytic effect after contact with Ascaris suum for 90 minutes on male worms but had no effect on female worms for 120 minutes of observation. The ethyl acetate and water fractions had a paralytic effect after contact with Ascaris suum for 15 minutes and after 60 minutes of contact, all of the test worms experienced paralysis in both male and female worms. Java apple leaves also have an ovicidal effect. Ethanol extract significantly decreased the number of fertile eggs compared to control (p<0.05). The ability of apple rose leaf ethanol extract in inhibiting the development of fertile eggs was 78.87%. The apple rose leaves have the potential to be developed into natural anthelmintic suspension preparations.

Keywords: apple rose leaf, natural anthelmintic, Ascaris suum

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45 Mathematics ABS-4

Rizky Fauzi, Giatri Divianis, Yayat Karyana, Abdul Kudus and Anneke Iswani Achmad

1Students of Statistics Study Program, Islamic University of Bandung
2Lecturer of Statistics Study Program, Statistics Study Program, Islamic University of Bandung


Karyana et all (2012) has tried to estimate the Total Fertility Rate (TFR) based on the result of population projections of West Java province in 2015 using mixed method. This research will estimate the TFR of woman population in District of Purwakarta using Indirect Method. The data used is the population of 0-4-year-old in 2020 Population Census (SP). The Indirect Method is different from the data counted by Gunawan at al (2007) and it does not need individual census in 2020. Assuming the table of Mortality at Level 21 and the population 0-4-year-old is 83.127, so the estimation of Total Fertility Rate (TFR) in District of Purwakarta is 2,23 children per woman. TFR itself counted from the Age Specific Fertility Rate (AFSR).

Keywords: ASFR, Indirect Method, SP 2020, SUPAS 2015, TFR

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46 Mathematics ABS-5

Spatial Dependency on Vaccination and Stock Returns
Marizsa Herlina (a*), Shafira Rizq (b), Ade Yunita Mufrihat (c), Eti Kurniati(d), Tika Amalia (a), Safira Pratiwi(a), Nabila Zahratu Fuadi(a)

a) Department of Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Islam Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia
b) Department of Public Policy and Management, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Gadjah Mada University, DI Yogyakarta, Indonesia
c) Department of Development Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Islam Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia.
d) Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Islam Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia.


The covid-19 is affecting the global economy including the stock market. With Covid-19 spreading in a fast manner, the government has been trying to find a way to control the virus outbreak. As to achieve herd immunity, and with the asymptomatic transmission of Covid-19, it is believed that vaccination is the answer. Several studies have been carried out to explore the vaccination impact to the stock market and panel regression is one of the common analyses that have been carried out. However, there is a problem with using the panel model in ASEAN daily vaccination data and stock market which is the possibility of the existence of cross-dependency and/or heterogeneity. Therefore, this studies tried to explore and compare the spatial method to overcome spatial dependency using Spatial Autoregressive (SAR) and Spatial Durbin Error Model (SDEM) in the vaccination data. The spatial closeness are proxied by the bilateral cross-country investments. The results show that SAR and SDEM are not better fitting models compared to the panel regression model. we concluded that there is no spatial dependency existed in the vaccination to the stock market.

Keywords: Spatial dependence- Spatial regression- panel regression- vaccination- stock market

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47 Mathematics ABS-30

Exploring Pattern Recognition Classifier for Bearing Fault Degradation
Sutawanir Darwis(1), Nusar Hajarisman(1), Suliadi(1), Achmad Widodo(2), Rejeki Wulan Islamiyati(1)

(1). Bandung Islamic University, Bandung, Indonesia
(2). Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia


Traditional bearing sensory diagnostic include touching and hearing rely on personal experience, and for more complex system are unable to meet the needs of equipment fault diagnosis. The research on bearing fault diagnosis is developing significantly. Bearings are used in rotating machinery and most machinery failures are caused by bearing failures. The fault diagnosis of bearings is an important research area. The core of bearing fault diagnosis is the pattern recognition of fault features. The key of pattern recognition is to develop a reasonable classifier. Intelligent pattern recognition has been developed such as principal components, support vector machine, neural network. In this study, a bearing fault diagnosis based on exploring pattern recognition is proposed. The key to pattern recognition is to design a significant classifier. A number of features from bearing vibration of normal and fault bearing are extracted and processed using principal components of correlation matrix. Plot of principal components shows the visualisation of normal and fault bearing and the classifier is chosen subjectively. The principal components exploration will be confirmed using least squares support vector machine. The parameter of support vector machine estimated using heuristic optimization particle swarm optimization. The proposed method can be applied in the detection of faults of bearing

Keywords: bearing degradation, pattern recognition, classifier, principal component analysis, support vector machine, heuristic optimization, pseudo swarm optimization

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48 Mathematics ABS-51

KNN Method for Handling Right-censored Data
Abdul Kudus (a*), Suliadi (a), Yayat Karyana (a), Caecilia A Rahman (a)

a) Dept. of Statistics, Universitas Islam Bandung, Jl. Ranggagading No. 8 Bandung 40116, Indonesia


The K-Nearest Neighborhood (KNN) method can be used to impute censored data. KNN imputations are designed to find the nearest neighbor^s K from incomplete data to the entire occurrence of a data, then fill in the missing data with the events that are most similar to their neighbors, if the target variable (or attribute) is categorical then the imputation refers to the majority of neighbors but if the variable is numeric then the imputation uses the average of the nearest neighbors. This article discussed the use of KNN imputations in the survival time of right-censored patients based on the averages of as many K as nearest neighbors. The distance from censored data to its neighbor was calculated based on two independent variables. The smaller the distance, the data becomes the closest neighbor because it has similar characteristics. The imputation value for the censored data was just the average of its neighbors which is forty six neighbors around the censored data.

Keywords: Censored data- Imputation- K-Nearest Neighbour

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49 Mechanical Engineering ABS-39

MPS method simulation on shock wave propagation of Dam-Break over a wet channel for severe accident reactor investigation
(a) A P A Mustari, (b) Y Yulianto, (c)M R Arbie

(a) Nuclear Physics and Biophysics Research Division, Physics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Bandung Institute of Technology, Jl. Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia.
(b) Physics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Halu Oleo University,
Jl. H.E.A. Mokodompit, Kendari 93232, Indonesia.
(c) Physics of Earth and Complex Systems Research Division, Physics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Bandung Institute of Technology, Jl. Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia.


Relocation of molten corium during severe accident of a nuclear reactor is a complex phenomenon. One of them is a spreading process of molten fuel in the core catcher. Thus, the molten fuel relocation including spreading through channel is the key factor in accident mitigation. MPS method has been used to simulate severe accident cases, due to its advantage to deal with surface deformation. The wave propagation of fluid flow over a wet channel case was used to validate MPS simulation. In this investigation, 2D simulation was conducted to simulate the case. The height comparison was made for two points between experiment and simulation. It shows good agreement in the parameter of water level. Furthermore, simulation generate pressure profile on the wall.

Keywords: salt water, Dam-break, shock wave propagation, MPS method

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50 Physics ABS-33

Modeling the Water Flow in a Horizontal Bend of 90 Degrees for the Development of Core Catcher Simulation in Reactor by Using the Moving Particle Semi-Implicit Method
Y Yulianto (1,2), A P A Mustari (3) and M R Arbie (4)

1. Advanced Nuclear Laboratory, Physics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Bandung Institute of Technology, Jl. Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia.

2. Physics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Halu Oleo University,
Jl. H.E.A. Mokodompit, Kendari 93232, Indonesia.

3. Nuclear Physics and Biophysics Research Division, Physics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Bandung Institute of Technology, Jl. Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia.

4. Physics of Earth and Complex Systems Research Division, Physics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Bandung Institute of Technology, Jl. Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia.


Dynamics of water passing through a 90 degrees horizontal bend of 90 degrees is examined in the context of core catcher as a part of nuclear reactor. In this study, the dynamics is simulated using Moving Particle Semi-Implicit method. The simulation results are then compared to the experiments. The simulation results show that the water depth patterns obtained in this study are similar to experiment results. In addition, the travel time of water agrees with the experimental results. This shows the capability of Moving Particle Semi-Implicit method as an alternative numerical method for liquid transport.

Keywords: core catcher- horizontal bend- MPS- severe accident- simulation

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